本篇是在分析Executors源码时,发现JUC集合框架中的一个重要类没有分析,SynchronousQueue,该类在线程池中的作用是非常明显的,所以很有必要单独拿出来分析一番,这对于之后理解线程池有很有好处,SynchronousQueue是一种阻塞队列,其中每个插入操作必须等待另一个线程的对应移除操作 ,反之亦然。同步队列没有任何内部容量,甚至连一个队列的容量都没有。
3.1 类的继承关系
public class SynchronousQueue<E> extends AbstractQueue<E> implements BlockingQueue<E>, java.io.Serializable {}
3.2 类的内部类
① Transferer

abstract static class Transferer<E> { /** * Performs a put or take. * * @param e if non-null, the item to be handed to a consumer; * if null, requests that transfer return an item * offered by producer. * @param timed if this operation should timeout * @param nanos the timeout, in nanoseconds * @return if non-null, the item provided or received; if null, * the operation failed due to timeout or interrupt -- * the caller can distinguish which of these occurred * by checking Thread.interrupted. */ // 转移数据,put或者take操作 abstract E transfer(E e, boolean timed, long nanos); }
② TransfererStack
1. 类的继承关系
static final class TransferStack<E> extends Transferer<E> {}
2. 类的属性

static final class TransferStack<E> extends Transferer<E> { /* * This extends Scherer-Scott dual stack algorithm, differing, * among other ways, by using "covering" nodes rather than * bit-marked pointers: Fulfilling operations push on marker * nodes (with FULFILLING bit set in mode) to reserve a spot * to match a waiting node. */ /* Modes for SNodes, ORed together in node fields */ /** Node represents an unfulfilled consumer */ // 表示消费数据的消费者 static final int REQUEST = 0; /** Node represents an unfulfilled producer */ // 表示生产数据的生产者 static final int DATA = 1; /** Node is fulfilling another unfulfilled DATA or REQUEST */ // 表示匹配另一个生产者或消费者 static final int FULFILLING = 2; /** The head (top) of the stack */ // 头结点 volatile SNode head; }
3. 类的内部类
1. 类的属性

static final class SNode { // 下一个结点 volatile SNode next; // next node in stack // 相匹配的结点 volatile SNode match; // the node matched to this // 等待的线程 volatile Thread waiter; // to control park/unpark // 元素项 Object item; // data; or null for REQUESTs // 模式 int mode; // Note: item and mode fields don't need to be volatile // since they are always written before, and read after, // other volatile/atomic operations. // item域和mode域不需要使用volatile修饰,因为它们在volatile/atomic操作之前写,之后读 // Unsafe mechanics // 反射机制 private static final sun.misc.Unsafe UNSAFE; // match域的内存偏移地址 private static final long matchOffset; // next域的偏移地址 private static final long nextOffset; static { try { UNSAFE = sun.misc.Unsafe.getUnsafe(); Class<?> k = SNode.class; matchOffset = UNSAFE.objectFieldOffset (k.getDeclaredField("match")); nextOffset = UNSAFE.objectFieldOffset (k.getDeclaredField("next")); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Error(e); } } }
2. 类的构造函数

SNode(Object item) { this.item = item; }
3. 核心函数分析
3.1. tryMatch函数

boolean tryMatch(SNode s) { if (match == null && UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(this, matchOffset, null, s)) { // 本结点的match域为null并且比较并替换match域成功 // 获取本节点的等待线程 Thread w = waiter; if (w != null) { // 存在等待的线程 // waiters need at most one unpark // 将本结点的等待线程重新置为null waiter = null; // unpark等待线程 LockSupport.unpark(w); } return true; } // 如果match不为null或者CAS设置失败,则比较match域是否等于s结点,若相等,则表示已经完成匹配,匹配成功 return match == s; }
① 判断本结点的match域是否为null,若为null,则进入步骤②,否则,进入步骤⑤
② CAS设置本结点的match域为s结点,若成功,则进入步骤③,否则,进入步骤⑤
③ 判断本结点的waiter域是否为null,若不为null,则进入步骤④,否则,进入步骤⑤
④ 重新设置本结点的waiter域为null,并且unparkwaiter域所代表的等待线程。进入步骤⑥
⑤ 比较本结点的match域是否为本结点,若是,则进入步骤⑥,否则,进入步骤⑦
⑥ 返回true
⑦ 返回false
4. 核心函数分析
4.1 isFulfilling函数

