对于找Java相关工作的读者而言,在笔试中肯定免不了遇到try-catch-finally + return的题型,需要面试这清楚返回值,这也是这篇博文产生的由来。本文将从字节码层面来解释为何不同的写法对应的返回结果不相同。当然在实际开发环境下不会这么抠知识点,但是掌握这种分析方法也未尝不可。对于没有此需求的读者大可略过此篇博文。
package com.hust.grid.leesf.main; /** * Created by LEESF on 2016/9/11. */ public class FinallyReturnTest { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(test1()); System.out.println(test2()); System.out.println(test3()); System.out.println(test4()); System.out.println(test5()); System.out.println(test6()); } /** * 有异常抛出情况、try、catch、finally均有return语句 * @return */ public static int test1() { int x = 0; try { int i = 0; int j = 1; int k = j / i; return x; } catch (Exception e) { x = 1; return x; } finally { x = 2; return x; } } /** * 无异常抛出情况、try、catch、finally均有return语句 * @return */ public static int test2() { int x = 0; try { int i = 0; int j = 1; return x; } catch (Exception e) { x = 1; return x; } finally { x = 2; return x; } } /** * 有异常抛出,try、catch均有return语句 * @return */ public static int test3() { int x = 0; try { int i = 0; int j = 1; int k = j / i; return x; } catch (Exception e) { x = 1; return x; } finally { x = 2; } } /** * 无异常抛出,try、catch均有return语句 * @return */ public static int test4() { int x = 0; try { int i = 0; int j = 1; return x; } catch (Exception e) { x = 1; return x; } finally { x = 2; } } /** * 无异常抛出,try、方法最后均有return语句 * @return */ public static int test5() { int x = 0; try { int i = 0; int j = 1; return x; } catch (Exception e) { x = 1; } finally { x = 2; } return x; } /** * 有异常抛出,try、方法最后均有return语句 * @return */ public static int test6() { int x = 0; try { int i = 0; int j = 1; int k = j / i; return x; } catch (Exception e) { x = 1; } finally { x = 2; } return x; } }
2 2 1 0 0 2
使用javap -c FinallyReturnTest.class命令查看FinallyReturnTest的字节码,具体如下。
Compiled from "FinallyReturnTest.java" public class com.hust.grid.leesf.main.FinallyReturnTest { public com.hust.grid.leesf.main.FinallyReturnTest(); Code: 0: aload_0 1: invokespecial #1 // Method java/lang/Object."<init>": ()V 4: return public static void main(java.lang.String[]); Code: 0: getstatic #2 // Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/ io/PrintStream; 3: invokestatic #3 // Method test1:()I 6: invokevirtual #4 // Method java/io/PrintStream.printl n:(I)V 9: getstatic #2 // Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/ io/PrintStream; 12: invokestatic #5 // Method test2:()I 15: invokevirtual #4 // Method java/io/PrintStream.printl n:(I)V 18: getstatic #2 // Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/ io/PrintStream; 21: invokestatic #6 // Method test3:()I 24: invokevirtual #4 // Method java/io/PrintStream.printl n:(I)V 27: getstatic #2 // Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/ io/PrintStream; 30: invokestatic #7 // Method test4:()I 33: invokevirtual #4 // Method java/io/PrintStream.printl n:(I)V 36: getstatic #2 // Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/ io/PrintStream; 39: invokestatic #8 // Method test5:()I 42: invokevirtual #4 // Method java/io/PrintStream.printl n:(I)V 45: getstatic #2 // Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/ io/PrintStream; 48: invokestatic #9 // Method test6:()I 51: invokevirtual #4 // Method java/io/PrintStream.printl n:(I)V 54: return public static int test1(); Code: 0: iconst_0 1: istore_0 2: iconst_0 3: istore_1 4: iconst_1 5: istore_2 6: iload_2 7: iload_1 8: idiv 9: istore_3 10: iload_0 11: istore 4 13: iconst_2 14: istore_0 15: iload_0 16: ireturn 17: astore_1 18: iconst_1 19: istore_0 20: iload_0 21: istore_2 22: iconst_2 23: istore_0 24: iload_0 25: ireturn 26: astore 5 28: iconst_2 29: istore_0 30: iload_0 31: ireturn Exception table: from to target type 2 13 17 Class java/lang/Exception 2 13 26 any 17 22 26 any 26 28 26 any public static int test2(); Code: 0: iconst_0 1: istore_0 2: iconst_0 3: istore_1 4: iconst_1 5: istore_2 6: iload_0 7: istore_3 8: iconst_2 9: istore_0 10: iload_0 11: ireturn 12: astore_1 13: iconst_1 14: istore_0 15: iload_0 16: istore_2 17: iconst_2 18: istore_0 19: iload_0 20: ireturn 21: