Problem B: 一帮学生

Problem B: 一帮学生

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1. Date类:拥有年、月、日三个int类型的属性。

2. Person类:有一个Date类型对象的属性(表示生日)、string类型属性(表示名字),以及一个int类型的静态属性numOfPersons(对象个数)。

3. Student类:是Person类的子类,并拥有一个int类型属性(表明学生学号),一个int类型的静态属性numOfStudents(对象个数)。






Sample Input

32010 3 4 1 Tom2010 3 5 2 Jack2010 3 6 3 Mary

Sample Output

Date 2010-3-4 is created.The 1th person Tom whose birthday is 2010-3-4 is created.The 1th student Tom whose birthday is 2010-3-4 and id is 1 is created.Date 2010-3-5 is created.The 2th person Jack whose birthday is 2010-3-5 is created.The 2th student Jack whose birthday is 2010-3-5 and id is 2 is created.Date 2010-3-6 is created.The 3th person Mary whose birthday is 2010-3-6 is created.The 3th student Mary whose birthday is 2010-3-6 and id is 3 is created.Student Tom whose birthday is 2010-3-4 and id is 1 is erased.Person Tom whose birthday is 2010-3-4 is erased.Date 2010-3-4 is erased.Student Jack whose birthday is 2010-3-5 and id is 2 is erased.Person Jack whose birthday is 2010-3-5 is erased.Date 2010-3-5 is erased.Student Mary whose birthday is 2010-3-6 and id is 3 is erased.Person Mary whose birthday is 2010-3-6 is erased.Date 2010-3-6 is erased.


Append Code

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

class Date
    int year,month,date;
    Date(int year,int month,int date):year(year),month(month),date(date){cout<<"Date "<<year<<"-"<<month<<"-"<<date<<" is created."<<endl;}
    ~Date(){cout<<"Date "<<year<<"-"<<month<<"-"<<date<<" is erased."<<endl;}
class Person
    Date birthday;
    string name;
    static int numOfPersons;
    Person(int year,int month,int date,string _name):birthday(year,month,date)
            name = _name;
            cout<<"The "<<numOfPersons<<"th person "<<name<<" whose birthday is "<<year<<"-"<<month<<"-"<<date<<" is created."<<endl;
        ~Person(){cout<<"Person "<<name<<" whose birthday is "<<birthday.year<<"-"<<birthday.month<<"-"<<<<" is erased."<<endl;}
int Person::numOfPersons = 0;
class Student : public Person
    static int numOfStudents;
    int num;
    Student(int year,int month,int date,string name,int _num):Person(year,month,date,name)
        num = _num;
        cout<<"The "<<numOfPersons<<"th student "<<name<<" whose birthday is "<<year<<"-"<<month<<"-"<<date<<" and id is "<<num<<" is created."<<endl;
    ~Student(){cout<<"Student "<<name<<" whose birthday is "<<birthday.year<<"-"<<birthday.month<<"-"<<<<" and id is "<<num<<" is erased."<<endl;}
int Student::numOfStudents = 0;
int main()
    int year, month, day, id, i;
    string name;
    int num;
    Student **students = new Student*[num];
    for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
        students[i] = new Student(year, month, day, name, id);
    for (i = 0;i <num; i++)
        delete students[i];
    delete[] students;
    return 0;

posted @ 2017-04-12 16:46  legolas007  阅读(29)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报