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本文将分享的内容是:超分辨率(Super Resolution,SR)最全资料合集,涵盖了SISR、VSR等。




    项目作者:ChaofWang Star
    数量:636 Commit










Awesome Super-Resolution




repo    Framework
EDSR-PyTorch    PyTorch
Image-Super-Resolution    Keras
image-super-resolution    Keras
Super-Resolution-Zoo    MxNet
super-resolution    Keras
neural-enhance    Theano
srez    Tensorflow
waifu2x    Torch
BasicSR    PyTorch
super-resolution    PyTorch
VideoSuperResolution    Tensorflow
video-super-resolution    Pytorch
MMSR    PyTorch

Name    Usage    Link    Comments
Set5    Test    download    jbhuang0604
SET14    Test    download    jbhuang0604
BSD100    Test    download    jbhuang0604
Urban100    Test    download    jbhuang0604
Manga109    Test    website    
SunHay80    Test    download    jbhuang0604
BSD300    Train/Val    download    
BSD500    Train/Val    download    
91-Image    Train    download    Yang
DIV2K2017    Train/Val    website    NTIRE2017
Flickr2K    Train    download    
Real SR    Train/Val    website    NTIRE2019
Waterloo    Train    website    
VID4    Test    download    4 videos
MCL-V    Train    website    12 videos
GOPRO    Train/Val    website    33 videos, deblur
CelebA    Train    website    Human faces
Sintel    Train/Val    website    Optical flow
FlyingChairs    Train    website    Optical flow
Vimeo-90k    Train/Test    website    90k HQ videos
SR-RAW    Train/Test    website    raw sensor image dataset
W2S    Train/Test    arxiv    A Joint Denoising and Super-Resolution Dataset
PIPAL    Test    ECCV 2020    Perceptual Image Quality Assessment dataset
Model    Published    Code    Keywords
SRCNN    ECCV14    Keras    Kaiming
RAISR    arXiv    -    Google, Pixel 3
ESPCN    CVPR16    Keras    Real time/SISR/VideoSR
VDSR    CVPR16    Matlab    Deep, Residual
DRCN    CVPR16    Matlab    Recurrent
Model    Published    Code    Keywords
DRRN    CVPR17    Caffe, PyTorch    Recurrent
LapSRN    CVPR17    Matlab    Huber loss
IRCNN    CVPR17    Matlab    
EDSR    CVPR17    PyTorch    NTIRE17 Champion
BTSRN    CVPR17    -    NTIRE17
SelNet    CVPR17    -    NTIRE17
TLSR    CVPR17    -    NTIRE17
SRGAN    CVPR17    Tensorflow    1st proposed GAN
VESPCN    CVPR17    -    VideoSR
MemNet    ICCV17    Caffe    
SRDenseNet    ICCV17    -, PyTorch    Dense
SPMC    ICCV17    Tensorflow    VideoSR
EnhanceNet    ICCV17    TensorFlow    Perceptual Loss
PRSR    ICCV17    TensorFlow    an extension of PixelCNN
AffGAN    ICLR17    -    
Model    Published    Code    Keywords
MS-LapSRN    TPAMI18    Matlab    Fast LapSRN
DCSCN    arXiv    Tensorflow    
IDN    CVPR18    Caffe    Fast
DSRN    CVPR18    TensorFlow    Dual state,Recurrent
RDN    CVPR18    Torch    Deep, BI-BD-DN
SRMD    CVPR18    Matlab    Denoise/Deblur/SR
xUnit    CVPR18    PyTorch    Spatial Activation Function
DBPN    CVPR18    PyTorch    NTIRE18 Champion
WDSR    CVPR18    PyTorch,TensorFlow    NTIRE18 Champion
ProSRN    CVPR18    PyTorch    NTIRE18
ZSSR    CVPR18    Tensorflow    Zero-shot
FRVSR    CVPR18    PDF    VideoSR
