
Booting the loader

  1. Download EfiGuard and rename EFI/Boot/Loader.efi to bootx64.efi.
  2. Place the files on a boot drive such as a FAT32 formatted USB stick (for physical machines) or an ISO/virtual disk (for VMs). Assuming drive X:, the paths for the two files should now be X:/EFI/Boot/{bootx64|EfiGuardDxe}.efi
  3. Boot the machine from the drive you used in step 2. Most firmwares provide a boot menu to do this via F8/F10/F11/F12. If not, you will need to configure the BIOS to boot from the new drive.
  4. Windows should now boot, and you should see EfiGuard messages during boot.
  5. If you booted with the SetVariable hook (the default), run EfiDSEFix.exe -d from an Administrator command prompt after boot to disable DSE, or run EfiDSEFix.exe to see the full list of options.

Note that you don't need to use a separate drive for the loader. If preferable, you can install EfiGuard on the ESP that Windows is already installed on. However, this is somewhat more complicated as you will need to add a UEFI boot entry for the loader.

To do this, mount the ESP at X: using mountvol X: /S and follow the steps above, but do not rename the loader and simply copy both files to X:/EFI/Boot. After that, you will need to manually add a UEFI boot entry from the UEFI Shell using bcfg boot addp 0 Loader.efi "EfiGuard", or alternatively using efibootmgr (Linux), EasyUEFI (Windows), or similar.


将 efi 文件放到ESP分区


  浏览文件 -> 拖拽 Loader.efi EfiGuardDxe.efi 到 \EFI\Boot





    类型选 Linux

    描述写 EfiGuard

    目标分区选 ESP分区(FAT格式)

    文件路径选 EFI\Boot\Loader.efi





  按 快捷键(F10?F12? F2?) 到启动项

  选择 EfiGuard 即可 看到 EfiGuard 启动!


posted @ 2024-02-21 14:00  letleon  阅读(169)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报