log4j 归档日志自动压缩

需要添加依赖 apache-log4j-extras-X.X.X.jar

fileNamePattern 以gz或者zip结尾即可



新生成归档gz日志文件,服务器上 vim查看和文本文件没有区别

可以用gzip -l 查看压缩率,确实为压缩文件,grep查不到内容,需要用zgrep




Automatic file compression

TimeBasedRollingPolicy supports automatic file compression. This feature is enabled if the value of the FileNamePattern option ends with .gz or .zip.



FileNamePattern valueRollover scheduleExample
/wombat/foo.%d.gz Daily rollover (at midnight) with automatic GZIP compression of the archived files. During November 23rd, 2004, logging output will go to the file /wombat/foo.2004-11-23. However, at midnight that file will be compressed to become /wombat/foo.2004-11-23.gz. For the 24th of November, logging output will be directed to /wombat/folder/foo.2004-11-24 until its rolled over at the beginning of the next day.


posted @ 2021-11-18 16:16  leegooy  阅读(1854)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报