JavaScript 防抖(debounce)和节流(throttle)


  • 触发高频事件后,n秒内函数只会执行一次,如果n秒内高频事件再次被触发,则重新计算时间
  • 函数防抖是在频繁触发后,只执行一次(两者的前提都是频繁触发),下拉框输入查询 / 频繁的点赞/取消点赞
 * @param {*} fn :callback function
 * @param {*} duration :duration time,default wait time 0.8 秒
 * @demo in vue methods:
 *      handleEvent: _debounce(function(){
 *        do something
 *      },time)
export const _debounce = (fn, duration = 800) => {
  // create timer
  let timer = null
  return function () {
    // reset once call
    // create a new timer to make sure call after define time
    timer = setTimeout(() => {
      // execute callbak, the 2nd params is fn's arguments
      fn.apply(this, arguments)
    }, duration)


  • 触发高频事件后,在n秒内只会执行一次,所以节流会稀释函数的执行频率
  • 函数节流是固定时间做某一件事,比如每隔1秒发一次请求
  • 监听 滚动条加载更多,频繁查询
 * @param {*} fn: callback function
 * @param {*} duration : duration time,default wait time 1 sec
 * @demo in vue methods:
 *      handleEvent: _throttle(function(){
 *        do something
 *      },time)
export const _throttle = (fn, duration = 1000) => {
  let canRun = true
  return function () {
    if (!canRun) return
    canRun = false
    // execute callbak, the 2nd params is fn's arguments
    fn.apply(this, arguments)
    setTimeout(() => {
      canRun = true
    }, duration)



posted @ 2020-07-21 23:21  荣光无限  阅读(197)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报