static boolean isFulfilling(int m) { return (m & FULFILLING) != 0; }
4.2 transfer函数

E transfer(E e, boolean timed, long nanos) { /* * Basic algorithm is to loop trying one of three actions: * * 1. If apparently empty or already containing nodes of same * mode, try to push node on stack and wait for a match, * returning it, or null if cancelled. * * 2. If apparently containing node of complementary mode, * try to push a fulfilling node on to stack, match * with corresponding waiting node, pop both from * stack, and return matched item. The matching or * unlinking might not actually be necessary because of * other threads performing action 3: * * 3. If top of stack already holds another fulfilling node, * help it out by doing its match and/or pop * operations, and then continue. The code for helping * is essentially the same as for fulfilling, except * that it doesn't return the item. */ SNode s = null; // constructed/reused as needed // 根据e确定此次转移的模式(是put or take) int mode = (e == null) ? REQUEST : DATA; for (;;) { // 无限循环 // 保存头结点 SNode h = head; if (h == null || h.mode == mode) { // 头结点为null或者头结点的模式与此次转移的模式相同 // empty or same-mode if (timed && nanos <= 0) { // 设置了timed并且等待时间小于等于0,表示不能等待,需要立即操作 // can't wait if (h != null && h.isCancelled()) // 头结点不为null并且头结点被取消 casHead(h, h.next); // 重新设置头结点(弹出之前的头结点) // pop cancelled node else // 头结点为null或者头结点没有被取消 // 返回null return null; } else if (casHead(h, s = snode(s, e, h, mode))) { // 生成一个SNode结点;将原来的head头结点设置为该结点的next结点;将head头结点设置为该结点 // Spins/blocks until node s is matched by a fulfill operation. // 空旋或者阻塞直到s结点被FulFill操作所匹配 SNode m = awaitFulfill(s, timed, nanos); if (m == s) { // 匹配的结点为s结点(s结点被取消) // wait was cancelled // 清理s结点 clean(s); // 返回 return null; } if ((h = head) != null && h.next == s) // h重新赋值为head头结点,并且不为null;头结点的next域为s结点,表示有结点插入到s结点之前,完成了匹配 // 比较并替换head域(移除插入在s之前的结点和s结点) casHead(h, s.next); // help s's fulfiller // 根据此次转移的类型返回元素 return (E) ((mode == REQUEST) ? m.item : s.item); } } else if (!isFulfilling(h.mode)) { // 没有FULFILLING标记,尝试匹配 // try to fulfill if (h.isCancelled()) // 被取消 // already cancelled // 比较并替换head域(弹出头结点) casHead(h, h.next); // pop and retry else if (casHead(h, s=snode(s, e, h, FULFILLING|mode))) { // 生成一个SNode结点;将原来的head头结点设置为该结点的next结点;将head头结点设置为该结点 for (;;) { // 无限循环 // loop until matched or waiters disappear // 保存s的next结点 SNode m = s.next; // m is s's match if (m == null) { // next域为null // all waiters are gone // 比较并替换head域 casHead(s, null); // pop fulfill node // 赋值s为null s = null; // use new node next time break; // restart main loop } // m结点的next域 SNode mn = m.next; if (m.tryMatch(s)) { // 尝试匹配,并且成功 // 比较并替换head域(弹出s结点和m结点) casHead(s, mn); // pop both s and m // 根据此次转移的类型返回元素 return (E) ((mode == REQUEST) ? m.item : s.item); } else // 匹配不成功 // lost match // 比较并替换next域(弹出m结点) s.casNext(m, mn); // help unlink } } } else { // 头结点正在匹配 // help a fulfiller // 保存头结点的next域 SNode m = h.next; // m与h可以匹配 // m is h's match if (m == null) // next域为null // waiter is gone // 比较并替换head域(m被其他结点匹配了,需要弹出h) casHead(h, null); // pop fulfilling node else { // next域不为null // 获取m结点的next域 SNode mn = m.next; if (m.tryMatch(h)) // m与h匹配成功 // help match // 比较并替换head域(弹出h和m结点) casHead(h, mn); // pop both h and m else // 匹配不成功 // lost match // 比较并替换next域(移除m结点) h.casNext(m, mn); // help unlink } } } }
4.3 awaitFulfill函数

