参考: L1 Norm Regularization and Sparsity Explained for Dummies 专为小白解释的文章,文笔十分之幽默 减少feature的数量可以防止over fitting,尤其是在特征比样本数多得多的情况下。 L1就二维而言是一个四边形(L1 norm 阅读全文
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比对 The raw Drop-seq data was processed with the standard pipeline (Drop-seq tools version 1.12 from McCarroll laboratory). Reads were aligned to the E 阅读全文
背景:We developed a cell-cycle scoring approach that uses expression data to compute an index for every cell that scores the cell according to its expre 阅读全文
参考: 模式识别与机器学习(一):概率论、决策论、信息论 Decision Theory - Principles and Approaches 英文图书 What are the best beginners books about decision theory? - Quora Statist 阅读全文