MySQL Dump/Restore

Dump ALL MySQL Databases

mysqldump --user=XXXXXXXX --password=XXXXXXX -A > /PATH/TO/DUMPFILE.SQL

Dump Individual or Multiple MySQL Databases

mysqldump --user=XXXXXXXX --password=XXXXXXX --databases DB_NAME1 DB_NAME2 DB_NAME3 > /PATH/TO/DUMPFILE.SQL

Dump only certain tables from a MySQL Database

mysqldump --user=XXXXXXXX --password=XXXXXXXX --databases DB_NAME --tables TABLE_NAME > /PATH/TO/DUMPFILE.SQL

Use the following procedure to reload the contents of a database:
  1. Unzip the backup file you wish to use.
  2. Open it up and pull out only the information that you will need.
  3. Save this text file.
  4. Use the following command to feed back in the contents of a text file:

mysql --verbose --user=XXXXXXXX --password=XXXXXXXX DB_NAME < /PATH/TO/DUMPFILE.SQL

posted @ 2010-10-10 23:07  lei1016cn  阅读(460)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报