Hive SQL 报错
错误SQL: select * from (( select main_brand_code, third_cate_code, user_pin from adm.adm_dm_4a_ad_fission_view_mid where dt = '2019-04-25' union all select main_brand_code, 999999 as third_cate_code, user_pin from adm.adm_dm_4a_ad_fission_view_mid where dt = '2019-04-25') tab1 left join (select brand_code, third_cate_code, user_pin from adm.adm_dm_4a_ad_fission_view_feature where dt = '2019-04-25') tab2 on tab1.main_brand_code = tab2.brand_code and tab1.third_cate_code = tab2.third_cate_code and tab1.user_pin = tab2.user_pin)) tab ; 正确 SQL: SELECT * FROM ( SELECT main_brand_code, third_cate_code, user_pin FROM adm.adm_dm_4a_ad_fission_view_mid WHERE dt = '2019-04-25' UNION ALL SELECT main_brand_code, 999999 AS third_cate_code, user_pin FROM adm.adm_dm_4a_ad_fission_view_mid WHERE dt = '2019-04-25' ) tab1 LEFT JOIN ( SELECT brand_code, third_cate_code, user_pin FROM adm.adm_dm_4a_ad_fission_view_feature WHERE dt = '2019-04-25' ) tab2 ON tab1.main_brand_code = tab2.brand_code AND tab1.third_cate_code = tab2.third_cate_code AND tab1.user_pin = tab2.user_pin;