1 <template> 2 <!-- 上下柱状图 --> 3 <div ref="overallSituation" :style="{ height: height, width: width }" /> 4 </template> 5 <script> 6 import echarts from 'echarts' 7 require('echarts/theme/macarons') 8 import resize from '@/views/chart/mixins/resize.js' 9 export default { 10 mixins: [resize], 11 props: { 12 width: { 13 type: String, 14 default: '100%' 15 }, 16 height: { 17 type: String, 18 default: '350px' 19 }, 20 // 上面数据 21 upDataArr: { 22 type: Array, 23 default: () => [] 24 }, 25 upName: { 26 type: String, 27 default: () => this.$t('收入') 28 }, 29 // 下面数据 30 downDataArr: { 31 type: Array, 32 default: () => [] 33 }, 34 downName: { 35 type: String, 36 default: () => this.$t('支出') 37 }, 38 // 月份 39 rowData: { 40 type: Array, 41 default: () => [] 42 } 43 }, 44 data() { 45 return { 46 chart: null, 47 loading: false 48 } 49 }, 50 beforeDestroy() { 51 if (!this.chart) { 52 return 53 } 54 this.chart.dispose() 55 this.chart = null 56 }, 57 mounted() { 58 this.initChart() 59 }, 60 methods: { 61 initChart() { 62 this.chart = echarts.init(this.$refs.overallSituation) 63 this.chart.clear() 64 this.chart.setOption({ 65 backgroundColor: '#0f375f', 66 tooltip: { 67 trigger: 'axis', 68 axisPointer: { 69 type: 'shadow', 70 textStyle: { 71 color: '#fff' 72 } 73 } 74 }, 75 grid: { 76 borderWidth: 0, 77 top: 110, 78 bottom: 95, 79 textStyle: { 80 color: '#fff' 81 } 82 }, 83 calculable: true, 84 xAxis: [ 85 { 86 type: 'category', 87 axisLine: { 88 lineStyle: { 89 color: 'rgba(255,255,255,.5)' 90 } 91 }, 92 splitLine: { 93 show: false 94 }, 95 axisTick: { 96 show: false 97 }, 98 splitArea: { 99 show: false 100 }, 101 axisLabel: { 102 interval: 0, 103 color: 'rgba(255,255,255,1)', 104 fontSize: 14 105 }, 106 data: this.rowData 107 } 108 ], 109 yAxis: [ 110 { 111 type: 'value', 112 splitLine: { 113 show: false 114 }, 115 axisLine: { 116 show: false 117 }, 118 axisTick: { 119 show: false 120 }, 121 axisLabel: { 122 interval: 0, 123 color: 'rgba(255,255,255,1)', 124 fontSize: 14, 125 formatter: (m) => { 126 return Math.abs(m) 127 } 128 }, 129 splitArea: { 130 show: false 131 } 132 } 133 ], 134 series: [ 135 { 136 name: this.downName, 137 type: 'bar', 138 barWidth: 20, 139 gridIndex: 0, 140 yAxisIndex: 0, 141 label: { 142 show: true, 143 position: 'top' 144 }, 145 itemStyle: { 146 normal: { 147 color: { 148 type: 'linear', 149 x: 0, 150 y: 0, 151 x2: 0, 152 y2: 1, 153 colorStops: [ 154 { 155 offset: 0, 156 // 0% 处的颜色 157 color: 'rgb(17,69,238,1)' 158 }, 159 { 160 offset: 1, 161 // 100% 处的颜色 162 color: 'rgba(17,69,238,0.2)' 163 } 164 ], 165 // 缺省为 false 166 global: false 167 } 168 } 169 }, 170 data: this.upDataArr 171 }, 172 { 173 name: this.upName, 174 type: 'bar', 175 barWidth: 20, 176 barGap: '-100%', 177 gridIndex: 0, 178 yAxisIndex: 0, 179 label: { 180 show: true, 181 position: 'bottom', 182 formatter: (m) => { 183 return Math.abs(m.value) 184 } 185 }, 186 itemStyle: { 187 normal: { 188 color: { 189 type: 'linear', 190 x: 0, 191 y: 0, 192 x2: 0, 193 y2: 1, 194 colorStops: [ 195 { 196 offset: 1, 197 // 0% 处的颜色 198 color: 'rgb(255,153,0, 1)' 199 }, 200 { 201 offset: 0, 202 // 100% 处的颜色 203 color: 'rgba(255,153,0,0.2)' 204 } 205 ], 206 global: false 207 }, 208 barBorderRadius: 0 209 } 210 }, 211 data: this.downDataArr 212 } 213 ] 214 }) 215 this.loading = false 216 } 217 } 218 } 219 </script> 220 221 <style scoped> 222 </style>