SNode awaitFulfill(SNode s, boolean timed, long nanos) { /* * When a node/thread is about to block, it sets its waiter * field and then rechecks state at least one more time * before actually parking, thus covering race vs * fulfiller noticing that waiter is non-null so should be * woken. * * When invoked by nodes that appear at the point of call * to be at the head of the stack, calls to park are * preceded by spins to avoid blocking when producers and * consumers are arriving very close in time. This can * happen enough to bother only on multiprocessors. * * The order of checks for returning out of main loop * reflects fact that interrupts have precedence over * normal returns, which have precedence over * timeouts. (So, on timeout, one last check for match is * done before giving up.) Except that calls from untimed * SynchronousQueue.{poll/offer} don't check interrupts * and don't wait at all, so are trapped in transfer * method rather than calling awaitFulfill. */ // 根据timed标识计算截止时间 final long deadline = timed ? System.nanoTime() + nanos : 0L; // 获取当前线程 Thread w = Thread.currentThread(); // 根据s确定空旋等待的时间 int spins = (shouldSpin(s) ? (timed ? maxTimedSpins : maxUntimedSpins) : 0); for (;;) { // 无限循环,确保操作成功 if (w.isInterrupted()) // 当前线程被中断 // 取消s结点 s.tryCancel(); // 获取s结点的match域 SNode m = s.match; if (m != null) // m不为null,存在匹配结点 // 返回m结点 return m; if (timed) { // 设置了timed // 确定继续等待的时间 nanos = deadline - System.nanoTime(); if (nanos <= 0L) { // 继续等待的时间小于等于0,等待超时 // 取消s结点 s.tryCancel(); // 跳过后面的部分,继续 continue; } } if (spins > 0) // 空旋等待的时间大于0 // 确实是否还需要继续空旋等待 spins = shouldSpin(s) ? (spins-1) : 0; else if (s.waiter == null) // 等待线程为null // 设置waiter线程为当前线程 s.waiter = w; // establish waiter so can park next iter else if (!timed) // 没有设置timed标识 // 禁用当前线程并设置了阻塞者 LockSupport.park(this); else if (nanos > spinForTimeoutThreshold) // 继续等待的时间大于阈值 // 禁用当前线程,最多等待指定的等待时间,除非许可可用 LockSupport.parkNanos(this, nanos); } }
4.4 shouldSpin函数

boolean shouldSpin(SNode s) { // 获取头结点 SNode h = head; // s为头结点或者头结点为null或者h包含FULFILLING标记,返回true return (h == s || h == null || isFulfilling(h.mode)); }
① 当前结点为头结点
② 头结点为null
③ 头结点正在匹配中
4.5 clean函数

