
1. 查看交换机信息

DS_6610B:admin> switchshow
switchName:	DS_6610B
switchType:	170.0
switchState:	Online
switchMode:	Native
switchRole:	Principal
switchDomain:	1
switchId:	fffc01
switchWwn:	10:00:d8:1f:cc:d5:6e:f4
zoning:		OFF
switchBeacon:	OFF

2. 查看IP地址

DS_6610B:admin> ipaddrshow

Ethernet IP Address:
Ethernet Subnet mask:
Gateway IP Address:

3. IP地址配置

DS_6610B:admin> ipaddrset
DHCP [Off]:
Ethernet IP Address []:
Ethernet Subnet mask []:
Gateway IP Address []:

4. 查看授权

DS_6610B:admin> licenseshow
    Ports on Demand license
    Capacity 16
License Id:

5. 添加授权

DS_6610B:admin> licensesadd <激活码>

6. 开启端口

licenseport --reserve 0-23
portenable 0-23

7. 查看光模块

DS_6610B:admin> sfpshow
Port  0: id Cannot access device
Port  1: id Cannot access device
Port  2: id Cannot access device
Port  3: id Cannot access device

8. 修改交换机名称

DS_6610B:admin> switchname FC_5_1F_01
Committing configuration...
Switch name has been changed.Please re-login into the switch for the change to be applied.


# 1,1; 1,5; 1,18; 1,22; 1,19; 1,23
# 1,1;1,5 主机2个端口
# 1,18; 1,22; 1,19; 1,23 AB双控端口
FC_5_1F_01:admin> zonecreate "ESXi02_N1P1_N2P1_ABP1P2","1,1; 1,5; 1,18; 1,22; 1,19; 1,23"
# 配置文件将虚拟化ZONE纳入
FC_5_1F_01:admin> cfgcreate "ESXi01_09_CFG","ESXi01_N1P1_N2P1_ABP1P2;ESXi02_N1P1_N2P1_ABP1P2"
# 添加其他的zone
FC_5_1F_01:admin> cfgadd "ESXi01_09_CFG",\
> "ESXi03_N1P1_N2P1_ABP1P2;\
> ESXi04_N1P1_N2P1_ABP1P2;\
> ESXi05_N1P1_N2P1_ABP1P2;\
> ESXi06_N1P1_N2P1_ABP1P2;\
> ESXi07_N1P1_N2P1_ABP1P2;\
> ESXi08_N1P1_N2P1_ABP1P2;\
> ESXi09_N1P1_N2P1_ABP1P2"
# 保存配置
FC_5_1F_01:admin> cfgsave
You are about to save the Defined zoning configuration. This
action will only save the changes on Defined configuration.
If the update includes changes to one or more traffic isolation
zones, you must issue the 'cfgenable' command for the changes
to take effect.
Do you want to save the Defined zoning configuration only?  (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
Updating flash ...
# 激活
FC_5_1F_01:admin> cfgenable "ESXi01_09_CFG"
You are about to enable a new zoning configuration.
This action will replace the old zoning configuration with the
current configuration selected. If the update includes changes
to one or more traffic isolation zones, the update may result in
localized disruption to traffic on ports associated with
the traffic isolation zone changes.
Do you want to enable 'ESXi01_09_CFG' configuration  (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
zone config "ESXi01_09_CFG" is in effect
Updating flash ...
posted @ 2022-10-10 13:39  LeoShi2020  阅读(1529)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报