1 <template> 2 <div> 3 <!-- 总体情况 - 总览echarts --> 4 <div v-loading="loading" :style="{ height: '350px', 'z-index': '2002' }"> 5 <!-- 图标--> 6 <div style="z-index: 2000"> 7 <!-- 年份选择 --> 8 <div class="choiceYear"> 9 <el-select v-model="choiceYear" :placeholder="$t('请选择')" style="width: 80px;" @change="choiceYearMethod"> 10 <el-option 11 v-for="item in yearOptions" 12 :key="item.value + new Date().getTime()" 13 :label="item.label" 14 :value="item.value" 15 /> 16 </el-select> 17 </div> 18 <UpAndDownColumnar 19 v-if="showColumnar" 20 ref="UpAndDownColumnar" 21 :up-name="$t('收入')" 22 :down-name="$t('支出')" 23 :row-data="rowData" 24 :up-data-arr="upDataArr" 25 :down-data-arr="downDataArr" 26 height="350px" 27 /> 28 <!-- 下方信息 --> 29 <div class="overview-information"> 30 {{ choiceYear }}{{ $t('年') }} 31 {{ $t('总流入') }}: {{ formData.totalInflow }}{{ $t('元') }}, 32 {{ $t('总流出') }}: {{ formData.totalOutflow }}{{ $t('元') }}, 33 {{ $t('净流入') }}: {{ formData.netInflow }}{{ $t('元') }}, 34 {{ $t('期末余额') }}: {{ formData.endingBalance }}{{ $t('元') }} 35 </div> 36 </div> 37 </div> 38 </div> 39 </template> 40 <script> 41 import { homePageOverview, getRecordYear } from '@/api/company/bankFlowWaterAnalysis/WaterAnalysis.js' 42 import UpAndDownColumnar from '@/views/company/bankFlowWaterAnalysis/columnar/UpAndDownColumnar.vue' 43 export default { 44 components: { 45 UpAndDownColumnar 46 }, 47 props: { 48 }, 49 data() { 50 return { 51 loading: false, 52 // 上面数据 53 upDataArr: [], 54 // 下面数据 55 downDataArr: [], 56 // 月份 57 rowData: [], 58 showColumnar: false, 59 yearOptions: [], 60 choiceYear: '', 61 // 当前页面的宽度 62 thisPageWidth: (document.documentElement.clientWidth - 270) + 'px', 63 formData: {} 64 } 65 }, 66 created() { 67 this.initData() 68 }, 69 mounted() { 70 }, 71 methods: { 72 initData() { 73 getRecordYear({}).then(response => { 74 this.yearOptions = 75 this.choiceYear =[0].value 76 this.choiceYearMethod() 77 }) 78 }, 79 choiceYearMethod() { 80 this.loading = true 81 this.showColumnar = false 82 homePageOverview({ companyId: this.$route.query.companyId, years: this.choiceYear }).then(response => { 83 if ( === 200) { 84 if ( { 85 this.formData = 86 this.rowData = [] 87 this.upDataArr = [] 88 this.downDataArr = [] 89 => { 90 this.rowData.push(this.$t(item.years)) 91 this.upDataArr.push(item.totalInflow) 92 }) 93 } 94 if ( { 95 => { 96 this.downDataArr.push(item.totalOutflow) 97 }) 98 } 99 this.showColumnar = true 100 this.loading = false 101 } else { 102 this.msgError(this.$t( 103 this.loading = false 104 } 105 }) 106 } 107 } 108 } 109 </script> 110 111 <style scoped> 112 .choiceYear { 113 z-index: 2001; 114 position: absolute; 115 right: 0; 116 border-radius: 6px; 117 padding: 10px; 118 } 119 .overview-information { 120 z-index: 2001; 121 position: absolute; 122 height: 30px; 123 width: 100%; 124 text-align: center; 125 line-height: 1.8; 126 color: white; 127 margin-top: -35px; 128 font-size: 14px; 129 } 130 </style>
1 <template> 2 <div> 3 <div class="area-header" style="margin-top: 20px;"> 4 <span class="area-header-title">{{ $t('总览') }}</span> 5 </div> 6 <OverallSituation ref="OverallSituation" /> 7 8 </template> 9 10 <script> 11 import OverallSituation from '@/views/company/bankFlowWaterAnalysis/home/OverallSituation.vue' 12 13 export default { 14 components: { 15 OverallSituation 16 } 17 } 18 </script> 19 20 <style scoped> 21 22 </style>