void clean(SNode s) { // s结点的item设置为null s.item = null; // forget item // waiter域设置为null s.waiter = null; // forget thread /* * At worst we may need to traverse entire stack to unlink * s. If there are multiple concurrent calls to clean, we * might not see s if another thread has already removed * it. But we can stop when we see any node known to * follow s. We use s.next unless it too is cancelled, in * which case we try the node one past. We don't check any * further because we don't want to doubly traverse just to * find sentinel. */ // 获取s结点的next域 SNode past = s.next; if (past != null && past.isCancelled()) // next域不为null并且next域被取消 // 重新设置past past = past.next; // Absorb cancelled nodes at head SNode p; while ((p = head) != null && p != past && p.isCancelled()) // 从栈顶头结点开始到past结点(不包括),将连续的取消结点移除 // 比较并替换head域(弹出取消的结点) casHead(p, p.next); // Unsplice embedded nodes while (p != null && p != past) { // 移除上一步骤没有移除的非连续的取消结点 // 获取p的next域 SNode n = p.next; if (n != null && n.isCancelled()) // n不为null并且n被取消 // 比较并替换next域 p.casNext(n, n.next); else // 设置p为n p = n; } }
③ TransferQueue
1. 类的继承关系
static final class TransferQueue<E> extends Transferer<E> {}
2. 类的属性

static final class TransferQueue<E> extends Transferer<E> { /* * This extends Scherer-Scott dual queue algorithm, differing, * among other ways, by using modes within nodes rather than * marked pointers. The algorithm is a little simpler than * that for stacks because fulfillers do not need explicit * nodes, and matching is done by CAS'ing QNode.item field * from non-null to null (for put) or vice versa (for take). */ /** Head of queue */ // 队列的头结点 transient volatile QNode head; /** Tail of queue */ // 队列的尾结点 transient volatile QNode tail; /** * Reference to a cancelled node that might not yet have been * unlinked from queue because it was the last inserted node * when it was cancelled. */ // 指向一个取消的结点,当一个结点是最后插入队列时,当被取消时,它可能还没有离开队列 transient volatile QNode cleanMe; }
3. 类的内部类

static final class QNode { // 下一个结点 volatile QNode next; // next node in queue // 元素项 volatile Object item; // CAS'ed to or from null // 等待线程 volatile Thread waiter; // to control park/unpark // 是否为数据 final boolean isData; // 构造函数 QNode(Object item, boolean isData) { // 初始化item域 this.item = item; // 初始化isData域 this.isData = isData; } // 比较并替换next域 boolean casNext(QNode cmp, QNode val) { return next == cmp && UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(this, nextOffset, cmp, val); } // 比较并替换item域 boolean casItem(Object cmp, Object val) { return item == cmp && UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(this, itemOffset, cmp, val); } /** * Tries to cancel by CAS'ing ref to this as item. */ // 取消本结点,将item域设置为自身 void tryCancel(Object cmp) { UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(this, itemOffset, cmp, this); } // 是否被取消 boolean isCancelled() { // item域是否等于自身 return item == this; } /** * Returns true if this node is known to be off the queue * because its next pointer has been forgotten due to * an advanceHead operation. */ // 是否不在队列中 boolean isOffList() { // next与是否等于自身 return next == this; } // Unsafe mechanics // 反射机制 private static final sun.misc.Unsafe UNSAFE; // item域的偏移地址 private static final long itemOffset; // next域的偏移地址 private static final long nextOffset; static { try { UNSAFE = sun.misc.Unsafe.getUnsafe(); Class<?> k = QNode.class; itemOffset = UNSAFE.objectFieldOffset (k.getDeclaredField("item")); nextOffset = UNSAFE.objectFieldOffset (k.getDeclaredField("next")); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Error(e); } } }
4. 类的构造函数

TransferQueue() { // 初始化一个哨兵结点 QNode h = new QNode(null, false); // initialize to dummy node. // 设置头结点 head = h; // 设置尾结点 tail = h; }
5. 核心函数分析
5.1 transfer函数

