Using an HTTP PROXY - Python - Stack Overflow
Using an HTTP PROXY - Python
You can do it even without the HTTP_PROXY environment variable. Try this sample:
import urllib2 proxy_support = urllib2.ProxyHandler({"http":""}) opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_support) urllib2.install_opener(opener) html = urllib2.urlopen("").read() print html
In your case it really seems that the proxy server is refusing the connection.
Something more to try:
import urllib2 #proxy = "" proxy = "YOUR_PROXY_GOES_HERE" proxies = {"http":"http://%s" % proxy} url = "" headers={'User-agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0'} proxy_support = urllib2.ProxyHandler(proxies) opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_support, urllib2.HTTPHandler(debuglevel=1)) urllib2.install_opener(opener) req = urllib2.Request(url, None, headers) html = urllib2.urlopen(req).read() print html
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