1 import request from '@/utils/request' 2 3 // 查询银行流水-记录列表 4 export function allRelatedPartiesView(query) { 5 return request({ 6 url: '/company/allRelatedParties/allRelatedPartiesView', 7 method: 'get', 8 params: query 9 }) 10 } 11 12 // 查询所有年份 13 export function getRecordYear(query) { 14 return request({ 15 url: '/company/allRelatedParties/getRecordYear', 16 method: 'get', 17 params: query 18 }) 19 }
1 /** 2 * 首页总览 3 */ 4 @ApiOperation(value="首页总览" ,notes="作者:xsx") 5 @PreAuthorize("@ss.hasPermi('company:bankFlowMain:view')") 6 @GetMapping("/homePageOverview") 7 @Log(title = "查询银行流水-记录列表", businessType = BusinessType.LIST) 8 public AjaxResult homePageOverview(BankFlowWaterAnalysis bankFlowWaterAnalysis) { 9 return AjaxResult.success(bankFlowWaterAnalysisService.homePageOverview(bankFlowWaterAnalysis)); 10 } 11 12 @ApiOperation(value = "所有年份", notes="xsx") 13 @GetMapping("/getRecordYear") 14 @Log(title = "查询银行流水-所有年份", businessType = BusinessType.LIST) 15 public AjaxResult getRecordYear(BankFlowWaterAnalysis bankFlowWaterAnalysis) { 16 return AjaxResult.success(bankFlowWaterAnalysisService.getRecordYear(bankFlowWaterAnalysis)); 17 }
1 package; 2 3 import com.anxin.common.utils.StringUtils; 4 import; 5 import; 6 import; 7 import; 8 import; 9 import com.anxin.framework.web.service.BaseService; 10 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; 11 import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; 12 13 import java.math.BigDecimal; 14 import java.util.*; 15 16 @Service 17 public class AllRelatedPartiesService extends BaseService<AllRelatedPartiesDao, BankFlowWaterAnalysis> { 18 19 @Autowired 20 private BankFlowUtils bankFlowUtils; 21 @Autowired 22 private AllRelatedPartiesDao allRelatedPartiesDao; 23 24 /** 25 * 查询 所有关联方的银行流水分析 26 * @param bankFlowWaterAnalysis 27 */ 28 public Map<String, Object> allRelatedPartiesView(BankFlowWaterAnalysis bankFlowWaterAnalysis) { 29 Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<>(); 30 result.put("code", 200); 31 result.put("msg", "操作成功!"); 32 33 if (StringUtils.isBlank(bankFlowWaterAnalysis.getCompanyId())) { 34 result.put("code", 500); 35 result.put("msg", "为获取当前公司"); 36 return result; 37 } 38 if(StringUtils.isBlank(bankFlowWaterAnalysis.getYears())){ 39 int year = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR); 40 bankFlowWaterAnalysis.setYears(String.valueOf(year)); 41 } 42 43 List<BankFlowWaterAnalysis> inflow = allRelatedPartiesDao.allRelatedPartiesInflow(bankFlowWaterAnalysis); 44 List<BankFlowWaterAnalysis> outflow = allRelatedPartiesDao.allRelatedPartiesOutflow(bankFlowWaterAnalysis); 45 46 List<BankFlowWaterAnalysis> inflowAll = this.setYearsInOrOutflow(inflow, bankFlowWaterAnalysis.getYears()); 47 List<BankFlowWaterAnalysis> outflowAll = this.setYearsInOrOutflow(outflow, bankFlowWaterAnalysis.getYears()); 48 49 result.put("inflow", inflowAll); 50 result.put("outflow", outflowAll); 51 52 // 总流入 53 BigDecimal totalInflow = new BigDecimal("0"); 54 for(BankFlowWaterAnalysis in : inflow) { 55 totalInflow = totalInflow.add(in.getTotalInflow()); 56 } 57 result.put("totalInflow", totalInflow); 58 59 // 总流出 60 BigDecimal totalOutflow = new BigDecimal("0"); 61 for(BankFlowWaterAnalysis out : outflow) { 62 totalOutflow = totalOutflow.add(out.getTotalOutflow()); 63 } 64 result.put("totalOutflow", totalOutflow); 65 66 // 差值 67 result.put("difference", totalInflow.add(totalOutflow)); 68 return result; 69 } 70 71 /** 72 * 给结果填充月份和金额 73 * @param inOutFlow 流入或流出查出的结果结合 74 * @param years 查询的年份 75 */ 76 private List<BankFlowWaterAnalysis> setYearsInOrOutflow(List<BankFlowWaterAnalysis> inOutFlow, String