总是这样记笔记会严重影响读书效率,有没有什么更好的办法的。读到现在,有点懒惰不想记了。哎,还是不能放弃呀,这次一定要坚持到底。UIViewControllersNavigation controllers let users move soothly between views (or, more accurately, view controllers) using built-in animation. They provide history control for free without any programming effort. Navigation controllers a 阅读全文
UIView and UIWindowThe iPhone rule goes like this: one window, many views.Metaphorically speaking, UIWindow is the TV set, and UIViews are the actors on your favorite show.UIViews are user interface building blocks. Every iPhone user interface is built from UIViews displayed within one UIWindow, whi 阅读全文
概括性地介绍了OC的基础类等CategoryOC's built-in capability to expand already-existing classes is one of its most powerful features. This behavioral expansion is called a category. Categories extend class functionality without subclassing.Categories add methods to existing classes even if you did not define 阅读全文