E transfer(E e, boolean timed, long nanos) { /* Basic algorithm is to loop trying to take either of * two actions: * * 1. If queue apparently empty or holding same-mode nodes, * try to add node to queue of waiters, wait to be * fulfilled (or cancelled) and return matching item. * * 2. If queue apparently contains waiting items, and this * call is of complementary mode, try to fulfill by CAS'ing * item field of waiting node and dequeuing it, and then * returning matching item. * * In each case, along the way, check for and try to help * advance head and tail on behalf of other stalled/slow * threads. * * The loop starts off with a null check guarding against * seeing uninitialized head or tail values. This never * happens in current SynchronousQueue, but could if * callers held non-volatile/final ref to the * transferer. The check is here anyway because it places * null checks at top of loop, which is usually faster * than having them implicitly interspersed. */ QNode s = null; // constructed/reused as needed // 确定此次转移的类型(put or take) boolean isData = (e != null); for (;;) { // 无限循环,确保操作成功 // 获取尾结点 QNode t = tail; // 获取头结点 QNode h = head; if (t == null || h == null) // 看到未初始化的头尾结点 // saw uninitialized value // 跳过后面的部分,继续 continue; // spin if (h == t || t.isData == isData) { // 头结点与尾结点相等或者尾结点的模式与当前结点模式相同 // empty or same-mode // 获取尾结点的next域 QNode tn = t.next; if (t != tail) // t不为尾结点,不一致,重试 // inconsistent read continue; if (tn != null) { // tn不为null,有其他线程添加了tn结点 // lagging tail // 设置新的尾结点为tn advanceTail(t, tn); // 跳过后面的部分,继续 continue; } if (timed && nanos <= 0) // 设置了timed并且等待时间小于等于0,表示不能等待,需要立即操作 // can't wait // 返回null return null; if (s == null) // s为null // 新生一个结点并赋值给s s = new QNode(e, isData); if (!t.casNext(null, s)) // 设置t结点的next域不成功 // failed to link in // 跳过后面的部分,继续 continue; // 设置新的尾结点 advanceTail(t, s); // swing tail and wait // Spins/blocks until node s is fulfilled // 空旋或者阻塞直到s结点被匹配 Object x = awaitFulfill(s, e, timed, nanos); if (x == s) { // x与s相等,表示已经取消 // wait was cancelled // 清除 clean(t, s); // 返回null return null; } if (!s.isOffList()) { // s结点还没离开队列 // not already unlinked // 设置新的头结点 advanceHead(t, s); // unlink if head if (x != null) // x不为null // and forget fields // 设置s结点的item s.item = s; // 设置s结点的waiter域为null s.waiter = null; } return (x != null) ? (E)x : e; } else { // 模式互补 // complementary-mode // 获取头结点的next域(匹配的结点) QNode m = h.next; // node to fulfill if (t != tail || m == null || h != head) // t不为尾结点或者m为null或者h不为头结点(不一致) // 跳过后面的部分,继续 continue; // inconsistent read // 获取m结点的元素域 Object x = m.item; if (isData == (x != null) || // m结点被匹配 // m already fulfilled x == m || // m结点被取消 // m cancelled !m.casItem(x, e)) { // CAS操作失败 // lost CAS advanceHead(h, m); // 队列头结点出队列,并重试 // dequeue and retry continue; } // 匹配成功,设置新的头结点 advanceHead(h, m); // successfully fulfilled // unpark m结点对应的等待线程 LockSupport.unpark(m.waiter); return (x != null) ? (E)x : e; } } }
5.2 awaitFulfill函数

