golang mongo-driver filter 构建--bson和golang基础类型

go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver 是mongo的golang官方包

clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI("mongodb://tag:123456@")
	client, err := mongo.NewClient(clientOptions)
	if err != nil {
	ctx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Second)
	err = client.Connect(ctx)
	err = client.Ping(ctx, readpref.Primary())
	//tag := UserTag{
	//	Rid:    1,
	//	Aid:    "aid",
	//	Uqid:   "",
	//	Values: map[string]string{"1": "a", "2": "b"},
	collection := client.Database("tag").Collection("usertag")
	ctx, _ = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
	t := UserTag{}
	//db,usertag.find({$or :[{'rid': 1},{'aid': ''},{'uqid': ''}]});
	//err = collection.FindOne(ctx,bson.M{"$or": bson.A{bson.M{"rid":1},bson.M{"aid":"a"}}}).Decode(&t)
	err = collection.FindOne(ctx,map[string]interface{}{"$or":[]interface{}{map[string]interface{}{"rid":1}}}).Decode(&t)
	if err != nil {

  所有的find方法都有一个filer参数, 等同于命令行里的

db.usertag.find({$or :[{'rid': 1},{'aid': ''},{'uqid': ''}]});


filter := `{$or :[{'rid': 1},{'aid': ''},{'uqid': ''}]}`

  这样是不识别的, 我们需要用到bson里提供的几种结构体

type D = primitive.D

// E represents a BSON element for a D. It is usually used inside a D.
type E = primitive.E

// M is an unordered representation of a BSON document. This type should be used when the order of the elements does not
// matter. This type is handled as a regular map[string]interface{} when encoding and decoding. Elements will be
// serialized in an undefined, random order. If the order of the elements matters, a D should be used instead.
// Example usage:
// 		bson.M{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world", "pi": 3.14159}
type M = primitive.M

// An A is an ordered representation of a BSON array.
// Example usage:
// 		bson.A{"bar", "world", 3.14159, bson.D{{"qux", 12345}}}
type A = primitive.A


 其中M是map A是列表


filter := bson.M{"$or": bson.A{bson.M{"rid":1},bson.M{"aid":"a"}}}


// M is an unordered representation of a BSON document. This type should be used when the order of the elements does not
// matter. This type is handled as a regular map[string]interface{} when encoding and decoding. Elements will be
// serialized in an undefined, random order. If the order of the elements matters, a D should be used instead.
// Example usage:
// 		bson.M{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world", "pi": 3.14159}.
type M map[string]interface{}

// An A is an ordered representation of a BSON array.
// Example usage:
// 		bson.A{"bar", "world", 3.14159, bson.D{{"qux", 12345}}}
type A []interface{}




filter := map[string]interface{}{"$or":[]interface{}{map[string]interface{}{"rid":1}}}



原因在与mongo底层的通信都是bson(二进制json), 没办法识别字符串, mongo命令行识别是因为client基于json字符串为基础, 去转换成bson格式了

posted @ 2020-04-03 11:05  screte  阅读(2067)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报