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Getting Started with HTTPClient

etting Started with HTTPClient


Sending Requests

Using the HTTPClient should be quite simple. First add the import
statement import HTTPClient.*; to your file(s). Next you
create an instance of HTTPConnection (you'll
need one for every server you wish to talk to). Requests can then be
sent using one of the methods Head(),
etc in HTTPConnection. These
methods all return an instance of HTTPResponse which has
methods for accessing the response headers (getHeader(),
etc), various response info (getStatusCode(),
etc), the response data (getData(), getText(), and
and any trailers that might have been sent (getTrailer(),
etc). Following are some examples to get started.

To retrieve files from the URL "http://www.myaddr.net/my/file" you can
use something like the following:

	HTTPConnection con = new HTTPConnection("www.myaddr.net");
	HTTPResponse   rsp = con.Get("/my/file");
	if (rsp.getStatusCode() >= 300)
	    System.err.println("Received Error: "+rsp.getReasonLine());
	    data = rsp.getData();

	rsp = con.Get("/another_file");
	if (rsp.getStatusCode() >= 300)
	    System.err.println("Received Error: "+rsp.getReasonLine());
	    other_data = rsp.getData();
    catch (IOException ioe)
    catch (ParseException pe)
	System.err.println("Error parsing Content-Type: " + pe.toString());
    catch (ModuleException me)
	System.err.println("Error handling request: " + me.getMessage());

This will get the files "/my/file" and "/another_file" and put their
contents into byte[]'s accessible via getData().
Note that you need to only create a new HTTPConnection when
sending a request to a new server (different protocol, host or port);
although you may create a new HTTPConnection for
every request to the same server this not recommended,
as various information about the server is cached after the first
request (to optimize subsequent requests) and persistent connections
are used whenever possible (see also Advanced Info).

To POST form data from an applet back to your server you could use
something like this (assuming you have two fields called name
and e-mail, whose contents are stored in the variables
name and email):

	NVPair form_data[] = new NVPair[2];
	form_data[0] = new NVPair("name", name);
	form_data[1] = new NVPair("e-mail", email);

	// note the convenience constructor for applets
	HTTPConnection con = new HTTPConnection(this);
	HTTPResponse   rsp = con.Post("/cgi-bin/my_script", form_data);
	if (rsp.getStatusCode() >= 300)
	    System.err.println("Received Error: "+rsp.getReasonLine());
	    stream = rsp.getInputStream();
    catch (IOException ioe)
    catch (ModuleException me)
	System.err.println("Error handling request: " + me.getMessage());

Here the response data is read at leisure via an InputStream
instead of all at once into a byte[].

As another example, if you want to upload a document to a URL (and the
server supports http PUT) you could do something like the following:

	URL url = new URL("http://www.mydomain.us/test/my_file");

	HTTPConnection con = new HTTPConnection(url);
	HTTPResponse   rsp = con.Put(url.getFile(), "Hello World");
	if (rsp.getStatusCode() >= 300)
	    System.err.println("Received Error: "+rsp.getReasonLine());
	    text = rsp.getText();
    catch (IOException ioe)
    catch (ModuleException me)
	System.err.println("Error handling request: " + me.getMessage());

Example Applet

Here is a complete (albeit simple)
that uses HTTPClient to POST some data.

Authorization Handling

If the server requires authorization the HTTPClient will usually pop
up a dialog box requesting the desired information (usually username
and password), much like Netscape or other browsers do. This
information will then be cached so that further accesses to the same
realm will not require the information to be entered again. If you (as
a programmer) know the username and password beforehand (e.g. if you
are writing an applet to access a specific page on your server) you can
set this information with the addBasicAuthorization() and addDigestAuthorization() methods in HTTPConnection, or via the
corresponding methods in AuthorizationInfo.

    HTTPConnection con = new HTTPConnection(this);
    con.addBasicAuthorization("protected-space", "goofy", "woof");

Note that for applets it is not possible to pick up authorization info
from the browser (even though I would love to) because this would of
course constitute a largish security problem (imagine an applet that gets
all the username/passwords from the browser and sends them back to the
server...). This means that the user of an applet might potentially have
to enter information (s)he's already entered before.

If you are using a proxy which requires authentication then this will
be handled in the same way as server authentication. However, you will
need to use the methods from AuthorizationInfo for
setting any authorization info. Example:

    AuthorizationInfo.addBasicAuthorization("my.proxy.dom", 8000, "protected-space", "goofy", "woof");

By default HTTPClient will handle both Basic and Digest authentication
schemes. For more info on authorization handling see the

Authorization Realms

All addXXXAuthorization() methods take one argument
labeled realm. But what is a realm?