Object awaitFulfill(QNode s, E e, boolean timed, long nanos) { /* Same idea as TransferStack.awaitFulfill */ // 根据timed标识计算截止时间 final long deadline = timed ? System.nanoTime() + nanos : 0L; // 获取当前线程 Thread w = Thread.currentThread(); // 计算空旋时间 int spins = ((head.next == s) ? (timed ? maxTimedSpins : maxUntimedSpins) : 0); for (;;) { // 无限循环,确保操作成功 if (w.isInterrupted()) // 当前线程被中断 // 取消 s.tryCancel(e); // 获取s的元素域 Object x = s.item; if (x != e) // 元素不为e // 返回 return x; if (timed) { // 设置了timed // 计算继续等待的时间 nanos = deadline - System.nanoTime(); if (nanos <= 0L) { // 继续等待的时间小于等于0 // 取消 s.tryCancel(e); // 跳过后面的部分,继续 continue; } } if (spins > 0) // 空旋时间大于0 // 减少空旋时间 --spins; else if (s.waiter == null) // 等待线程为null // 设置等待线程 s.waiter = w; else if (!timed) // 没有设置timed标识 // 禁用当前线程并设置了阻塞者 LockSupport.park(this); else if (nanos > spinForTimeoutThreshold) // 继续等待的时间大于阈值 // 禁用当前线程,最多等待指定的等待时间,除非许可可用 LockSupport.parkNanos(this, nanos); } }
5.3 clean函数

void clean(QNode pred, QNode s) { // 设置等待线程为null s.waiter = null; // forget thread /* * At any given time, exactly one node on list cannot be * deleted -- the last inserted node. To accommodate this, * if we cannot delete s, we save its predecessor as * "cleanMe", deleting the previously saved version * first. At least one of node s or the node previously * saved can always be deleted, so this always terminates. */ /* * 在任何时候,最后插入的结点不能删除,为了满足这个条件 * 如果不能删除s结点,我们将s结点的前驱设置为cleanMe结点 * 删除之前保存的版本,至少s结点或者之前保存的结点能够被删除 * 所以最后总是会结束 */ while (pred.next == s) { // pred的next域为s // Return early if already unlinked // 获取头结点 QNode h = head; // 获取头结点的next域 QNode hn = h.next; // Absorb cancelled first node as head if (hn != null && hn.isCancelled()) { // hn不为null并且hn被取消 // 设置新的头结点 advanceHead(h, hn); // 跳过后面的部分,继续 continue; } // 获取尾结点,保证对尾结点的读一致性 QNode t = tail; // Ensure consistent read for tail if (t == h) // 尾结点为头结点,表示队列为空 // 返回 return; // 获取尾结点的next域 QNode tn = t.next; if (t != tail) // t不为尾结点,不一致,重试 // 跳过后面的部分,继续 continue; if (tn != null) { // tn不为null // 设置新的尾结点 advanceTail(t, tn); // 跳过后面的部分,继续 continue; } if (s != t) { // s不为尾结点,移除s // If not tail, try to unsplice QNode sn = s.next; if (sn == s || pred.casNext(s, sn)) // return; } // 获取cleanMe结点 QNode dp = cleanMe; if (dp != null) { // dp不为null,断开前面被取消的结点 // Try unlinking previous cancelled node // 获取dp的next域 QNode d = dp.next; QNode dn; if (d == null || // d is gone or d == dp || // d is off list or !d.isCancelled() || // d not cancelled or (d != t && // d not tail and (dn = d.next) != null && // has successor dn != d && // that is on list dp.casNext(d, dn))) // d unspliced casCleanMe(dp, null); if (dp == pred) return; // s is already saved node } else if (casCleanMe(null, pred)) return; // Postpone cleaning s } }
3.3 类的属性

public class SynchronousQueue<E> extends AbstractQueue<E> implements BlockingQueue<E>, java.io.Serializable { // 版本序列号 private static final long serialVersionUID = -3223113410248163686L; // 可用的处理器 static final int NCPUS = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); // 最大空旋时间 static final int maxTimedSpins = (NCPUS < 2) ? 0 : 32; // 无限时的等待的最大空旋时间 static final int maxUntimedSpins = maxTimedSpins * 16; // 超时空旋等待阈值 static final long spinForTimeoutThreshold = 1000L; // 用于序列化 private ReentrantLock qlock; private WaitQueue waitingProducers; private WaitQueue waitingConsumers; }
3.4 类的构造函数
1. SynchronousQueue()型构造函数

public SynchronousQueue() { // 非公平策略(先进后出) this(false); }
说明:该构造函数用于创建一个具有非公平访问策略的 SynchronousQueue。
2. SynchronousQueue(boolean)型构造函数

public SynchronousQueue(boolean fair) { // 根据指定的策略生成不同的结构 transferer = fair ? new TransferQueue<E>() : new TransferStack<E>(); }
说明:创建一个具有指定公平策略的 SynchronousQueue。
3.5 核心函数分析