DUF    CVPR18    Tensorflow    VideoSR
TDAN    arXiv    -    VideoSR,Deformable Align
SFTGAN    CVPR18    PyTorch    
CARN    ECCV18    PyTorch    Lightweight
RCAN    ECCV18    PyTorch    Deep, BI-BD-DN
MSRN    ECCV18    PyTorch    
SRFeat    ECCV18    Tensorflow    GAN
TSRN    ECCV18    Pytorch    
ESRGAN    ECCV18    PyTorch    PRIM18 region 3 Champion
EPSR    ECCV18    PyTorch    PRIM18 region 1 Champion
PESR    ECCV18    PyTorch    ECCV18 workshop
FEQE    ECCV18    Tensorflow    Fast
NLRN    NIPS18    Tensorflow    Non-local, Recurrent
SRCliqueNet    NIPS18    -    Wavelet
CBDNet    arXiv    Matlab    Blind-denoise
TecoGAN    arXiv    Tensorflow    VideoSR GAN
Model    Published    Code    Keywords
RBPN    CVPR19    PyTorch    VideoSR
SRFBN    CVPR19    PyTorch    Feedback
AdaFM    CVPR19    PyTorch    Adaptive Feature Modification Layers
MoreMNAS    arXiv    -    Lightweight,NAS
FALSR    arXiv    TensorFlow    Lightweight,NAS
Meta-SR    CVPR19    PyTorch    Arbitrary Magnification
AWSRN    arXiv    PyTorch    Lightweight
OISR    CVPR19    PyTorch    ODE-inspired Network
DPSR    CVPR19    PyTorch    
DNI    CVPR19    PyTorch    
MAANet    arXiv        Multi-view Aware Attention
RNAN    ICLR19    PyTorch    Residual Non-local Attention
FSTRN    CVPR19    -    VideoSR, fast spatio-temporal residual block
MsDNN    arXiv    TensorFlow    NTIRE19 real SR 21th place
SAN    CVPR19    Pytorch    Second-order Attention,cvpr19 oral
EDVR    CVPRW19    Pytorch    Video, NTIRE19 video restoration and enhancement champions
Ensemble for VSR    CVPRW19    -    VideoSR, NTIRE19 video SR 2nd place
TENet    arXiv    Pytorch    a Joint Solution for Demosaicking, Denoising and Super-Resolution
MCAN    arXiv    Pytorch    Matrix-in-matrix CAN, Lightweight
IKC&SFTMD    CVPR19    -    Blind Super-Resolution
SRNTT    CVPR19    TensorFlow    Neural Texture Transfer
RawSR    CVPR19    TensorFlow    Real Scene Super-Resolution, Raw Images
resLF    CVPR19        Light field
CameraSR    CVPR19        realistic image SR
ORDSR    TIP    model    DCT domain SR
U-Net    CVPRW19        NTIRE19 real SR 2nd place, U-Net,MixUp,Synthesis
DRLN    arxiv        Densely Residual Laplacian Super-Resolution
EDRN    CVPRW19    Pytorch    NTIRE19 real SR 9th places
FC2N    arXiv        Fully Channel-Concatenated
GMFN    BMVC2019    Pytorch    Gated Multiple Feedback
CNN&TV-TV Minimization    BMVC2019        TV-TV Minimization
HRAN    arXiv        Hybrid Residual Attention Network
PPON    arXiv    code    Progressive Perception-Oriented Network
SROBB    ICCV19        Targeted Perceptual Loss
RankSRGAN    ICCV19    PyTorch    oral, rank-content loss
edge-informed    ICCVW19    PyTorch    Edge-Informed Single Image Super-Resolution
s-LWSR    arxiv        Lightweight
DNLN    arxiv        Video SR Deformable Non-local Network
MGAN    arxiv        Multi-grained Attention Networks
IMDN    ACM MM 2019    PyTorch    AIM19 Champion
ESRN    arxiv        NAS
PFNL    ICCV19    Tensorflow    VideoSR oral,Non-Local Spatio-Temporal Correlations