years) { 77 List<BankFlowWaterAnalysis> result = new ArrayList<>(); 78 79 if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(inOutFlow)) { 80 Set<String> yearSet = new HashSet<>(); 81 for(BankFlowWaterAnalysis analysis : inOutFlow) { 82 yearSet.add(analysis.getYears()); 83 } 84 85 for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { 86 String tempYear = ""; 87 if (i < 9) { 88 tempYear = years + "-0" + (i + 1); 89 } else { 90 tempYear = years + "-" + (i + 1); 91 } 92 BankFlowWaterAnalysis setEntity = new BankFlowWaterAnalysis(); 93 setEntity.setTotalInflow(new BigDecimal("0")); 94 setEntity.setTotalOutflow(new BigDecimal("0")); 95 if (!yearSet.contains(tempYear)) { 96 setEntity.setYears(tempYear.replaceAll(years + "-", "") + "月"); 97 result.add(setEntity); 98 } else { 99 List<BankFlowWaterAnalysis> byList = bankFlowUtils.findObjectByList(inOutFlow, "years", tempYear); 100 if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(byList)) { 101 BankFlowWaterAnalysis temp = byList.get(0); 102 temp.setYears(tempYear.replaceAll(years + "-", "") + "月"); 103 result.add(temp); 104 } 105 } 106 } 107 } else { 108 for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { 109 BankFlowWaterAnalysis setEntity = new BankFlowWaterAnalysis(); 110 setEntity.setTotalInflow(new BigDecimal("0")); 111 setEntity.setTotalOutflow(new BigDecimal("0")); 112 String tempYear = ""; 113 if (i < 10) { 114 tempYear = "0" + (i + 1) + "月"; 115 } else { 116 tempYear = (i + 1) + "月"; 117 } 118 setEntity.setYears(tempYear); 119 result.add(setEntity); 120 } 121 } 122 return result; 123 } 124 125 126 /** 127 * 获取所有的年份 128 * @param bankFlowWaterAnalysis 129 * @return 130 */ 131 public List<Map<String, String>> getRecordYear(BankFlowWaterAnalysis bankFlowWaterAnalysis) { 132 List<BankFlowWaterAnalysis> recordYear = allRelatedPartiesDao.getRecordYear(bankFlowWaterAnalysis); 133 Set<Integer> years = new HashSet<>(); 134 List<Map<String, String>> result = new ArrayList<>(); 135 if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(recordYear)) { 136 for(BankFlowWaterAnalysis year : recordYear) { 137 years.add(Integer.valueOf(year.getYears())); 138 } 139 140 Integer max = Collections.max(years); 141 Integer min = Collections.min(years); 142 143 for (var i = 0; i <= max - min; i++) { 144 Map<String, String> mapYear = new HashMap<>(); 145 mapYear.put("label", String.valueOf(min + i)); 146 mapYear.put("value", String.valueOf(min + i)); 147 result.add(mapYear); 148 } 149 150 } 151 152 return result; 153 } 154 155 156 }
1 package; 2 3 import com.anxin.framework.web.entity.BaseEntity; 4 5 import java.math.BigDecimal; 6 7 public class BankFlowWaterAnalysis extends BaseEntity<BankFlowWaterAnalysis> { 8 9 // 公司id 10 private String companyId; 11 12 // 总流入 13 private BigDecimal totalInflow; 14 15 // 总流出 16 private BigDecimal totalOutflow; 17 18 // 净流入 19 private BigDecimal netInflow; 20 21 // 期末余额 22 private BigDecimal endingBalance; 23 24 // 年月 25 private String years; 26 27 28 public String getCompanyId() { 29 return companyId; 30 } 31 32 public void setCompanyId(String companyId) { 33 this.companyId = companyId; 34 } 35 36 public BigDecimal getTotalInflow() { 37 return totalInflow; 38 } 39 40 public void setTotalInflow(BigDecimal totalInflow) { 41 this.totalInflow = totalInflow; 42 } 43 44 public BigDecimal getTotalOutflow() { 45 return totalOutflow; 46 } 47 48 public void setTotalOutflow(BigDecimal totalOutflow) { 49 this.totalOutflow = totalOutflow; 50 } 51 52 public BigDecimal getNetInflow() { 53 return netInflow; 54 } 55 56 public void setNetInflow(BigDecimal netInflow) { 57 this.netInflow = netInflow; 58 } 59 60 public BigDecimal getEndingBalance() { 61 return endingBalance; 62 } 63 64 public void setEndingBalance(BigDecimal endingBalance) { 65 this.endingBalance = endingBalance; 66 } 67 68 public String getYears() { 69 return years; 70 } 71 72 public void setYears(String years) { 73 this.years = years; 74 } 75 }
