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crawl - a small and efficient HTTP crawler

crawl - a small and efficient HTTP crawler

The crawl utility starts a depth-first traversal of the web at the specified URLs. It stores all JPEG images that match the configured constraints. Crawl is fairly fast and allows for graceful termination. After terminating crawl, it is possible to restart it at exactly the same spot where it was terminated. Crawl keeps a persistent database that allows multiple crawls without revisiting sites.

The main reason for writing crawl was the lack of simple open source web crawlers. Crawl is only a few thousand lines of code and fairly easy to debug and customize.


  • Saves encountered images or other media types
  • Media selection based on regular expressions and size contraints
  • Resume previous crawl after graceful termination
  • Persistent database of visited URLs
  • Very small and efficient code
  • Asynchronous DNS lookups
  • Supports robots.txt

The current version of Crawl identifies itself as Crawl/0.4 libcrawl/0.1 to web servers. It's default configuration also limits how often a fetch can happen against the same web server.



The crawl utility is distributed under a BSD-license and completely free for any use including commercial.


In order to build crawl, you need libevent, a library for asynchronous event notification. You also needBerkeley DB compiled with --enable-compat185 for 1.85 compatibility.


$ crawl -m 0 http://www.w3.org/
Searches for images in the index page of the web consortium without following any other links.


This product includes software developed by Ericsson Radio Systems.
This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors.


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posted on 2011-11-11 16:06  lexus  阅读(337)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报