Here we show you how to use Maven-Tomcat plugin to package and deploy a WAR file to Tomcat.

1. Tomcat Authentication

First, add an user with administrator access right for Tomcat. To add Tomcat user, edit this file – “%TOMCAT_PATH%/conf/tomcat-users.xml“.

File : tomcat-users.xml

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
  <role rolename="manager"/>
  <role rolename="admin"/>
  <user username="admin" password="password" roles="admin,manager"/>

Later, you will use the user “admin” to do the deployment.

2. Maven Authentication

In Maven side, you need to add the same user authentication information in “%MAVEN_PATH%/conf/settings.xml“.

File : settings.xml


3. Maven-Tomcat-Plugin

Declare “Maven-Tomcat plugin” and related Tomcat server detail in your pom.xml file.


See a full pom.xml file.

<project xmlns="" 
	<name>mkyongweb-core Maven Webapp</name>
			<!-- Maven Tomcat Plugin -->
			<!-- Maven compiler plugin -->
How it works ?
During deployment, it tell Maven to deploy the WAR file to Tomcat server (, on path “/mkyongWebApp“, and using “TomcatServer” (in settings.xml) username and password for authentication.

4. Deploy to Tomcat

Issue “mvn tomcat:deploy” to package your project in a WAR file, and deploy it to Tomcat server. To verify it, just access to the Tomcat’s manager page and make sure “/mkyongWebApp” path is existed.


maven deploy war to Tomcat
How to redeploy ?
For subsequent deployment, where “mkyongWebApp” web application is existed, you should use “mvn tomcat:redeploy” instead.

For more usages, please refer to this Maven-Tomcat plugin page.