Spring xml中的tx:advice标签


The concept of "advisors" is brought forward from the AOP support defined in Spring and does not have a direct equivalent in AspectJ. An advisor is like a small self-contained aspect that has a single piece of advice. The advice itself is represented by a bean, and must implement one of the advice interfaces described in Advice types in Spring. Advisors can take advantage of AspectJ pointcut expressions though.

Spring supports the advisor concept with the <aop:advisor> element. You will most commonly see it used in conjunction with transactional advice, which also has its own namespace support in Spring. Here’s how it looks:

简言之:advisors的概念来至于Spring aop,但是advisor在aspectj中并没有用一个等价概念。advisor类似一个切面。


        <aop:advisor id="tx-advisor" advice-ref="tx-advice"
                     pointcut="execution(public * com.javartisan.sf.*.*(*))"/>

    <tx:advice id="tx-advice" transaction-manager="transactionManager">
            <tx:method name="save*" propagation="REQUIRED" timeout="20000" isolation="READ_COMMITTED"
                       rollback-for="java.lang.RuntimeException" no-rollback-for="com.javartisan.CustomException"
            <tx:method name="del*" propagation="REQUIRED" timeout="20000" isolation="READ_COMMITTED"
                       rollback-for="java.lang.RuntimeException" no-rollback-for="com.javartisan.CustomException"


posted @ 2020-01-20 10:09  bf378  阅读(695)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报