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Home - Dubbo - Alibaba Open Sesame


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Serving 1,000+ services with 1,000,000,000+ invocations everyday, Dubbo becomes the key part of Alibaba's SOA solution and has been deployed to the whole alibaba.com family:


So, What is Dubbo?

Dubbo [] is a distributed service framework enpowers applications with service import/export capability with high performance RPC.

It's composed of three kernel parts:

  • Remoting: a network communication framework provides sync-over-async and request-response messaging.
  • Clustering: a remote procedure call abstraction with load-balancing/failover/clustering capabilities.
  • Registry: a service directory framework for service registration and service event publish/subscription

Dubbo can:

  • Integrate different types of RPC solutions(RMI/Hessian...) with unified behavior by the abstraction layer of RPC
  • Support out-of-box, plug-able load balancing and fault tolerance strategies.
  • Achieve graceful service upgrade/downgrade with service registry.

Quick Start

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Dubbo also support usage WITHOUT spring, please refer to: API Reference
posted on 2012-03-06 15:29  lexus  阅读(390)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报