中午又把Solaris的ls手册翻看了下,发现ls -l中显示的时间戳是最后一次被修改的时间。
如果文件修改时间在六个月前,那时间戳显示格式仅为本地化的“月 日 年”,六个月内则显示为 月日时间。
中文utf-8环境的系统中六个月前显示为“2005 1月 23”这样的年月日格式,六个月内则显示为“3月 1日 13:06”这样的月日24小时时间格式。
-l Lists in long format, giving mode, ACL indica-
tion, number of links, owner, group, size in
bytes, and time of last modification for each
file (see above). If the file is a special
file, the size field instead contains the major
and minor device numbers. If the time of last
modification is greater than six months ago, it
is shown in the format `month date year' for
the POSIX locale. When the LC_TIME locale
category is not set to the POSIX locale, a dif-
ferent format of the time field can be used.
Files modified within six months show `month
date time'. If the file is a symbolic link, the
filename is printed followed by "->" and the
path name of the referenced file.
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