Map Business Entities into User Interface Elements(来源于SCSF文档)
Posted on 2007-10-11 18:49 江南白衣 阅读(438) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报This topic describes how to convert a business entity into a form for display in your view.
The steps in this topic assume that you have an existing smart client application that contains one module with a single view. You can use the Smart Client Development Package guidance package to quickly create the starting point for this how to topic.
To prepare a solution for this topic
- Install the Smart Client Development Package. For information about how to install this guidance package, see Guidance Automation.
- Use the Visual Studio template Smart Client Application to create the initial smart client solution. For information about how to create a solution with this template, see How to: Create Smart Client Solutions.
- Use the Add Business Module template to add a module to your project. Name the module MyModule. For information about how to create a business module, see How to: Create a Business Module.
- Use the Add View (with presenter) Recipe to create a view in the MyModule module. Enter MyView for the name of the view. For information about how to create a view, see How to: Add a View with a Presenter.
You will create the initial smart client solution in the following stages:
- Create the business entity class in the module.
- Add a ListView control to the view.
- Create a class that maps the business entity to a ListViewItem.
- Add code to the view to display the business entity in a ListView.
Your first task is to create a business entity object.
To create the business entity
- In Solution Explorer, right-click MyModule, point to Add, and then click Class. The Add New Item dialog box appears.
- Enter Attachment.cs as the name of the file.
- Click OK. Visual Studio creates the file and displays the Attachment class.
- Replace the contents of the Attachment class with the following code.
C# public class Attachment { public event EventHandler StatusChanged; public enum AttachmentStatus { NotAvailable, Downloading, AvailableNotModified, AvailableModified, ToBeUploaded, Uploading, Uploaded } private string _displayName; public string DisplayName { get { return _displayName; } set { _displayName = value; } } private string _fileName; public string FileName { get { return _fileName; } set { _fileName = value; } } private string _documentUrl; public string DocumentUrl { get { return _documentUrl; } set { _documentUrl = value; } } private AttachmentStatus _status; public AttachmentStatus Status { get { return _status; } set { _status = value; } } private DateTime _localCreationTime; public DateTime LocalCreationTime { get { return _localCreationTime; } set { _localCreationTime = value; } } }
- Save the file.
Next, add a ListView control to the view MyView.
To add the ListView control
- Open the view MyView in the Visual Studio Designer. To do this, right-click MyView.cs in Solution Explorer, and then click View Designer.
- Open the Visual Studio Toolbox.
- Drag a ListView control onto the design surface. Change the name of the ListView control to _attachmentsListView.
Create a class that maps on object of type Attachment to an object of type ListViewItem.
Note: |
The following procedure uses "rootnamespace" to refer to the root namespace that you used when you created your smart client solution. Replace "rootnamespace" with your application's root namespace. |
To create the class that maps the business entity into a ListViewItem
- In Solution Explorer, right-click MyModule, point to Add, and then click Class. The Add New Item dialog box appears.
- Enter AttachmentMapper.cs as the name of the file.
- Click OK. Visual Studio creates the file and displays the AttachmentMapper class.
- Replace the contents of the AttachmentMapper.cs file with the following code.
C# using System; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace rootnamespace.MyModule { public static class AttachmentMapper { public static ListViewItem ToListViewItem(Attachment attachment) { return new AttachmentListViewItem(attachment); } public static Attachment FromListViewItem(ListViewItem listViewItem) { AttachmentListViewItem attachmentListViewItem = listViewItem as AttachmentListViewItem; return attachmentListViewItem.Attachment; } private class AttachmentListViewItem : ListViewItem { private Attachment _attachment; public AttachmentListViewItem(Attachment attachment) { Name = attachment.DisplayName; Text = attachment.DisplayName; SubItems.Add(AttachmentStatusToDisplayText(attachment)); _attachment = attachment; } private static string AttachmentStatusToDisplayText(Attachment attachment) { switch (attachment.Status) { case Attachment.AttachmentStatus.AvailableModified: return "Modified"; case Attachment.AttachmentStatus.AvailableNotModified: return "Available"; case Attachment.AttachmentStatus.Downloading: return "Downloading..."; case Attachment.AttachmentStatus.NotAvailable: return "To be downloaded"; case Attachment.AttachmentStatus.ToBeUploaded: return "To be uploaded"; case Attachment.AttachmentStatus.Uploaded: return "Uploaded"; case Attachment.AttachmentStatus.Uploading: return "Uploading"; } return attachment.Status.ToString(); } public Attachment Attachment { get { return _attachment; } } } } }
- Save the file.
The final task is to use the AttachmentMapper class to create a ListViewItem from the Attachment business entity.
To create a ListViewItem from the Attachment business entity
- Open the MyView view source code. To do this, right-click MyView.cs in Solution Explorer, and then click View Code.
- Add a method to create a ListViewItem from an Attachment business entity. Add the ListViewItem to the ListView, as shown in the following code.
C# private void AddAttachmentToList(Attachment attachment) { ListViewItem item = AttachmentMapper.ToListViewItem(attachment); _attachmentsListView.Items.Add(item); }
- Save the file.
At the conclusion of this How-to topic, you will have the following elements:
MyView class. This is a view that contains a ListView control.
- Attachment class. This is a business entity class.
- AttachmentMapper class. This is the class that maps the Attachment business entity to a ListViewItem.