

Netcat for Windows

Linux Netcat 命令——网络工具中的瑞士军刀

8 个实用的 Linux netcat 命令示例

If I am not mistaken, nc comes as a default tool in most of the Linux distros. You can download the windows port of the tool at

The command to have netcat listen on a specific port is “nc -l PORT_NUMBER”. If you run this on a Windows 7 machine, you will get this dreaded message “local listenfuxored: INVAL”. The fix is to run it with a -L option. So the command would like this

nc -L -p 80

The -L means “listen harder, re-listen on socket close” :).. Have to dig deeper and see what it really means though. I will leave that for another blog post.

And if you want to validate that netcat is indeed listening on that port, you can connect to that port from another workstation by using nmap.

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