在Windows Server 2008 R2上设置FTP 服务

微软有些时候也挺傻的,刚配置了一个windows server 2008 R2的FTP服务,突然有种想笑的冲动。。。。



  1. 安装 相关的服务器角色
    Install the Web Server role with the IIS Management Console and FTP Server role services:
    Server 2008 R2 FTP Role Services
  2. 建立一个FTP站点
    Create a new FTP Site:
    Server 2008 R2 FTP Site Information
  3. 绑定IP地址和端口
    Setup the site with the default bindings and choose Allow SSL if you don’t plan on deploying a certificate:
    Server 2008 R2 FTP Binding and SSL Settings
  4. 设置访问权限
    Configure user permissions and basic or anonymous permission.  If your server is connected to your domain you can specify domain users, otherwise they must be local user accounts:
    Server 2008 R2 FTP Authentication and Authorization Information
  5. 最精彩的部分来了,虽然在防火墙的设置里面已经有了FTP Server的Exception,但是其实他并没有真正的允许任何访问,不相信的可以试试,直到这步,本机测试一切正常,但外网无法连接, 必须要手动指定!
    Finally you’ll have to configure your server’s firewall rules to allow access.  Personally, I think Microsoft’s done a great job up until this point… it’s a shame it couldn’t last.  Disregard any existing FTP firewall rules; although they should be enabled, they don’t actually allow access!  Run Allow a Program Through Windows Firewall and grant access to C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe
    Server 2008 R2 FTP Firewall Add a Program
    Server 2008 R2 FTP Firewall Allow Programs to communciate through Windows Firewall
  6. 搞定收工

以上图片及内容来自 http://www.bunkerhollow.com/blogs/matt/archive/2010/05/02/windows-server-2008-r2-ftp-and-firewall-setup.aspx

posted @ 2011-01-02 05:21  lei1016cn  阅读(29392)  评论(7编辑  收藏  举报