





  --------------       ---------
  |   File   |  -->     | Buffer |  -->  分析  -->  结果
  --------------       ---------




                  | Buffer |  --> 分析
   /      ---------         \

  --------------       ---------
  |   File   |  -->     | Buffer |  -->  分析  -->  结果
  --------------       ---------        /

           \    ....     -->   ...

  这时有一个问题,如果保证分段时单词不被割断,如段落:...i love you...,如果正好选取在v上,那么love将会被拆成两个单词。对应的,我的解决办法是后搜机制:分割时,往后读char,直到遇到非字母、数字时认为分割完成。





                              | s1, e1|   -->  分析  -->  结果1
                         /    ---------                \
  --------------    IO     -------------       ---------
  |   File   |  ------> | Big Buffer |  -->     | s2, e2 |  -->  分析  -->  结果2 --> 结果
  ----------------         -------------        ---------
                        \     ....    -->   ...  -->   ...  /

  跟前面一样,[start, end]形式的分段分析也存在割断单词的情况,所以也有后搜机制来保证单词不被截断。所幸分割数取决于线程数N,而且由于单词长度有限,在内存内的后搜操作也非常迅速。总之与IO比起来,可以完全忽略了。



                                   | s1, e1|   -->  分析  -->  结果1
                                /    ---------                \
                  ---------------           ---------
                | Big Buffer 1 | -----|| --->     | s2, e2 |  -->  分析  -->  结果2 --> 结果
  --------------     /      ---------------  切        --------- 
  |       File      |  IO     ---------------      换    \     .....     -->   ...  -->   ...  /
  --------------       \        | Big Buffer 2 | -----||

  这种方式的优势在于,Buffer 1在读入完成时,马上会进行分析,然后Buffer 2继续读入;当分析一个Buffer 1完成后,切换到另一个Buffer 2进行分析,然后Buffer 1继续进行读入。这就在一定程度上保证了IO的连贯性,充分利用IO资源(分析操作在内存中是相当快的)。 

  最后,我会附上我的代码,大家可以自己试着写下,其实跟算法没什么关系,主要是练习下多线程、IO方面的基础知识,蛮有意思的。另外,我这份代码需要支持C++ 11标准的编译器才能编译的哦~~

