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TestNG is a testing framework inspired from JUnit and NUnit but introducing some new functionalities that make it more powerful and easier to use, such as:

  • Annotations.
  • Run your tests in arbitrarily big thread pools with various policies available (all methods in their own thread, one thread per test class, etc...).
  • Test that your code is multithread safe.
  • Flexible test configuration.
  • Support for data-driven testing (with @DataProvider).
  • Support for parameters.
  • Powerful execution model (no more TestSuite).
  • Supported by a variety of tools and plug-ins (Eclipse, IDEA, Maven, etc...).
  • Embeds BeanShell for further flexibility.
  • Default JDK functions for runtime and logging (no dependencies).
  • Dependent methods for application server testing.

TestNG is designed to cover all categories of tests:  unit, functional, end-to-end, integration, etc...

I started TestNG out of frustration for some JUnit deficiencies which I have documented on my weblog here and here Reading these entries might give you a better idea of the goal I am trying to achieve with TestNG.  You can also check out a quick overview of the main features and an article describing a very concrete example where the combined use of several TestNG's features provides for a very intuitive and maintainable testing design.



posted on 2012-01-25 20:50  lexus  阅读(280)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报