listcard = [] while True: print('**********欢迎来到名片管理系统**********') print(' 1.查看名片') print(' 2.创建名片') print(' 3.修改名片') print(' 4.删除名片') print(' 5.退出名片') print('*' * 30) choose = input('请选择:').strip() # 查看 if choose == '1': if listcard: i = 0 while i < len(listcard): print('%s--姓名:%s 年龄:%s 电话:%s' % (i+1, listcard[i]['name'], listcard[i]['age'], listcard[i]['phone'])) i += 1 else: print('没有信息!') # 增加 elif choose == '2': new_name = input('name:').strip() new_age = input('age:').strip() new_phone = input('phone:').strip() if new_name and new_age and new_phone: info = {}.fromkeys(('name', 'age', 'phone'), None) info['name'] = new_name info['age'] = new_age info['phone'] = new_phone listcard.extend([info]) print('名片创建成功!') else: print('请输入相应的信息!') # 删除 elif choose == '3': if listcard: i = 0 while i < len(listcard): print('%s--姓名:%s|年龄:%s|phone:%s' % (i+1, listcard[i]['name'], listcard[i]['age'], listcard[i]['phone'])) i += 1 res = input('请输入要删除的名片序号:') listcard.remove(listcard[int(res)-1]) print('删除成功!') # 修改 elif choose == '4': i = 0 while i < len(listcard): print( '%s--姓名:%s|年龄:%s|phone:%s' % (i, listcard[i]['name'], listcard[i]['age'], listcard[i]['phone'])) i += 1 res = input('请输入要修改的名片序号:') print('请输入修改的内容:') edit_name = input('姓名(回车不修改):').strip() edit_age = input('年纪(回车不修改):').strip() edit_phone = input('电话(回车不修改):').strip() if edit_name: listcard[int(res)-1]['name'] = edit_name if edit_age: listcard[int(res)-1]['age'] = edit_age if edit_phone: listcard[int(res)-1]['phone'] = edit_phone print('修改成功!') #退出 elif choose == '5': print('谢谢使用!') break else: print('请输入正确选项!')
lt=[] while True: print('**********欢迎来到名片管理系统**********') print(' a:新建 b:修改 c:删除 d:查询 e:退出') print('*' * 40) ks = input('请输入要进行的操作:') # 增 if ks == 'a': info = {}.fromkeys(('name', 'age', 'phone'), None) k = len(lt) lt.extend([info]) lt[k]['name'] = input('name:') lt[k]['age'] = input('age:') lt[k]['phone'] = input('phone:') print('名片已经添加!') for i, j in lt[k].items(): print(i, ':', j) # 改 elif ks == 'b': key=input('要修改的名字:') i=0 while i < len(lt): if key in lt[i].values(): lt[i]['name'] = input('name:') lt[i]['age'] = input('age:') lt[i]['phone'] = input('phone:') print('名片已经修改!') else: print('没有该名片!') i += 1 # 删 elif ks == 'c': key=input('要删除的名字:') i=0 while i < len(lt): if key in lt[i].values(): lt[i].clear() lt.remove(lt[i]) print('名片已经删除!') else: print('没有该名片!') i += 1 # 查 elif ks == 'd': key=input('要查询的名字:') i=0 while i < len(lt): if key in lt[i].values(): for k, v in lt[i].items(): print(k, ':', v) print('') else: print('没有该名片!') i += 1 # 退出 elif ks == 'e': print('谢谢使用!') break else: print('请输入正确选项!')
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