
  Filename: encrypt_string.cs
  Author : zhanghua
  Date  : 2005-08-11
  Fuction : input a strig  and encrypt a string
            example: welcome -> ezhofrp
using System;

class Test
 public static void Main()
  string strInput, strOutput;
  Console.WriteLine("please input a string to encrypt: \n");

  Console.WriteLine(" your input string is : {0}\n", strInput);
  strOutput = Encrypt(strInput);
   Console.WriteLine("strOutput is :{0}\n", strOutput);
  private static string  Encrypt(string  strInput)
   string strFont,  strEnd;
   string strOutput;
   char[] charFont;
   int i,len, intFont;
   len = strInput.Length;
   //Console.WriteLine(" strInput 's length is :{0} \n", len);
   strFont = strInput.Remove(len-1,1);                                 
   strEnd= strInput.Remove(0, len-1);                                 
   //Console.WriteLine(" strFont is : {0} \n" , strFont);                                 
   //Console.WriteLine(" strEnd is : {0} \n" , strEnd);                                 
     charFont = strFont.ToCharArray();                                 
   for(i=0; i<strFont.Length; i++)                                 
    intFont = (int)charFont[i] + 3;                                 
    //Console.WriteLine(" intFont is : {0} \n", intFont);                                 
    charFont[i]= Convert.ToChar(intFont);                                   
    //Console.WriteLine("charFont[{0}] is : {1}\n", i, charFont[i]);                                 
     strFont = ""; //let strFont  null
   for (i=0; i<charFont.Length; i++)
      strFont += charFont[i];
     strOutput=strEnd + strFont;
     return strOutput;

posted @ 2007-03-24 12:44  leonardleonard  阅读(190)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报