astore 4 23: iconst_2 24: istore_0 25: iload_0 26: ireturn Exception table: from to target type 2 8 12 Class java/lang/Exception 2 8 21 any 12 17 21 any 21 23 21 any public static int test3(); Code: 0: iconst_0 1: istore_0 2: iconst_0 3: istore_1 4: iconst_1 5: istore_2 6: iload_2 7: iload_1 8: idiv 9: istore_3 10: iload_0 11: istore 4 13: iconst_2 14: istore_0 15: iload 4 17: ireturn 18: astore_1 19: iconst_1 20: istore_0 21: iload_0 22: istore_2 23: iconst_2 24: istore_0 25: iload_2 26: ireturn 27: astore 5 29: iconst_2 30: istore_0 31: aload 5 33: athrow Exception table: from to target type 2 13 18 Class java/lang/Exception 2 13 27 any 18 23 27 any 27 29 27 any public static int test4(); Code: 0: iconst_0 1: istore_0 2: iconst_0 3: istore_1 4: iconst_1 5: istore_2 6: iload_0 7: istore_3 8: iconst_2 9: istore_0 10: iload_3 11: ireturn 12: astore_1 13: iconst_1 14: istore_0 15: iload_0 16: istore_2 17: iconst_2 18: istore_0 19: iload_2 20: ireturn 21: astore 4 23: iconst_2 24: istore_0 25: aload 4 27: athrow Exception table: from to target type 2 8 12 Class java/lang/Exception 2 8 21 any 12 17 21 any 21 23 21 any public static int test5(); Code: 0: iconst_0 1: istore_0 2: iconst_0 3: istore_1 4: iconst_1 5: istore_2 6: iload_0 7: istore_3 8: iconst_2 9: istore_0 10: iload_3 11: ireturn 12: astore_1 13: iconst_1 14: istore_0 15: iconst_2 16: istore_0 17: goto 27 20: astore 4 22: iconst_2 23: istore_0 24: aload 4 26: athrow 27: iload_0 28: ireturn Exception table: from to target type 2 8 12 Class java/lang/Exception 2 8 20 any 12 15 20 any 20 22 20 any public static int test6(); Code: 0: iconst_0 1: istore_0 2: iconst_0 3: istore_1 4: iconst_1 5: istore_2 6: iload_2 7: iload_1 8: idiv 9: istore_3 10: iload_0 11: istore 4 13: iconst_2 14: istore_0 15: iload 4 17: ireturn 18: astore_1 19: iconst_1 20: istore_0 21: iconst_2 22: istore_0 23: goto 33 26: astore 5 28: iconst_2 29: istore_0 30: aload 5 32: athrow 33: iload_0 34: ireturn Exception table: from to target type 2 13 18 Class java/lang/Exception 2 13 26 any 18 21 26 any 26 28 26 any }
3.1 test1方法分析
public static int test1(); Code: 0: iconst_0 // 常量0 1: istore_0 // 将常量0存在局部变量表的第一个slot,值得注意的是该方法为静态方法,所以局部变量表的第一个slot并非存储的this引用 2: iconst_0 // 常量0 3: istore_1 // 将常量0存在局部变量表的第二个slot 4: iconst_1 // 常量1 5: istore_2 // 将常量1存在局部变量表的第三个slot 6: iload_2 // 将局部变量表的第三个slot的值(1)放到栈顶 7: iload_1 // 将局部变量表的第二个slot的值(0)放到栈顶 8: idiv // 栈顶元素与次栈顶元素相除,次栈顶元素为除数 9: istore_3 // 将相除的结果保存在局部变量表的第四个slot 10: iload_0 // 将局部变量表的第一个slot的值(0)放到栈顶 11: istore 4 // 将栈顶元素放入局部变量表的第五个slot 13: iconst_2 // 常量2 14: istore_0 // 将常量2存在局部变量表的第一个slot 15: iload_0 // 将局部变量表的第一个slot的值(2)放到栈顶 16: ireturn // 将栈顶的元素返回(返回2) 17: astore_1 // 给catch中定义的Exception e赋值,存在第二个slot中 18: iconst_1 // 常量1 19: istore_0 // 将常量1存在局部变量表的第一个slot 20: iload_0 // 将局部变量表的第一个slot的值(1)放到栈顶 21: istore_2 // 将栈顶元素(1)存在局部变量表的第三个slot中 22: iconst_2 // 常量2 23: istore_0 // 将常量2保存在局部变量表的第一个slot中 24: iload_0 // 将局部变量表的第一个slot的值(2)放到栈顶 25: ireturn // 将栈顶的元素返回(返回2) 26: astore 5 // 给非Exception类型的异常赋值,存在局部变量表的第六个slot中 28: iconst_2 // 常量2 29: istore_0 // 将常量1存在局部变量表的第一个slot 30: iload_0 // 将局部变量表的第一个slot的值(2)放到栈顶 31: ireturn // 将站定的元素返回(返回2) Exception table: // 异常表 from to target type 2 13 17 Class java/lang/Exception // 当2-13行(对应try语句块)发生属于Exception异常时,则转到17行处理(对应catch语句块) 2 13 26 any // 当2-13行(对应try语句块)发生属于非Exception异常时,则转到26行处理(对应finally语句块) 17 22 26 any // 当17-22行(对应catch语句块)发生异常时,则转到26行处理(对应finally语句块) 26 28 26 any // 当26-28行(对应finally语句块)发生异常时,则转到26行处理(对应finally语句块)
如上图所示,笔者对test1方法的每一条指令进行了详细的说明,可以看到,无论发生异常与否,最后返回的都是2(16行、25行、31行)。对于test2 -> test6方法,均可以依葫芦画瓢进行分析,然后得到返回值。
① 当finally语句块中存在return语句时,此时无论是否发生异常,都以该return语句为准,其他的return语句将不起作用。
② 当发生异常时,try存在return语句,catch存在return语句,以catch中的return语句为准,此时在finally语句块中的修改将不起作用。
③ 当发生异常时,try存在return语句,catch不存在return语句,方法在最后存在return语句,以该return语句为准,此时在catch和finally的修改会起作用。
④ 不发生异常时,try存在return语句,不管是catch存在return语句还是方法最后存在return语句,都以try中的return语句为准,此时在catch、finally中的修改将不起作用。
作者:leesf 掌控之中,才会成功;掌控之外,注定失败。
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