Username/Password pairs are associated with realms, not URLs (or more
precisely, they're associated with the 3-tuple <host, port, realm>).
This allows the same authorization info to be used for multiple URLs, or
even whole URL "trees". When a server sends back an "unauthorized" error
it includes the name of the realm this URL belongs to. The client can
then look and see whether it has stored a username and password for
this realm, and if so it will send that info without prompting the user
(again). If the info were associated with specific URLs then you would
have to enter the username and password each time you accessed a
different URL.

To find out what realm a given URL belongs to you can either access
the URL with a normal browser and see what realm they give in the popup
box (in Netscape it says "Enter Username for .... at www.some.host" -
the .... is the realm), or you can access the URL using the HTTPClient
(without the addXXXAuthorization() method) and see what
realm it prints in the popup box (it'll say "Enter username and
password for realm .... on host www.some.host"). Additionally, I've
provided a small application GetAuthInfo (in HTTPClient/doc/)
which will print out the necessary info. If you have direct access to the
net you can run this as:

	java GetAuthInfo http://some.host.dom/the/file.html

If you're using an http proxy, use

	java -Dhttp.proxyHost=your.proxy.dom -Dhttp.proxyPort=XX GetAuthInfo http://some.host.dom/the/file.html

If your proxy requires authentication then the above will instead print
out the info necessary to authenticate with the proxy. To get the info
for a server when your proxy requires authentication use the following
command line:

	java -Dhttp.proxyHost=your.proxy.dom -Dhttp.proxyPort=XX GetAuthInfo -proxy_auth proxy-username proxy-password http://some.host.dom/the/file.html


Redirections (status codes 301, 302, 303, 305 and 307) are handled
automatically for the request methods GET and HEAD; other requests are
not redirected as a redirection might change the conditions under which
the request was made (this is mandated by the specs). An exception are the
302 and 303 response codes - upon receipt of either of these a GET is
issued to the new location, no matter what the original request method
was. This is used primarily for scripts which are accessed via POST
and want to redirect the client to a predetermined response.

If the request was redirected (it may even have been redirected
multiple times) the final URI that delivered the response can be
retrieved using the response's getEffectiveURI()


Cookies are handled automatically. When a response contains a 'Set-Cookie'
or 'Set-Cookie2' header field, the cookies are parsed and stored; when a
request is sent, the list is scanned for applicable cookies and those are then
sent along with the request.

However, because of privacy issues surrounding cookies, a cookie policy
handler is used to control the accepting and sending of cookies. By default,
when the server tries to set a cookie a dialog box is brought up to ask the
user whether the cookie should be accepted. This allows her simple control over
which cookies are set. For more info on disabling cookies or using your own
policy handler see the Advanced

Cookies may also be saved at the end of the session and loaded again at
startup. To enable this set the java system property
HTTPClient.cookies.save to true. Again, see
Advanced Info for more

Parsing Header Fields

The Util class provides a
number of methods for handling http header fields. They are mostly based around
the general header field parser parseHeader()
which will parse a syntax that fits most http header fields. It's also a very
loose parser that will accept just about anything as long as it's unambiguously
parseable. Note however that this parser will not handle the
WWW-Authenticate or Proxy-Authenticate header fields, as those use a slightly
different syntax.

Replacing the JDK's HttpClient

An HttpURLConnection class
and the necessary URLStreamHandlers are provided so that you
may easily replace the JDK's HttpClient with the HTTPClient. All you need
to do is define the java system property
java.protocol.handler.pkgs as HTTPClient. For
example, on the command line this would look like

    java -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=HTTPClient MyApp

Invoking URL.openConnection() will then return an instance
of HTTPClient.HttpURLConnection.

Note that there are a couple small differences compared to Sun's
HttpClient when POSTing - please see the class documentation for more

Using the HTTPClient with HotJava

You can also use the HTTPClient to turn HotJava into a fully HTTP/1.1
compliant browser (contrary to what Sun claims, HotJava does
not do HTTP/1.1 at all). Unfortunately, sometime between
HotJava 1.1.2 and HotJava 1.1.5 they started setting the system property
java.protocol.handler.pkgs inside hotjava, overriding any
settings applied on the command line or in the hotjava properties file.
The only solution left is to provide a Handler in the package
sunw.hotjava.protocol.http which points to the HTTPClient. Such a handler
is provided in the alt/HotJava subdirectory. All that needs to be done
then is set up the classpath so that this directory precedes all other

HotJava 3.0

To use the HTTPClient with HotJava 3.0 edit the hotjava.lax properties
file (in the hotjava installation directory) and change the lax.class.path
property definition to:


where <HTTPClient-dir> is the full path to the HTTPClient directory.
So, assuming you installed the HTTPClient in /home/joe/classes/ then the
definition would be


HotJava 1.1.5

This unfortunately requires editing of the hotjava startup script
itself. In the section "Set Paths" add a third hjclasses line after the
other two:


Again, using the above example installation it would be





Ronald Tschalär / 6. May 2001 /
posted on 2012-03-12 08:14  lexus  阅读(270)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报