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 2 <!DOCTYPE mapper 3 PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" 4 ""> 5 <mapper namespace=""> 6 7 <select id="homePageOverviewInflow" parameterType="String" resultType="BankFlowWaterAnalysis"> 8 SELECT 9 substring(a.transaction_hour, 1, 7) AS 'years', 10 sum(a.transaction_amount) AS 'totalInflow' 11 FROM 12 bank_flow_main_record a 13 WHERE 14 a.transaction_amount <![CDATA[ >= ]]> 0 15 and a.company_id =#{companyId} 16 <if test="years != null and years != ''"> 17 and substring(a.transaction_hour, 1, 4) = #{years} 18 </if> 19 GROUP BY 20 substring(a.transaction_hour, 1, 7) 21 </select> 22 23 <select id="homePageOverviewOutflow" parameterType="String" resultType="BankFlowWaterAnalysis"> 24 SELECT 25 substring(a.transaction_hour, 1, 7) AS 'years', 26 sum(a.transaction_amount) AS 'totalOutflow' 27 FROM 28 bank_flow_main_record a 29 WHERE 30 a.transaction_amount <![CDATA[ < ]]> 0 31 and a.company_id =#{companyId} 32 <if test="years != null and years != ''"> 33 and substring(a.transaction_hour, 1, 4) = #{years} 34 </if> 35 GROUP BY 36 substring(a.transaction_hour, 1, 7) 37 </select> 38 39 40 <select id="getRecordYear" parameterType="BankFlowWaterAnalysis" resultType="BankFlowWaterAnalysis"> 41 select 42 substring(a.transaction_hour, 1, 4) AS 'years' 43 from bank_flow_main_record a 44 <where> 45 and a.del_flag = 0 46 <if test="companyId != null and companyId != ''"> 47 and company_id =#{companyId} 48 </if> 49 </where> 50 group by 51 substring(a.transaction_hour, 1, 4) 52 </select> 53 54 <select id="topTenInflows" parameterType="String" resultType="java.util.HashMap"> 55 SELECT 56 a.account_name as 'accountName', 57 a.counterparty_account_name as 'counterpartyAccountName', 58 sum(a.transaction_amount) as 'transactionAmountSum' 59 FROM 60 bank_flow_main_record a 61 WHERE 62 a.del_flag = '0' 63 AND a.transaction_amount > 0 64 AND a.counterparty_account_name != '' 65 AND a.counterparty_account_name IS NOT NULL 66 and a.company_id = #{companyId} 67 <if test="years != null and years != ''"> 68 and substring(a.transaction_hour, 1, 4) = #{years} 69 </if> 70 GROUP BY 71 a.counterparty_account_name 72 ORDER BY 73 sum(a.transaction_amount) desc 74 LIMIT 10 75 </select> 76 77 <select id="topTenOutflows" parameterType="String" resultType="java.util.HashMap"> 78 SELECT 79 a.account_name as 'accountName', 80 a.counterparty_account_name as 'counterpartyAccountName', 81 abs(sum(transaction_amount)) AS 'transactionAmountSum' 82 FROM 83 bank_flow_main_record a 84 WHERE 85 a.del_flag = '0' 86 AND a.transaction_amount < 0 87 AND a.counterparty_account_name != '' 88 AND a.counterparty_account_name IS NOT NULL 89 and a.company_id = #{companyId} 90 <if test="years != null and years != ''"> 91 and substring(a.transaction_hour, 1, 4) = #{years} 92 </if> 93 GROUP BY 94 a.counterparty_account_name 95 ORDER BY 96 abs(sum(a.transaction_amount)) desc 97 LIMIT 10 98 </select> 99 </mapper>