



using namespace std;

class Point

{ public:


      {   X=Y=0;     cout<<"Default Constructor called."<<endl;     }

       Point(int xx,int yy)

      {   X=xx;     Y=yy;     cout<< "Constructor called."<<endl;     }


      {   cout<<"Destructor called."<<endl;    }

       int GetX() {return X;}

       int GetY() {return Y;}

          void Move(int x,int y)

                   {  X=x;  Y=y;   }


       int  X,Y;


class ArrayOfPoints

{   public:

     ArrayOfPoints(ArrayOfPoints& pointsArray);

     ArrayOfPoints(int n)

     {   numberOfPoints=n;  points=new Point[n];  }


     {   cout<<"Deleting..."<<endl;

         numberOfPoints=0;  delete[] points;    


     Point& Element(int n)

     {  return points[n];  }


     Point *points;

     int numberOfPoints;


ArrayOfPoints ::ArrayOfPoints(ArrayOfPoints& pointsArray)//自己写拷贝构造函数,用本类对象的引用作参数

{   numberOfPoints=pointsArray.numberOfPoints;

    points=new Point[numberOfPoints];

    for (int i=0; i<numberOfPoints; i++)



int main()


         int number;

         cout<<"Please enter the number of points:";


     ArrayOfPoints pointsArray1(number);    //创建对象数组

     pointsArray1.Element(0).Move(5,10);     //通过指针访问数组元素的成员

     pointsArray1.Element(1).Move(15,20);   //通过指针访问数组元素的成员

     ArrayOfPoints pointsArray2(pointsArray1); //创建对象数组副本

     cout<<"Copy of pointsArray1:"<<endl;

     cout<<"Point_0 of array2: "


         <<", "<<pointsArray2.Element(0).GetY()<<endl;

     cout<<"Point_1 of array2: "


         <<", "<<pointsArray2.Element(1).GetY()<<endl;

     pointsArray1.Element(0).Move(25,30);     //通过指针访问数组元素的成员

     pointsArray1.Element(1).Move(35,40);   //通过指针访问数组元素的成员

     cout<<"After the moving of pointsArray1:"<<endl;

     cout<<"Point_0 of array2: "


         <<", "<<pointsArray2.Element(0).GetY()<<endl;

     cout<<"Point_1 of array2: "


         <<", "<<pointsArray2.Element(1).GetY()<<endl;

} //程序的运行结果如下:

Please enter the number of points:2

Default Constructor called.           

Default Constructor called.

Default Constructor called.

Default Constructor called.

Copy of pointsArray1:

Point_0 of array2: 5, 10

Point_1 of array2: 15, 20

After the moving of pointsArray1:

Point_0 of array2: 5, 10

Point_1 of array2: 15, 20


Destructor called.

Destructor called.


Destructor called.

Destructor called.

posted @ 2019-01-08 11:31  lemaden  阅读(2298)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报