树莓派Android Things物联网开发:已知Bug发行说明

【转载请注明出处: http://blog.csdn.net/leytton/article/details/77895509

《树莓派Android Things物联网开发》系列文章专栏 http://blog.csdn.net/column/details/17741.html

树莓派Android Things物联网开发:入门及资料汇总

树莓派Android Things物联网开发:创建一个Things项目

树莓派Android Things物联网开发:树莓派GPIO引脚图

树莓派Android Things物联网开发:按键中断及消抖

树莓派Android Things物联网开发:已知Bug发行说明

树莓派Android Things物联网开发:GitHub案例程序汇总

Android Things刚出来不久还不完善,当前存在一些问题,在技术选型的时候一定要注意以下问题:

Android THings Preview 5.1版发行说明

Known Issues 已知问题

  • System power management is currently disabled. Devices will not suspend and wake locks are not necessary.
  • 系统电源管理当前不可用.设备不会挂起,所以唤醒锁也不是必需的。
  • Google Play Services requires 2-3 minutes on first boot to pre-optimize dex. App installs are blocked until this process is complete.
  • 谷歌Play服务需要在开机2-3分钟预先优化DEX。在此过程中,应用安装将被阻塞。
  • Input events from user drivers will not wake the display from sleep.
  • 用户驱动程序的输入事件将不会唤醒休眠中的显示器。
  • Devices cannot currently act as an A2DP audio source over Bluetooth.
  • 设备目前无法充当蓝牙A2DP的音频源。

Peripheral I/O 外围I/O

  • Peripherals do not clear or reset after calling close(). Outputs will retain their state and serial ports may continue to transmit previously buffered data.
  • 调用close()函数后,外围设备将不会清除或重置.输出状态将会保留,串口将继续传输之前缓存的数据。
  • GPIO pins cannot be used as an output if they were previously enabled as an input with an edge trigger enabled since the last reboot.
  • 不重启的话,之前用于边缘触发输入的GPIO引脚将不能用于输出。

User Drivers 用户驱动

  • User sensors cannot currently be unregistered manually. They are unregistered automatically when the app process terminates.
  • 用户传感器当前不能被手动注销,应用程序终止时他们会自动注销。
  • User sensors only support continuous and on-change sensors. One-shot and special reporting modes may not function as expected.
  • 用户传感器只支持连续变化的传感器,单次和特殊报告模式可能无法正常运行。

Raspberry Pi 树莓派(不亦用的是树莓派测试,其他开发板就不译了)

  • Audio: Audio quality issues may present when both WiFi and Bluetooth are enabled.
  • 音频:当蓝牙和WIFI同时开启时,音频质量可能会出问题。
  • Network: Wi-Fi cannot connect to the internet if Ethernet is also connected to a network without internet access.
  • 网络:如果使用网线接上无法访问网络,WIFI无法联网。
  • Camera: Preview is currently slow to render when using a DSI display.
  • 摄像头:使用DSI显示摄像头预览时,渲染特别慢。
  • Camera: A new CameraCaptureSession cannot be created with more than one target output surface.
  • 摄像头:一个CameraCaptureSession不能同时输出到两个surface上。
  • Camera: The first request in any CameraCaptureSession always queues two images. This can cause each subsequent CaptureRequest in the same session to return a buffered frame from a previous capture.
  • 摄像头:第一次请求CameraCaptureSession会生成两张图片,这可能导致后续的CaptureRequest从同一会话中获取到之前缓存的图片帧。
  • I/O: GPIO pins BCM4, BCM5, and BCM6 are internally pulled up to 3.3V when used as inputs.
  • I/O:GPIO引脚BCM4、BCM5和BCM6作为输入时内部上拉到3.3V

posted @ 2017-09-08 23:22  Leytton  阅读(318)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报