
The following services/roles are needed for a Continuous Integration System:

  • developer PC (duh)
  • source control server
  • build server
  • build server visualizer
  • issue/bug tracker

Build Server

This would be CCNet :-), installed on a server/machine of your choice. Depending on the amount of projects, the size, activity or the kind of actions you do,
one or more build servers can be needed.

Build Server Visualizer

This would be CCNet: CCTray and the webDashboard, both can visualize multiple CCNet build servers. 
Another nice one is Cradiator This is a WPF-frontend that shows the state of CCNet projects on a big screen, making it ideal to give an overview for a team in the same room.

Issue/bug tracker

Even a piece of paper can do this trick, or an excel sheet, but a real issue tracking system is always neat. CCNet has some integration with issue-tracking systems see IssueUrlBuilder
SourceForge also offers issue tracking like Trac and DotProject.


posted @ 2012-12-28 14:30  lein.wang  Views(101)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报