
今天饶有兴趣,对使用stored procedures创建datawindow作了学习分析,作笔记如下:
PowerBuilder Help 说明:
OLE DB Using database stored procedures in DataWindow objects

You can use database stored procedures as a data source for DataWindow objects. The following rules apply:

  • Result set definition You must define what the result set looks like in the DataWindow painter. PowerBuilder cannot determine this information from the stored procedure definition in the database.
  • Stored procedure arguments The DataWindow painter provides the arguments for stored procedures only if the driver you are using to connect gives PowerBuilder the required information. If the arguments for the database stored procedure are not provided, you must define them.
  • DataWindow updates Updates are not allowed for stored procedures in a DataWindow object. Only retrieval is allowed.





      命名方式"create procedure procname;1",这里使用了分号,后面跟的是数字,"procname"是组名,1就是存储过程的名字了,这里名称只能使用数字类型,而且必须从组号为1的开始创建,没有组号1就不能使用大于1的组号;调用方式和调用普通的存储过程一样.




posted @ 2011-01-12 11:34  lenya  阅读(368)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报