// 将指定元素添加到此队列,如有必要则等待另一个线程接收它 public void put(E e) throws InterruptedException { // e为null则抛出异常 if (e == null) throw new NullPointerException(); if (transferer.transfer(e, false, 0) == null) { // 进行转移操作 // 中断当前线程 Thread.interrupted(); throw new InterruptedException(); } } // 将指定元素插入到此队列,如有必要则等待指定的时间,以便另一个线程接收它 public boolean offer(E e, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException { // e为null则抛出异常 if (e == null) throw new NullPointerException(); if (transferer.transfer(e, true, unit.toNanos(timeout)) != null) // 进行转移操作 return true; if (!Thread.interrupted()) // 当前线程没有被中断 // 返回 return false; throw new InterruptedException(); } // 如果另一个线程正在等待以便接收指定元素,则将指定元素插入到此队列 public boolean offer(E e) { // e为null则抛出异常 if (e == null) throw new NullPointerException(); return transferer.transfer(e, true, 0) != null; // 进行转移操作 } // 获取并移除此队列的头,如有必要则等待另一个线程插入它 public E take() throws InterruptedException { // 进行转移操作 E e = transferer.transfer(null, false, 0); if (e != null) return e; Thread.interrupted(); throw new InterruptedException(); } // 获取并移除此队列的头,如有必要则等待指定的时间,以便另一个线程插入它 public E poll(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException { E e = transferer.transfer(null, true, unit.toNanos(timeout)); if (e != null || !Thread.interrupted()) // 元素不为null或者当前线程没有被中断 return e; throw new InterruptedException(); } // 如果另一个线程当前正要使用某个元素,则获取并移除此队列的头 public E poll() { return transferer.transfer(null, true, 0); } // 始终返回 true public boolean isEmpty() { return true; } // 始终返回 0 public int size() { return 0; } // 始终返回 0 public int remainingCapacity() { return 0; } // 不执行任何操作 public void clear() { } // 始终返回false public boolean contains(Object o) { return false; } // 始终返回false public boolean remove(Object o) { return false; } // 除非给定 collection 为空,否则返回 false public boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c) { return c.isEmpty(); } // 始终返回 false public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) { return false; } // 始终返回 false public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c) { return false; } // 始终返回 null public E peek() { return null; } // 返回一个空迭代器,其中 hasNext 始终返回 false public Iterator<E> iterator() { return Collections.emptyIterator(); } // public Spliterator<E> spliterator() { return Spliterators.emptySpliterator(); } // 返回一个 0 长度的数组 public Object[] toArray() { return new Object[0]; } // 将指定数组的第 0 个元素设置为 null(如果该数组有非 0 的长度)并返回它 public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a) { if (a.length > 0) a[0] = null; return a; } // 移除此队列中所有可用的元素,并将它们添加到给定 collection 中 public int drainTo(Collection<? super E> c) { if (c == null) throw new NullPointerException(); if (c == this) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); int n = 0; for (E e; (e = poll()) != null;) { c.add(e); ++n; } return n; } // 最多从此队列中移除给定数量的可用元素,并将这些元素添加到给定 collection 中 public int drainTo(Collection<? super E> c, int maxElements) { if (c == null) throw new NullPointerException(); if (c == this) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); int n = 0; for (E e; n < maxElements && (e = poll()) != null;) { c.add(e); ++n; } return n; }

