1. 没有生成coverage.emma?
这个原因主要是因为在运行代码的时候,没有使用emma instr生成的class来运行,而只是使用javac编译的class来运行。正确的做法是先使用<instr>注入要运行的class,然后把这个class放到运行代码的class path中,如junit
2. no sources will be embedded in the report
3.8. Why does <report>/report generate weird warnings like "not all instrumented classes were compiled with source file debug data" or "not all instrumented classes were compiled with line number debug data"?
Because you have not compiled all your classes with full debug data, EMMA is "gracefully" degrading to not doing any source linking and not generating any line coverage data.
Depending on your original intentions, you have several options:
If you want line coverage and source code linking, recompile and reinstrument with full debug data. If you are compiling in several steps, you might be forgetting the -g (debug='true' in ANT) flag in just one of the steps -- in this case, EMMA's trace ("showing up to 3 classes without full debug info per package...") should help identify which packages were compiled improperly. (Also, see this if the problem persists.)
You do want line coverage and source code linking, but a 3rd party lib (not debug-compiled) is messing things up. The right thing to do is to exclude that lib from EMMA's instrumentation in the first place.
You are using EMMA on someone else's compiled classes (no sources) or you only want basic block coverage. The right thing to do is to remove the line coverage column from the report and ignore all remaining warnings.