

       Chris Gardner穿着刷满油漆的破旧的衣服来到Boss面前应聘StockBlocker职位。情况可想而之,开始阶段面试很不顺利。显然CG没有达到他们的要求,看此时CG如何推销自己:
       "I'm the type of person if u ask me a question,and I don't know the answer,I'm gonna tell u that I don't know.But I bet u what I know how to find the answer,and I will find the answer."(自信诚恳的回答)

       "What would u say if a guy walked in for an interview without a shirt on and I hired him?What would u say?"
       CG回答到:"He must've had on some really nice pants".(机智幽默的回答)

         Chris Gardner和他的儿子在篮球场打着篮球。儿子大喊:我要做职业运动员。Gardner对着儿子说:“你的水平就和我小时候的水平一样,都在平均水平之下。篮球你可不行,以后别再贪玩玩篮球了!”。儿子很不情愿得答应了他,并且很生气得把篮球扔到了一边。随后很不情愿的将篮球装入袋中。
       CG看出了问题所在,便说:"Hey,Don't ever let somedody tell u,u can't do someting.Not even me.All right?u got a dream,u gotta protect it.People can't do something themselves,they wanna tell u u can't do it. If u want something,go get it.Period."(别人能做的事情我能做,别人无法完成的事情,我也一定能完成。)

posted on 2008-01-27 14:18  LeoWang  阅读(394)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
