using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Diagnostics;
// Method exposed by a Data Access Layer (DAL) Component
public string GetProductName( int ProductID )
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(
"server=(local);Integrated Security=SSPI;database=northwind");
// Enclose all data access code within a try block
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("LookupProductName", conn );
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@ProductID", ProductID );
SqlParameter paramPN =
cmd.Parameters.Add("@ProductName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 40 );
paramPN.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
// The finally code is executed before the method returns
return paramPN.Value.ToString();
catch (SqlException sqlex)
// Handle data access exception condition
// Log specific exception details
// Wrap the current exception in a more relevant
// outer exception and re-throw the new exception
throw new DALException(
"Unknown ProductID: " + ProductID.ToString(), sqlex );
catch (Exception ex)
// Handle generic exception condition . . .
throw ex;
conn.Close(); // Ensures connection is closed
// Helper routine that logs SqlException details to the
// Application event log
private void LogException( SqlException sqlex )
EventLog el = new EventLog();
el.Source = "CustomAppLog";
string strMessage;
strMessage = "Exception Number : " + sqlex.Number +
"(" + sqlex.Message + ") has occurred";
el.WriteEntry( strMessage );
foreach (SqlError sqle in sqlex.Errors)
strMessage = "Message: " + sqle.Message +
" Number: " + sqle.Number +
" Procedure: " + sqle.Procedure +
" Server: " + sqle.Server +
" Source: " + sqle.Source +
" State: " + sqle.State +
" Severity: " + sqle.Class +
" LineNumber: " + sqle.LineNumber;
el.WriteEntry( strMessage );
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Diagnostics;
// Method exposed by a Data Access Layer (DAL) Component
public string GetProductName( int ProductID )
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(
"server=(local);Integrated Security=SSPI;database=northwind");
// Enclose all data access code within a try block
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("LookupProductName", conn );
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@ProductID", ProductID );
SqlParameter paramPN =
cmd.Parameters.Add("@ProductName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 40 );
paramPN.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
// The finally code is executed before the method returns
return paramPN.Value.ToString();
catch (SqlException sqlex)
// Handle data access exception condition
// Log specific exception details
// Wrap the current exception in a more relevant
// outer exception and re-throw the new exception
throw new DALException(
"Unknown ProductID: " + ProductID.ToString(), sqlex );
catch (Exception ex)
// Handle generic exception condition . . .
throw ex;
conn.Close(); // Ensures connection is closed
// Helper routine that logs SqlException details to the
// Application event log
private void LogException( SqlException sqlex )
EventLog el = new EventLog();
el.Source = "CustomAppLog";
string strMessage;
strMessage = "Exception Number : " + sqlex.Number +
"(" + sqlex.Message + ") has occurred";
el.WriteEntry( strMessage );
foreach (SqlError sqle in sqlex.Errors)
strMessage = "Message: " + sqle.Message +
" Number: " + sqle.Number +
" Procedure: " + sqle.Procedure +
" Server: " + sqle.Server +
" Source: " + sqle.Source +
" State: " + sqle.State +
" Severity: " + sqle.Class +
" LineNumber: " + sqle.LineNumber;
el.WriteEntry( strMessage );