手工填写?no. 开发人员写一个小程序便可生成符合格式的Excel文件。
各级部门用斜杠分隔,同属于多个部门的用分号分隔,如 腾讯公司/微信事业群/企业产品部;腾讯公司/社交事业群/社交媒体产品部,表示
1 /** 2 * 生成微信企业号批量导入用的表格xlsx -- http://www.leegtang.com 3 * @param pb 4 */ 5 public void writeXls(PageBean pb){ 6 try { 7 Workbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(); 8 CreationHelper createHelper = wb.getCreationHelper(); 9 Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet("通讯录wechat-Qy"); 10 // Create a row and put some cells in it. Rows are 0 based. 11 12 13 // --------- 必须设置表头,否则企业号导入服务无法识别,表头名称必须正确无误 ------------- 14 // ---------- 导入后需要重新登录,新加的部门才可见 ,这好像是个bug ----------------- 15 Row row = sheet.createRow((short)0); 16 // Create a cell and put a value in it. 17 row.createCell(0).setCellValue("姓名"); 18 row.createCell(1).setCellValue("账号"); 19 row.createCell(2).setCellValue("性别"); 20 row.createCell(3).setCellValue("微信号"); 21 row.createCell(4).setCellValue("手机号"); 22 row.createCell(5).setCellValue("邮箱"); 23 row.createCell(6).setCellValue("所属部门"); 24 row.createCell(7).setCellValue("职位"); 25 26 List lst=pb.getData(); 27 int i=1; 28 for (Iterator iterator = lst.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { 29 DingUser object = (DingUser) iterator.next(); 30 System.out.println(object); 31 32 Row row_ = sheet.createRow((short)i); 33 // Create a cell and put a value in it. 34 row_.createCell(0).setCellValue(object.getName()); 35 row_.createCell(1).setCellValue(getPingYin(object.getName())); 36 row_.createCell(2).setCellValue(object.getSex()); 37 row_.createCell(3).setCellValue(""); 38 row_.createCell(4).setCellValue(createHelper.createRichTextString(object.getTel())); 39 row_.createCell(5).setCellValue(""); 40 row_.createCell(6).setCellValue("B.Team/"+object.getDept()); // B.Team为 最顶级的部门名称,其他部门都在此部门下 41 row_.createCell(7).setCellValue(object.getTitle()); 42 43 44 i++; 45 } 46 47 48 String filePath="F:/adoc/wechat-qy.xlsx"; 49 FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(filePath); 50 wb.write(fileOut); 51 fileOut.close(); 52 System.out.println("########################"); 53 System.out.println(filePath+"写入成功!"); 54 } catch (Exception e) { 55 e.printStackTrace(); 56 } 57 }
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