1 #!/usr/bin/python3
2 #-*-coding=utf-8-*-
4 import os # 利用os.system(command)实现设置壁纸
5 import re # 用来匹配必应首页图片地址
6 import time
7 import sys # for stopping this script in csae of any mistake
8 from urllib.request import urlopen # for fetching web pages
10 patten = r'g_img={url:\'(?P<h>.*)\',id' # find where the picture is by its html patten
11 path = '/home/legendlc/Desktop/Python/WallPapers/' # folder for storing pics
12 url = "https://cn.bing.com" # target url
13 refreshInterval = 10 * 60 # 单位为秒
15 _filename = 'none'
16 filename = 'none'
17 while True:
18 now = time.localtime()
19 _filename = filename
20 filename = str(now.tm_year) + '_' + str(now.tm_mon) + '_' + str(now.tm_mday) + '.jpg'
22 if _filename != filename:
23 try:
24 response = urlopen(url)
25 except Exception as e:
26 print(e)
27 html = response.read().decode('utf-8') # get html in form of string
29 pos = re.search(patten, html)
30 if pos == None:
31 print('Html Patten out-of-date')
32 sys.exit(0)
33 img_url = 'http://s.cn.bing.net' + pos.group('h') # get image url
35 x = urlopen(img_url)
36 f = open(path + filename, 'wb')
37 f.write(x.read())
38 f.close() # download the image into a local file named by date
40 c_path = '"file://' + path + filename + '"' # absolute path
41 os.system('gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri ' + c_path) # call system command to change the gnome background
42 time.sleep(refreshInterval)
43 else:
44 time.sleep(refreshInterval)