  1 #include <iostream>
  2 #include <fstream>
  3 #include <unordered_map>
  4 #include <time.h>
  5 #include <thread>
  6 #include <cstring>
  7 using namespace std;
  9 struct CharCmp
 10 {
 11     bool operator()(const char *str1,const char * str2) const
 12     {
 13         return strcmp(str1,str2) == 0;
 14     }
 15 };
 17 struct WordHash
 18 {
 19     // BKDR hash algorithm
 20     int operator()(char * str) const
 21     {
 22         int seed = 131; // 31 131 1313 131313 etc..
 23         int hash = 0;
 24         while(*str)
 25             hash = hash * seed + (*str++);
 26         return hash & (0x7FFFFFFF);
 27     }
 28 };
 30 typedef unordered_map<char*, unsigned int, WordHash, CharCmp> HashMap;
 31 typedef unordered_map<char*, unsigned int, WordHash, CharCmp>::iterator KeySet;
 33 bool words[128];
 34 int threadCount = 4;
 35 streamsize loadsize = 536870912;    // 1024*1024*1024  1879048192 1610612736 1073741824 536870912 268435456
 36 char* loadedFile[2];
 37 HashMap* wordMaps;
 39 // 声明
 40 void readBlock(int,int,streamoff,streamsize);
 41 streamsize inline getRealSize(ifstream*,streamoff,streamsize);
 42 void inline readLoad(int,ifstream*,streamoff,streamsize);
 43 streamsize inline getBlockSize(int,streamoff,streamsize);
 45 int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
 47     ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
 48     if (argc==1)
 49     {
 50         cout<<"WordCount多线程统计词频程序\r\n  参数:\r\n    Path必需,ThreadNum可选(默认为4)\r\n    BufferSize可选(双缓冲,实际占用双倍,1879048192 1610612736 1073741824 536870912 268435456,默认512M)\r\n  Usage:  \tWordCount [Path] [ThreadNum] [BufferSize]\r\n  Example:\tWordCount input.txt"<<endl;
 51         exit(0);
 52     }
 53     if(argc>2)
 54         threadCount = atoi(argv[2]);
 55     if(argc>3)
 56         loadsize = atol(argv[3]);
 57     wordMaps = new HashMap[threadCount];
 58     char *filename = argv[1];
 59     // 双缓冲
 60     streamsize maxsize = loadsize+256;
 61     loadedFile[0] = new char[maxsize];
 62     loadedFile[1] = new char[maxsize];
 64     cout<<"Starting to calculate with "<< threadCount <<" threads..."<<endl;
 65     time_t t_start,t_end;
 66     t_start = time(NULL);
 68     // 初始化可识别字符
 69     memset(words,false,128);
 70     for (char c=97;c!=123;++c)
 71         words[c] = true;
 72     for (char c=65;c!=91;++c)
 73         words[c] = true;
 74     for (char c=48;c!=58;++c)
 75         words[c] = true;
 77     // 读取文件
 78     ifstream file;
 79     file.open(filename,ios::binary|ios::in);
 80     if (!file)
 81     {
 82         cout<<"Error: file \""<<filename<<"\" do not exist!"<<endl;    // 失败
 83         exit(1);
 84     }
 85     else
 86     {
 87         // 确认文件大小
 88         streamoff start=0;
 89         file.seekg(0,ios::end);
 90         streamoff size,len = file.tellg();
 91         if (len>3)
 92         {
 93             // 确认有无BOM
 94             char bom[3];
 95             file.seekg(0);
 96             file.read(bom,3);
 97             if (bom[0]==-17&&bom[1]==-69&&bom[2]==-65){
 98                 start = 3;
 99                 size = len - 3;
100             }else
101                 size = len;
102         }else
103             size = len;
104         // 读入文件数据到缓存
105         thread* threads = new thread[threadCount];
106         streamsize realsize;
107         streamoff index,part;
108         bool step = 0,needWait = false;
109         while (size)
110         {
111             // 缓冲
112             realsize = size>maxsize ? getRealSize(&file,start,loadsize) : size;
113             readLoad(step,&file,start,realsize);
114             start+=realsize;
115             size-=realsize;
116             // 等待
117             if(needWait)
118                 for (int i=0;i<threadCount;++i) threads[i].join();
119             else
120                 needWait = true;
121             // 多线程计算
122             index=0,part = realsize/threadCount;
123             for (int i=1;i<threadCount;++i)
124             {
125                 len = getBlockSize(step,index,part);
126                 // 开算
127                 threads[i] = thread(readBlock,step,i,index,len);
128                 index+=len;
129             }
130             threads[0] = thread(readBlock,step,0,index,realsize-index);
131             // 转换
132             step = !step;
133         }
134         // 清理
135         for (int i=0;i<threadCount;++i) threads[i].join();
136         delete loadedFile[0];
137         delete loadedFile[1];
138         file.close();    // 关闭
139         // 结算累加
140         HashMap* map = wordMaps;
141         for (int i=1;i<threadCount;++i)
142         {
143             KeySet p=(wordMaps+i)->begin(),end=(wordMaps+i)->end();
144             for (; p!=end; ++p)
145                 (*map)[p->first] += p->second;
146         }
147         // 输出
148         cout<<"Done.\r\n\nDifferent words: "<< map->size()<<endl;
149         KeySet p=map->begin(),end=map->end();
150         long total = 0;
151         for (; p!=end; ++p)
152             total+=p->second;
153         cout<<"Total words:"<<total<<endl;
154         cout<<"\nEach words count:"<<endl;
155         for (KeySet i = map->begin(); i!=map->end(); ++i)
156             cout << i->first << "\t= " << i->second << endl;
157         //out.close();
158     }
159     t_end = time(NULL);
160     // 结束
161     cout<<"\r\nAll completed in "<<difftime(t_end,t_start) <<"s."<<endl;
162     return 0;
163 }
165 // 文件获取临界不截断的真正大小
166 streamsize inline getRealSize(ifstream* file,streamoff start,streamsize size)
167 {
168     file->seekg(start+size);
169     while (words[file->get()])
170         ++size;
171     return size;
172 }
174 // 文件读入到堆
175 void inline readLoad(int step,ifstream* file,streamoff start,streamsize size){
176     file->seekg(start);
177     file->read(loadedFile[step],size);
178 }
180 // 分块读取
181 void readBlock(int step,int id,streamoff start,streamsize size){
182     char c = '\0';
183     char word[128];
184     int i = 0;
185     HashMap* map = wordMaps + id;
186     KeySet curr,end = map->end();
187     char* filebuffer = loadedFile[step];
188     streamsize bfSize = start + size;
189     for (streamoff index = start;index!=bfSize;++index)
190     {
191         c= filebuffer[index];
192         if (c>0 && words[c])
193             word[i++] = c;
194         else if (i>0)
195         {
196             word[i++] = '\0';
197             // 先判断有没有
198             if ((curr=map->find(word)) == end)
199             {
200                 char* str = new char[i];
201                 memcpy(str,word,i);
202                 map->insert(pair<char*, unsigned int>(str,1));
203             }else
204                 ++(curr->second);
205             i = 0;
206         }
207     }
208     if (i>0)
209     {
210         word[i++] = '\0';
211         if ((curr = map->find(word))==end)
212         {
213             char* str = new char[i];
214             memcpy(str,word,i);
215             map->insert(pair<char*, unsigned int>(str,1));
216         }else
217             ++(curr->second);
218     }
219 }
221 // 内存截断检查
222 streamsize inline getBlockSize(int step,streamoff start,streamsize size)
223 {
224     char* p = loadedFile[step] + start + size;
225     while (words[*p]){
226         ++size;
227         ++p;
228     }
229     return size;
230 }


posted @ 2013-10-15 19:14  Lekko.Li  阅读(2677)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报