The next five calls implement a layer on top of standard memory allocation. They allow to allocate special block arenas from which memory is allocated. All blocks in a block arena have the same size t... 阅读全文
The next five calls implement a layer on top of standard memory allocation. They allow to allocate special block arenas from which memory is allocated. All blocks in a block arena have the same size t... 阅读全文
Database Module (DB)IntroductionThe database is a common repository for data. The most important application is the scene data, but it can keep auxiliary data such as function declarations and frame b... 阅读全文
There are three types of inputs and outputs in a shader: uniforms, attributes and varyings. Uniforms are values which do not change during a rendering, for example the light position or the light colo... 阅读全文
1. Move depth controlling code out of RayEngine. --Done2. Convert the implementation of RayEngine from FileReader based into DataArray based. --Done3. Use single-linked list to optimize sample_list.pu... 阅读全文
scene FastRay RayInterface mental ray num. polygonsgeneral_03 21 sec 53 sec 4 sec 1190400general_04 1 min 10 sec 3 min 18 sec 20 sec 4761600general_05 2 m... 阅读全文
before e_Renderer::render, 400MB memoy was taken...so...problems not in the core...which is, somehow, a piece of good news:) another more significant hotspot of memory allocation is in bsp constructio... 阅读全文
A good memory allocator is everything that I need, which is efficient at allocating/deallocating. 阅读全文
Problems:1. duplicated indirect addressing2. cache misses3. long latency4. unnecessary calculationsSolutions:1. address once2. allocate memory in more efficient way3. hide latency with multi-pipelinin... 阅读全文
一种方法是使用文件锁,利用fcntl函数对于文件进行加锁解锁操作,以达到互斥访问的目的,但是在控制时需要注意进程之间的关系,在有多个进程和共享资源时,应注意死锁的避免。上一个最开始写的程序吧,简单,就是两个进程互斥访问文件。#include <iostream>#include <sys/types.h>#include <unistd.h>#include &... 阅读全文
如何:将 Visual C++ 速成版与 Microsoft Platform SDK 一起使用安装之后,您可以立即使用 Visual C++ 2005 速成版 来生成功能强大的 .NET Framework 应用程序。若要使用 Visual C++ 速成版 生成 Win32 应用程序,只需采取几个步骤,下面对此进行了详细介绍。安装 Platform SDK 以便与 Visual C++ 速成版结... 阅读全文