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YAJSW - Yet Another Java Service Wrapper - Introduction

Welcome to YAJSW

Yet Another Java Service Wrapper
  1. Welcome to YAJSW
      1. Introduction
      2. Project information
      3. Changes
      4. Comparison of wrapper frameworks
      5. Requirements & Supported Platforms
      6. Features
      7. Quick Start
        1. View Screencast
        2. Installation of a java application using genConfig
      8. Migrating from JSW
      9. Configuration
      10. Configuration Generator 
      11. Java Application Launching
      12. Using YAJSW from within a java application
        1. Starting a native image      
        2. Starting a java application     
        3. Reading the output stream of a wrapped application
        4. Writing the input stream of a wrapped application
        5. Restarting/Stopping the JVM from within a wrapped application
        6. Getting a Thread Dump of the wrapped application
        7. Installing a service
        8. Starting a service
        9. Stopping a service
        10. Listening to state change
      13. Monitoring java applications
        1. Monitoring Heap
        2. Monitoring Memory
        3. Monitoring Deadlocks
      14. Timers and Conditions
      15. JMX Support
      16. System Tray Support
      17. Windows services
      18. Unix/Linux Daemon
      19. Mac OS X Daemon
      20. Scripts
        1. Shell Scripts
        2. Groovy Scripts
        3. Sample Scripts
        4. Condition Scripts
        5. Testing a script
      21. MSCS Cluster Aware Wrapper
      22. Windows Session0 Isolation
      23. OS Users
      24. Entering passwords
      25. YAJSW lib folder
      26. Wrapper process java options
      27. Wrapping groovy scripts
      28. YAJSW groovified: WrapperBuilder
      29. Building YAJSW
      30. Network Launching of Applications - Experimental
      31. Wrapping JNLP - Experimental
      32. Java Web Start Support - Experimental - Currently only for windows
      33. Services Manager - Experimental - Currently only for windows
      34. Android Services Manager - experimental
      35. Third party Libraries
posted on 2012-02-22 18:36  lexus  阅读(396)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报