package com.hust.grid.leesf.collections; import java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; public class SynchronousQueueDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { SynchronousQueue<Integer> queue = new SynchronousQueue<Integer>(); Producer p1 = new Producer("p1", queue, 10); Producer p2 = new Producer("p2", queue, 50); Consumer c1 = new Consumer("c1", queue); Consumer c2 = new Consumer("c2", queue); c1.start(); try { TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } c2.start(); try { TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } p1.start(); try { TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } p2.start(); } static class Producer extends Thread { private SynchronousQueue<Integer> queue; private int n; public Producer(String name, SynchronousQueue<Integer> queue, int n) { super(name); this.queue = queue; this.n = n; } public void run() { System.out.println(getName() + " offer result " + queue.offer(n)); } } static class Consumer extends Thread { private SynchronousQueue<Integer> queue; public Consumer(String name, SynchronousQueue<Integer> queue) { super(name); this.queue = queue; } public void run() { try { System.out.println(getName() + " take result " + queue.take()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
p1 offer result true c2 take result 10 p2 offer result true c1 take result 50
① c1执行take操作,主要的函数调用如下
② c1执行take操作,主要的函数调用如下
③ p1线程执行offer(10)操作,主要的函数调用如下
③ c2线程被unpark后,继续运行,主要函数调用如下(由于c2线程是在awaitFulfill函数中被park的,所以,恢复也是在awaitFulfill函数中)
④ p2线程执行offer(50)操作,主要的函数调用如下
⑤ c1线程被unpark后,继续运行,主要函数调用如下(由于c1线程是在awaitFulfill函数中被park的,所以,恢复也是在awaitFulfill函数中)

package com.hust.grid.leesf.collections; import java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; public class SynchronousQueueDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { SynchronousQueue<Integer> queue = new SynchronousQueue<Integer>(true); Producer p1 = new Producer("p1", queue, 10); Producer p2 = new Producer("p2", queue, 50); Consumer c1 = new Consumer("c1", queue); Consumer c2 = new Consumer("c2", queue); c1.start(); try { TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } c2.start(); try { TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } p1.start(); try { TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } p2.start(); } static class Producer extends Thread { private SynchronousQueue<Integer> queue; private int n; public Producer(String name, SynchronousQueue<Integer> queue, int n) { super(name); this.queue = queue; this.n = n; } public void run() { System.out.println(getName() + " offer result " + queue.offer(n)); } } static class Consumer extends Thread { private SynchronousQueue<Integer> queue; public Consumer(String name, SynchronousQueue<Integer> queue) { super(name); this.queue = queue; } public void run() { try { System.out.println(getName() + " take result " + queue.take()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
p1 offer result true c1 take result 10 p2 offer result true c2 take result 50

package com.hust.grid.leesf.collections; import java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; public class SynchronousQueueDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { SynchronousQueue<Integer> queue = new SynchronousQueue<Integer>(); Producer p1 = new Producer("p1", queue, 10); Producer p2 = new Producer("p2", queue, 50); Consumer c1 = new Consumer("c1", queue); Consumer c2 = new Consumer("c2", queue); p1.start(); try { TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } c1.start(); try { TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } p2.start(); try { TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } c2.start(); } static class Producer extends Thread { private SynchronousQueue<Integer> queue; private int n; public Producer(String name, SynchronousQueue<Integer> queue, int n) { super(name); this.queue = queue; this.n = n; } public void run() { System.out.println(getName() + " offer result " + queue.offer(n)); } } static class Consumer extends Thread { private SynchronousQueue<Integer> queue; public Consumer(String name, SynchronousQueue<Integer> queue) { super(name); this.queue = queue; } public void run() { try { System.out.println(getName() + " take result " + queue.take()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
p1 offer result false p2 offer result true c1 take result 50
作者:leesf 掌控之中,才会成功;掌控之外,注定失败。
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