关于ERROR LNK 2005错误
2008-08-20 14:53 libiver 阅读(412) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报
关于ERROR LNK 2005错误
To fix by checking the following possible causes
1. Mixing static and dynamic libraries when also using /clr.
2. The symbol is a packaged function (created by compiling with /Gy) and was included in more than one file but was changed between compilations. Recompile all files that include symbol.
3. The symbol is defined differently in two member objects in different libraries, and both member objects were used.
4. An absolute is defined twice, with a different value in each definition.
5. A header file declared and defined a variable. Possible solutions include:
· Declare the variable in .h: extern BOOL MyBool; and then assign to it in a .c or .cpp file: BOOL MyBool = FALSE;.
· Declare the variable static.
· Declare the variable selectany.
6. If you use uuid.lib in combination with other .lib files that define GUIDs (for example, oledb.lib and adsiid.lib).
7. To fix, add /FORCE:MULTIPLE to the linker command line options, and make sure that uuid.lib is the first library referenced.
其实遇到这个错误并不可怕,只要我们找出原因,知道为什么会引起这些错误后,就不难解决。根据自己平时的心得和MSDN的解释,主要有下面这些情况,可能引起lnk 2005错误。
A、 全局变量的重复定义,在实际的编程中我们应该尽量不使用全局变量。她会产生如下的错误:
AAA.obj error LNK2005 int book c?book@@3HA already defined in BBB.obj
B、 文件的重复包含,因为头文件中会有很多的变量,函数声明,所以要是被重复无次序包含的话,就有可能产生lnk 2005错误。
解决方法是使用#ifndef #define #endif宏来预防头文件被多次包含时重复编译。或者使用#pragma once做预编译。
C、 库版本包含错误,这个里面分两种情况说下。
1、 第三方库引起错误,这个在做directshow程序的时候记忆尤为深刻。现在自己把那个库分别编译成了strmbasd.lib、strmbasd_Unicode.lib、strmbase.lib、strmbase_Unicode.lib,这样根据不同的版本和字符编码链接不同的库,就不会出现错误。这样问题没什么好多,自己注意就是。
2、 关于编译器编译选项设置引起的lnk 2005错误。如:
1>MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR80D.dll) : error LNK2005: __vsnwprintf_s already defined in LIBCMTD.lib(vswprnc.obj)
1>MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR80D.dll) : error LNK2005: __vsnprintf_s already defined in LIBCMTD.lib(vsnprnc.obj)
1>MSVCRTD.lib(ti_inst.obj) : error LNK2005: "private: __thiscall type_info::type_info(class type_info const &)" (??0type_info@@AAE@ABV0@@Z) already defined in LIBCMTD.lib(typinfo.obj)
1>MSVCRTD.lib(ti_inst.obj) : error LNK2005: "private: class type_info & __thiscall type_info::operator=(class type_info const &)" (??4type_info@@AAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z) already defined in LIBCMTD.lib(typinfo.obj)
C Run-Time Libraries (CRT)
C run-time library |
Associated DLL |
Characteristics |
Option |
Preprocessor directives |
libcmt.lib |
None,static link. |
Multithreaded, static link |
_MT |
msvcrt.lib |
msvcr90.dll |
Multithreaded, dynamic link (import library for MSVCR90.DLL). Be aware that if you use the Standard C++ Library, your program will need MSVCP90.DLL to run. |
_MT, _DLL |
libcmtd.lib |
None,static link |
Multithreaded, static link (debug) |
/MTd |
msvcrtd.lib |
msvcr90d.dll |
Multithreaded, dynamic link (import library for MSVCR90D.DLL) (debug). |
/MDd |
msvcmrt.lib |
msvcm90.dll |
C Runtime import library. Used for mixed managed/native code. |
/clr |
msvcurt.lib |
msvcm90.dll |
CRuntime importlibrary compiled as 100% pure MSIL code. All code complies with the ECMA URT spec for MSIL. |
/clr:pure |
Standard C++ Library
Standard C++ Library |
Characteristics |
Option |
Preprocessor directives |
Multithreaded, static link |
/MT |
_MT |
Multithreaded, dynamic link (import library for MSVCP90.dll) |
/MD |
_MT, _DLL |
Multithreaded, static link |
/MTd |
Multithreaded, dynamic link (import library for MSVCP90D.DLL) |
/MDd |
会将库名 LIBCMTD.lib放入.obj文件中,以便链接器使用 LIBCMTD.lib 解析外部符号。所以要将MSVCRTD.lib这个库去掉,方法如下图:
D、error LNK2005: _DllMain@12 already defined in XXX.obj 处理方
当 C 运行时 (CRT) 库和 Microsoft 基础类 (MFC) 库的链接顺序有误时,可能会出现以下
LNK2005 错误之一:
mfcs40d.lib(dllmodul.obj):error LNK2005:_DllMain@12 already defined in
MSVCRTD.LIB (dllmain.obj)
mfcs42d.lib(dllmodul.obj):error LNK2005:_DllMain@12 already defined in
CRT 库对 new、delete 和 DllMain 函数使用弱外部链接。MFC 库也包含 new、delete 和
DllMain 函数。这些函数要求先链接 MFC 库,然后再链接 CRT 库。 所以按顺序修改即可