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K4 Basic Download Info

How to Install and Use Krugle Basic

Installing Krugle Basic: VMware

  1. Verify VMware Host Hardware Make sure you have a 64 bit processor on your computer with at least 2 GB RAM, 10GB of free disk space and an Internet connection.
    1. Use the VMware 64 Bit compatibility checker here to confirm that you have the proper hardware.
  2. Download Krugle Download Krugle Basic VMware V4 (a 570MB 7z file). When prompted, save the 7z file to your computer.
  3. Unzip the Downloaded 7z File Get a copy of 7zip  if you don't have a utility to unzip the 7z file.
  4. Run the VMware Virtual Machine Open the Krugle Basic image from an existing VMware player or VMware Workstation.
  5. Note the IP address assigned The VMware terminal window will provide you an IP Address from the DHCP server on your network. IMPORTANT: Wait 5 minutes before proceeding to Step 6.
  6. Access Krugle V4 Enter the IP address from above into a web browser to use Krugle. 

Installing Krugle Basic: Hyper-V 

  1. Verify Hyper-V Host Machine Make sure you have a Hyper-V compatible host server running on a DHCP network.
  2. Download Krugle Hyper-V Image Download Krugle Hyper-V V4 (a 532 MB 7z file). When prompted, save the 7z file to your server.
  3. Unzip the Downloaded 7z File Get a copy of 7 zip if you don't have a utility to unzip the 7z file. This will unpack the  VHD file.
  4. Create the Krugle Instance Create a new virtual machine in Hyper-V Manager.
    1. Assign at least 2018MB of memory to the new virtual machine.
    2. Set the networking connect  to "Local Area ConnectIon - Virtual Network".
    3. Chose "Use an existing virtual hard disk" and select the VHD file unzipped in Step 3.
  5. Run the Hyper-V Virtual Machine Select the virtual machine instance created in Step 4, and click  the Start button (or choose Start from the Action menu).
  6. Note the IP address assigned The Hyper-V instance terminal window will assign you an IP Address from the DHCP server on your network. IMPORTANT: Wait 5 minutes before proceeding to Step 7.
  7. Access Krugle V4 Enter the IP address from step 6 into a web browser. 

Using Krugle Basic

Review the Krugle Basic V4 User's Guide for examples of how  to perform common end user searches on sample data included with your version of Krugle Basic.


Consult the Krugle Administrator Guide for instructions about adding your own code and data files into your version of Krugle Basic. 


Krugle Basic Support

Krugle Basic Users can access support at support.aragoncg.com

posted on 2012-03-28 12:31  lexus  阅读(265)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报