EBRN    ICCV19    Tensorflow    Embedded Block Residual Network
Deep SR-ITM    ICCV19    matlab    SDR to HDR, 4K SR
feature SR    ICCV19        Super-Resolution for Small Object Detection
STFAN    ICCV19    PyTorch    Video Deblurring
KMSR    ICCV19    PyTorch    GAN for blur-kernel estimation
CFSNet    ICCV19    PyTorch    Controllable Feature
FSRnet    ICCV19        Multi-bin Trainable Linear Units
SAM+VAM    ICCVW19        
SinGAN    ICCV19    PyTorch    bestpaper, train from single image
Model    Published    Code    Keywords
FISR    AAAI 2020    TensorFlow    Video joint VFI-SR method,Multi-scale Temporal Loss
ADCSR    arxiv        
SCN    AAAI 2020        Scale-wise Convolution
LSRGAN    arxiv        Latent Space Regularization for srgan
Zooming Slow-Mo    CVPR 2020    PyTorch    joint VFI and SR,one-stage, deformable ConvLSTM
MZSR    CVPR 2020        Meta-Transfer Learning, Zero-Shot
VESR-Net    arxiv        Youku Video Enhancement and Super-Resolution Challenge Champion
blindvsr    arxiv    PyTorch    Motion blur estimation
HNAS-SR    arxiv    PyTorch    Hierarchical Neural Architecture Search, Lightweight
DRN    CVPR 2020    PyTorch    Dual Regression, SISR STOA
SFM    arxiv    PyTorch    Stochastic Frequency Masking, Improve method
EventSR    CVPR 2020        split three phases
USRNet    CVPR 2020    PyTorch    
PULSE    CVPR 2020        Self-Supervised
SPSR    CVPR 2020    Code    Gradient Guidance, GAN
DASR    arxiv    Code    Real-World Image Super-Resolution, Unsupervised SuperResolution, Domain Adaptation.
STVUN    arxiv    PyTorch    Video Super-Resolution, Video Frame Interpolation, Joint space-time upsampling
AdaDSR    arxiv    PyTorch    Adaptive Inference
Scale-Arbitrary SR    arxiv    Code    Scale-Arbitrary Super-Resolution, Knowledge Transfer
DeepSEE    arxiv    Code    Extreme super-resolution,32× magnification
CutBlur    CVPR 2020    PyTorch    SR Data Augmentation
UDVD    CVPR 2020        Unified Dynamic Convolutional,SISR and denoise
DIN    IJCAI-PRICAI 2020        SISR,asymmetric co-attention
PANet    arxiv    PyTorch    Pyramid Attention
SRResCGAN    arxiv    PyTorch    
ISRN    arxiv        iterative optimization, feature normalization.
RFB-ESRGAN    CVPR 2020        NTIRE 2020 Perceptual Extreme Super-Resolution Challenge winner
PHYSICS_SR    AAAI 2020    PyTorch    
CSNLN    CVPR 2020    PyTorch    Cross-Scale Non-Local Attention,Exhaustive Self-Exemplars Mining, Similar to PANet
TTSR    CVPR 2020    PyTorch    Texture Transformer
NSR    arxiv    PyTorch    Neural Sparse Representation
RFANet    CVPR 2020        state-of-the-art SISR
Correction filter    CVPR 2020        Enhance SISR model generalization
Unpaired SR    CVPR 2020        Unpaired Image Super-Resolution
STARnet    CVPR 2020        Space-Time-Aware multi-Resolution
SSSR    CVPR 2020    code    SISR for Semantic Segmentation and Human pose estimation
VSR_TGA    CVPR 2020    code    Temporal Group Attention, Fast Spatial Alignment
SSEN    CVPR 2020        Similarity-Aware Deformable Convolution

