02 2011 档案
摘要:If the “picture” icon is clicked on Launcher activity, it brings up GalleryPicker activity. The GalleryPicker activity calls ImageManager to query folders which contains image files from MediaProvider. (When reading source code, remember that the gallery and bucket symbol equals to folder.) For each
摘要:一、线程的基本概念简单的说:线程就是一个程序里不同的执行路径在同一个时间点上cpu只会有一个线程在执行Java里的多线程是通过java.lang.Thread类来实现的每个线程都拥有自己独立的方法栈空间二、java线程的创建和启动第一种定义线程类实现Runnable接口Thread myThread = new Thread(target)//target为Runnable接口类型Runnable中只有一个方法:public void run();用以定义线程运行体第二种可以定义一个Thread的子类并重写其run方法:clas MyThread extends Thread{public v