Hadoop源码分析7: IPC流程(1) 主要类


public abstractclass Server


  public static final ByteBuffer HEADER =ByteBuffer.wrap("hrpc".getBytes());

  public static final byte CURRENT_VERSION =4;

  private static finalThreadLocalServer SERVER= new ThreadLocalServer();  

  private static finalThreadLocalCall CurCall = newThreadLocalCall();

  private String bindAddress;   

  private int port;           

  private int handlerCount;     

  private int readThreads;     

  private Class? extendsWritable paramClass;    

  private int maxIdleTime;   

  private int thresholdIdleConnections;     

  private Configuration conf;

  private int maxQueueSize;

  private final int maxRespSize;

  private int socketSendBufferSize;

  volatile private boolean running =true;

  privateBlockingQueueCall callQueue;

  privateListConnection connectionList = Collections.synchronizedList(newLinkedListConnection());

  private Listener listener= null;

  private Responder responder= null;

  private int numConnections = 0;

  private Handler[]handlers = null;



  private static class Call {

     private int id;                          // theclient's call id    

     private Writable param;                   // the parameter passed   

     private Connection connection;   

     private ByteBuffer response;     



//内部类Server.Listener ,线程  

  private class Listener extendsThread {

     privateServerSocketChannel acceptChannel =null; //the accept channel

     privateSelector selector = null; //theselector that we use for the server

     private Reader[]readers = null;

     private int currentReader =0;

     private InetSocketAddressaddress; //the address we bind at

     private Random rand = newRandom();

     private longlastCleanupRunTime = 0; 

     private ExecutorServicereadPool;    


  //内部类Server.Listener.Reader 线程    

    privateclass Reader implementsRunnable {

       privatevolatile boolean adding = false;

       privateSelector readSelector =null;



   //内部类Server.Responder  , 线程  

    privateclass Responder extendsThread {

      privateSelector writeSelector;

      private intpending;     




    publicclass Connection {

      privateboolean rpcHeaderRead = false; // if initial rpc header isread

      privateboolean headerRead = false;  

      privateSocketChannel channel;

      privateByteBuffer data;

      privateByteBuffer dataLengthBuffer;

      privateLinkedListCall responseQueue;

      privatevolatile int rpcCount = 0; // number of outstanding rpcs

      privatelong lastContact;

      private intdataLength;

      privateSocket socket;

      privateString hostAddress;

      private intremotePort;

      privateInetAddress addr;

     ConnectionHeader header = new ConnectionHeader();

     Class<?> protocol;

      privateAuthMethod authMethod; 




  private class Handler extendsThread {






public classClient {

  privateHashtable<ConnectionId, Connectionconnections = new Hashtable<ConnectionId,Connection>(); 

   privateClass? extendsWritable valueClass;  

   private intcounter;                        // counter for call ids

   privateAtomicBoolean running = new AtomicBoolean(true); // if clientruns

   finalprivate Configuration conf;

   privateSocketFactory socketFactory;          // how tocreate sockets


   private intrefCount = 1;


   private class Call {

     int id;                                 // callid

     Writable param;                          //parameter

     Writable value;                          // value,null if error

     IOException error;                       // exception, null ifvalue

     boolean done; 


   //内部类Client.Connection ,线程 ,而Server.Connection不是线程 

   private class Connection extendsThread {

        privateInetSocketAddress server;           // server ip:port

        privateString serverPrincipal;  // server's krb5principal name

        privateConnectionHeader header;            // connection header

        privatefinal ConnectionId remoteId;             // connection id

        privateAuthMethod authMethod; // authentication method

        private Socket socket = null;              // connected socket

        privateDataInputStream in;

        privateDataOutputStream out;

        private intrpcTimeout;

        private intmaxIdleTime;  

        private intmaxRetries; //the max. no. of retries for socket connections

        privateboolean tcpNoDelay; // if T then disable Nagle's Algorithm

        private intpingInterval; / 

        privateHashtable<Integer, Callcalls= new Hashtable<Integer, Call>();

        privateAtomicLong lastActivity = new AtomicLong(); 

        privateAtomicBoolean shouldCloseConnection = new AtomicBoolean();  

        private IOException closeException; // closereason  


        private class PingInputStream extendsFilterInputStream {




   privateclass ParallelCall extends Call {

      privateParallelResults results;

      private intindex;



    private static classParallelResults {

       privateWritable[] values;

       privateint size;

       privateint count;





   static class ConnectionId {

      InetSocketAddress address;



      privatestatic final int PRIME = 16777619;

      privateint rpcTimeout;

      privateString serverPrincipal;

      privateint maxIdleTime;  

      privateint maxRetries; //the max. no. of retries for socketconnections

      privateboolean tcpNoDelay; // if T then disable Nagle's Algorithm

      privateint pingInterval; // how often sends ping to the server inmsecs





public class RPC {

  private static ClientCache CLIENTS=newClientCache();


  static privateclass ClientCache {

     private MapSocketFactory, Client clients=  new HashMapSocketFactory, Client();


 //内部类RPC.Invocation ,只是一个包装请求参数的普通类,不执行动态代理方法

   private static class Invocationimplements Writable, Configurable {

      privateString methodName;

      privateClass[] parameterClasses;

      privateObject[] parameters;


      privateConfiguration conf;


  //内部类RPC.Invoker ,执行动态代理方法

   private static class Invoker implementsInvocationHandler {

       privateClient.ConnectionId remoteId;

       privateClient client;

       privateboolean isClosed = false;



    public static classVersionMismatch extends IOException {

       privateString interfaceName;

       privatelong clientVersion;

       privatelong serverVersion;


   //内部类RPC.Server ,添加了两个成员  instance,verbose

  public static class Server extendsorg.apache.hadoop.ipc.Server {

        private Object instance;

        private boolean verbose;






publicinterface VersionedProtocol {

  publiclong getProtocolVersion(String protocol,  longclientVersion) throws IOException;




//连接头信息,包括protocoluserGroupInformation   authMethod三个成员变量

class ConnectionHeader implementsWritable  { 

   private String protocol;

   private UserGroupInformation ugi =null;

   private AuthMethod authMethod; ......



enum Status{







publicclass RemoteException extendsIOException {





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