| SMSR | arxiv | | Sparse Masks, Efficient SISR
| LF-InterNet | ECCV 2020 | PyTorch | Spatial-Angular Interaction, Light Field Image SR |
| Invertible-Image-Rescaling | ECCV 2020 | Code | ECCV oral |
| IGNN | arxiv | Code | GNN, SISR |
| MIRNet | ECCV 2020 | PyTorch | multi-scale residual block |
| SFM | ECCV 2020 | PyTorch | stochastic frequency mask |
| TCSVT | arxiv | TensorFlow | LightWeight modules |
| PISR | ECCV 2020 | PyTorch | FSRCNN,distillation framework, HR privileged information |
| MuCAN | ECCV 2020 | | VideoSR, Temporal Multi-Correspondence Aggregation |
| DGP | ECCV 2020 |PyTorch | ECCV oral, GAN, Image Restoration and Manipulation, |
| RSDN| ECCV 2020 |Code | VideoSR, Recurrent Neural Network, TwoStream Block|
| CDC| ECCV 2020 |PyTorch | Diverse Real-world SR dataset, Component Divide-and-Conquer model, GradientWeighted loss|
| MS3-Conv| arxiv | | Multi-Scale cross-Scale Share-weights convolution |
| OverNet| arxiv | | Lightweight, Overscaling Module, multi-scale loss, Arbitrary Scale Factors |
| RRN| BMVC20 | code | VideoSR, Recurrent Residual Network, temporal modeling method |
| NAS-DIP| ECCV 2020 | | NAS|
| SRFlow| ECCV 2020 |code | Spotlight, Normalizing Flow|
| LatticeNet| ECCV 2020 | |Lattice Block, LatticeNet, Lightweight, Attention|
| BSRN| ECCV 2020 | |Model Quantization, Binary Neural Network, Bit-Accumulation Mechanism|
| VarSR| ECCV 2020 | |Variational Super-Resolution, very low resolution |
| HAN| ECCV 2020 | |SISR, holistic attention network, channel-spatial attention module |
| DeepTemporalSR| ECCV 2020 | |Temporal Super-Resolution |
| DGDML-SR| ECCV 2020 | |Zero-Shot, Depth Guided Internal Degradation Learning |
|MLSR| ECCV 2020 | |Meta-learning, Patch recurrence |
|PlugNet| ECCV 2020 | |Scene Text Recognition, Feature Squeeze Module |
|TextZoom| ECCV 2020 |code |Scene Text Recognition |
|TPSR| ECCV 2020 | |NAS,Tiny Perceptual SR |
|CUCaNet| ECCV 2020 | PyTorch |Coupled unmixing, cross-attention,hyperspectral super-resolution, multispectral, unsupervised |
|MAFFSRN| ECCVW 2020 | |Multi-Attentive Feature Fusion, Ultra Lightweight |
|SRResCycGAN| ECCVW 2020 | PyTorch |RealSR, CycGAN |
|A-CubeNet| arxiv | |SISR, lightweight|
|MoG-DUN| arxiv | |SISR |
|Understanding Deformable Alignment| arxiv | | VideoSR, EDVR, offset-fidelity loss |
|AdderSR| arxiv | | SISR, adder neural networks, Energy Efficient |
|RFDN| arxiv | | SISR, Lightweight, IMDN, AIM20 WINNER |
|Tarsier| arxiv | | improve NESRGAN+,injected noise, Diagonal CMA optimize |
|DeFiAN| arxiv | PyTorch |SISR, detail-fidelity attention, Hessian filtering |
|ASDN| arxiv | | Arbitrary Scale SR |
|DAN| NeurIPS 2020 |PyTorch | Unfolding the Alternating Optimization |
|DKC| ECCVW 2020 | | Deformable Kernel Convolutional, VSR |
|FAN| ECCVW 2020 | | Frequency aggregation network, RealSR |
|PAN| ECCVW 2020 |PyTorch | Lightweight, Pixel Attention |
|SCHN| arxiv | | Blind SR, Spatial Context Hallucination |

[1] Wenming Yang, Xuechen Zhang, Yapeng Tian, Wei Wang, Jing-Hao Xue. Deep Learning for Single Image Super-Resolution: A Brief Review. arxiv, 2018. paper

[2]Saeed Anwar, Salman Khan, Nick Barnes. A Deep Journey into Super-resolution: A survey. arxiv, 2019.paper

[3]Wang, Z., Chen, J., & Hoi, S. C. (2019). Deep learning for image super-resolution: A survey. arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.06068.paper

[4]Hongying Liu and Zhubo Ruan and Peng Zhao and Fanhua Shang and Linlin Yang and Yuanyuan Liu. Video Super Resolution Based on Deep Learning: A comprehensive survey. arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.12928.[paper](



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