

# 创建表
create table student(

        id int primary key auto_increment,      
        name varchar(20) unique, 
                text varchar(100),
        age int,     
score int )engine
=InnoDB default charset=utf8; --------------------------------分割线--------------------------- #插入数据: insert into student(id, name, text, age) values (1, 'Tom', '让子弹飞', 25) insert into student values(2, 'jack', '滴滴打车', 22) # 选择性插入 insert into student(id, name) values (3, 'Smit') # 批量插入 insert into student values (4, 'zhangsan', '刺客五六七', 23),(5,'lisi','梅花十三',21)......... #set插入: insert into student set id=5,name='肌肉鸡';




格式:update 表 set 字段1=value,字段2=value..... where 条件

update student set name='alice' where name='tom'; # 将name为'tom'的列修改成 'alice'
update student set age+=1 where name='alice';     # 将age增加1



格式:delete from 表 [where 条件]

delete from student where name= 'jack'; #将 值为 'jack' 的数据删掉
delete from student;# 删除所有数据,但不是删除表
truncate table student #删除所有数据,不是删除表



select [distinct] *|字段1|字段2|字段3... from 表 where 条件
                      group by 分组
                      having 筛选
                      order by 排序
select 的英文意思是 挑选,挑选字段
from 的意思是 来自,数据的来源(数据来源于哪些表)
distinct 的意思是 独特,特别的。不重复的的数据,用来剔除重复行
* 表示查询所有信息

# 创建测试表
create table student(

        id int primary key auto_increment,      
        name varchar(20) unique, 
                text varchar(100),
        age int,     
score int,
hight int )engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8;
insert into student values
(1,'五六七', '刺客五六七',22,88,165),
(2,'tom', '滴滴滴滴',25,70,165),
(3,'梅花十三', '阿珍爱上了阿强',22,70,163),
(4,'许var强', '强人锁男',28,59,169),
(5,'面筋哥', '真正的实惠',28,73,170),
(6,'面筋弟', '辣辣的感觉', 23, 60, 174);


select * from student  






  比较运算符:>、<、>=、<=、 <> 、 != 、

        between 20 and 30 值在20到30之间

        in (10,30,40)  值是10或者30或者40

        like '%'  %匹配任意字符,并且不限次数

        like '_'    匹配单个字符,一个 _ 只能匹配一次




   select * from student where name='tom'



  select name,score from student where score >70  #搜索分数大于70的学生



  select name,hight from student where hight>165 and hight<170   #搜索身高大于165但又小于170的学生



   select * from student where name like  '面%'



  select * from student where name like '五六_'



  select name,age from student where age between 23 and 28  #搜索年龄在23 - 28的学生



 select name,age from student where age in(22,28)     #搜索年龄22,28岁的学生    

 2.Order by (排序)

  格式:select *|字段1|字段2 .. from 表 order by [Asc|Desc]       # Asc表示升序,Desc表示降序。默认为asc

  select * from student order by age Asc    # 升序



  select * from student order by age desc    #降序



  select * from student where age >22 order by hight desc  # 搜索年龄大于22岁的学生,并以身高进行排序


3. group by 分组
create table divide(
id int primary key auto_increment,
goods varchar(20),
price int,
ddate DATE,
class varchar(10)
)engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8;

insert into divide values(1,'西红柿', 15,20180101,'蔬菜'),
(2,'火龙果', 15,20180101,'水果'),
(3,'电视机', 17,20180101,'电器'),
(4,'电脑', 19,20180101,'电器'),
(5,'莴笋', 25,20180101,'蔬菜'),
(6,'芒果', 5,20180101,'水果'),
(7,'面条', 85,20180101,'面制品'),
(8,'烤面筋', 65,20180101,'面制品'),
(10,'意大利面',65, 20180101,'面制品'),



 select goods,class from divide group by calss,goods # 将商品按种类进行区分


  select class, sum(price) from divide group by class # 将每个种类的商品价格进行累加



  select class, goods,price from divide group by class, goods,price having price > 25

  #将商品按种类分组,然后 having 筛选每组价格大于25的商品



注意:where 与 having都可以对查询结果进行更进一步的过滤。区别在:

  1.where 只能在分组之前筛选,having可以在分组之后筛选





#聚合函数是对 根据要求查询得到的数据内容 再进行加工(多数情况下和分组查询配合使用)
#测试数据:与group by的测试表一样

1.count(字段):# count不会统计null值
  select count(*) from divide #统计值表里的数据有多少行


   select count(price) from divide where price<25  # 统计价格低于25的商品总数



  select count(class) from divide group by class having sum(price) > 100 #统计同一种类商品的总价超过100的商品数量




2.sum(字段) :将经过筛选后的数据进行累加

  select sum(price) from divide   # 计算所有商品总价



 select sum(price) from divide group by price  # 计算每个种类的商品总价


  select sum(price)/count(*) from divide  #计算平均




3.AVG(列名) :计算平均


  select avg(ifnull(price,0)) from divide  #计算每个商品的平均价


4.Max/Min :最大值和最小值

  select Max(price) from divide  #求最大值

  select min(price) from divide #求最小值



select * from divide limit 0,10



select * from divide where goods regexp '^面'   #匹配面字开头


 select * from divide where goods regexp '面$'  #匹配面字结尾





select from where group by having order by 的执行顺序

from --> where --> select -- group by --> having --> order by


posted @ 2018-07-18 05:27  lei-jia-ming  阅读(197)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报