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News: Code generation for Spring MVC3, JQuery, JPA2 CRUD Application

We are pleased to announce some major improvements in the Spring MVC 3 application that SpringFuse generates.

We introduce:

  • a brand new look'n feel with BluePrintCss and jQueryUI
  • a much better navigation covering all associations
  • ajax auto-complete instead of select box for many-to-one association
  • joda time integration.

More details and screenshots on our blog:



Celerio is a code generation tool for Java

Reverse your database schema

Generate advanced web application using the latest standards in a minute

Code Generation templates available for Spring, JPA 2, JSF 2 + PrimeFaces , Spring WebFlow, Spring MVC 3, etc...

Learn from the code, create your templates, iterate, save weeks!

code generation

Try Celerio Online

You can freely evaluate the code that Celerio generates on www.springfuse.com using your own database or a sample H2 database that we provide.


Simple Simple Simple
Celerio is pragmatic. There is no UML, no new language to learn, no new esoteric concepts understand, no specific IDE to use. Celerio leverages existing technologies as you do as a developer.

Does one thing well
Celerio is not trying to address all technologies, all applications. It targets Java Web applications based on Spring technologies and Hibernate and it does it well.

Goes beyond the trivial
Celerio generated code address advanced topics and use cases.

Use Cases

Application rewriting
Deciding to rewrite an application is a tough decision. There are often many risks. Celerio helps your existing team make the first move toward your application rewriting.

Celerio allows you to jumpstart new projects in a minute. Developers learn faster.

Writing a prototype for free is a common practice in the industry. You have to work fast, for free, and deliver top notch quality to get the deal. Celerio increases drastically your chances to succeed.




posted on 2012-01-28 01:21  lexus  阅读(391)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报