paramiko 登录linux主机后执行tail后返回数据不完整解决方法。

 1 def get_sql_log(host,port,user,password,key_words,out_put_filename):
 2     commond='cd crm-app/;./ | grep %s'%key_words
 3     s = paramiko.SSHClient()
 4     s.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
 5     s.connect(host,port,user,password)
 6     transport=s.get_transport()
 7     channel = transport.open_session()
 8     channel.get_pty()
 9     channel.exec_command(commond)
10     print 'command %s'%commond
11    # print '%s' % (str(host))
12     f=open(out_put_filename,'a+')
14    # f.write(str(dir(s)))
15     while 1:
16         if channel.exit_status_ready():
17             break
18         try:
19             rl,wl,[channel],[],[],1)
20             #print rl
21             if len(rl)>0:
22                 recv=channel.recv(65536)
23                 print recv
24                 #print recv
26                 f.write(str(recv))
27                 f.flush()
29         except KeyboardInterrupt:
30             print("Caught control-C")
         channel.send("\x03")#发送 ctrl+c
41 exit(0)

之前没有加入   channel.get_pty() ,这个一直返回的信息不完整。

get_pty(*args, **kwds)

Request a pseudo-terminal from the server. This is usually used right after creating a client channel, to ask the server to provide some basic terminal semantics for a shell invoked with invoke_shell. It isn’t necessary (or desirable) to call this method if you’re going to exectue a single command with exec_command.


posted @ 2016-08-01 10:42    阅读(3149)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报