How to write and publish you paper_from the presentation of likang in ZHEjiangUniversity



1.what is the most important for you to write a paper in English

(1)The ability to communicate in Chinese

Think about your audience(同行)

(2)The ability to write in Chinese

Think about your readers(很累很懒很忙的中年妇女)

(3)The ability to think simply

Think linearly,not divergently or convergently


(4)The ability to motivate yourself to work hard

You only need to work harder than the next person(不要和大牛比,只需要比旁边人努力一点点)

2.How to write simply

(1)Do not use complex words if there are simple words to express same thing.

Use vs utilize, Take vs Obtain ,tell vs inform

    (2)Use active voice.Do not use passive voice

Participants were instructed to ... vs . We instructed participants to

(3)Use first person pronoun as much as you can(using the royal)

(4)Use short sentences, Do not use long sentences

(5)Write short paragraphs, Cut a long paragraph into short paragraphs

(6)Do not worry about your grammer.Worry about the flow of your ideas.

3.The structure of any English paper

The title

(1)Think a simple title.Do not be fancy(越简单越好)

(2)Use a sentence as much as you can

The Abstract

Write your abstract the last


(1)First paragraph should tell the reader about everything except for the results:What’s your study about?

(2)Second paragraph

Topic sentence(中心思想).


Next paragraph


Second last paragraph

How you did your research or method(participants,materials ,and procedures)(就是要把怎么做的说一遍,不要只讲一次。)

Last paragraph

   What did you expect your results to be?(Hypotheses)(期望自己的结果是怎么样子的?)这里有争论,人有先入为主、懒惰的一面,应该先把期望的结果讲出来。

Method/Main Test

 What & how(Material & Procedures)

 The most important thing to do is to write linearly



  The most important thing to do is to write linearly


  The second important thing is that you must have at least one figure for your paper

No body will read your paper without a figure(图非常重要,甚至可以请艺术家绘图)






Limitations and future studies.(讲给审稿人听的,让她来挑刺,主要是本文的硬伤,最好不超过3个,future study是为了使审稿人对缺陷充满信心)


4.Submitting a paper

Translating:Google Translate(一段翻译比整篇文章好)

Proof reading: Do not trust Google Translate

Cover letter

You want your paper to be considerd for publication in journal X

Why your paper belongs to this journal

No concurrently review


Action editor selection

Reviewer suggestions


Next step


    How long is too long?

    How and when to nudge?

Action letter(写给杂志的秘书,咨询进展)

    Rejection without revision(FXXX OFF,FO)

       What to do?(一定要改,不能不改)

    Rejection with major revision(almost always)

    Rejection with minor revision(extremely unlikely)


Acceptance & Publication



Do not publish your data without acknowledging the

Contributions of others

Do not submit one paper to multiple journals concurrently






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