Hadoop源码分析12: IPC流程(7)容器

1.Server callQueue




public abstractclass Server {

     BlockingQueueServerCall callQueue




publicclass ServerConnection {


     privatevoid processData(byte[]buf) throws IOException,


             DataInputStreamdis = new DataInputStream(newByteArrayInputStream(buf));

             int id =dis.readInt(); // try to read an id


             Writable param =ReflectionUtils.newInstance(server.paramClass,

                          server.conf);//read param



             ServerCall call =new ServerCall(id, param, this);

             server.callQueue.put(call);// queue the call; maybe blocked here

             rpcCount++; //Increment the rpc count




publicclass ServerHandler extends Thread {


      publicvoid run(){


             ByteArrayOutputStream buf =new ByteArrayOutputStream(


             while(server.running) {

                    try {

                          final ServerCallcall = server.callQueue.take()

                          // pop thequeue; maybe blocked  here






2.Server connectionList


public abstractclass Server {

      ListServerConnection connectionList =Collections



      void closeConnection(ServerConnectionconnection) {

             synchronized(connectionList) {




             try {


             } catch(IOException e) {





publicclass ServerListener extends Thread {


      void doAccept(SelectionKeykey) throws IOException, OutOfMemoryError {

             ServerConnectionc = null;

             ServerSocketChannelserverSocketChannel = (ServerSocketChannel) key



             while ((channel =serverSocketChannel.accept()) != null) {



                    ServerListenerReader reader =readers[(currentReader + 1) % readers.length];

                    try {


                          SelectionKeyreadKey = reader.registerChannel(channel);

                          c = newServerConnection(readKey, channel,



                          synchronized(this.server.connectionList) {





                    } finally{








   private void cleanupConnections(booleanforce) {


                    while (i= end) {


                          synchronized(server.connectionList) {

                                 try {

                                        c= server.connectionList.get(i);

                                 } catch(Exception e) {




                          if ( c.rpcCount== 0 && currentTime - c.lastContact server.maxIdleTime ) {




                                 c =null;

                                 if (!force&& numNuked == server.maxConnectionsToNuke)


                          } else








3.ServerConnection responseQueue


publicclass ServerConnection {


      LinkedListServerCall responseQueue;





publicclass ServerResponder extends Thread {


   private void doAsyncWrite(SelectionKeykey) throws IOException {

     ServerCall call =(ServerCall)key.attachment();

     if (call == null){



     if (key.channel() !=call.connection.channel) {

       throw newIOException("doAsyncWrite: bad channel");



    synchronized(call.connection.responseQueue) {

       if(processResponse(call.connection.responseQueue, false)){

        try {


        } catch (CancelledKeyException e) {







  privatevoid doPurge(ServerCallcall, long now) throws IOException {

    LinkedListServerCall responseQueue= call.connection.responseQueue;

     synchronized (responseQueue){

      IteratorServerCall iter= responseQueue.listIterator(0);

       while(iter.hasNext()) {

        call = iter.next();

        if (now call.timestamp +PURGE_INTERVAL) {








    void doRespond(ServerCallcall) throws IOException {

     synchronized(call.connection.responseQueue) {


       if(call.connection.responseQueue.size() == 1) {






                              boolean inHandler) throwsIOException {

     boolean error =true;

     boolean done = false;      // thereis more data for this channel.

     int numElements =0;

     ServerCall call =null;

     try {

      synchronized (responseQueue) {


        // If there are no items for this channel, thenwe are done


        numElements = responseQueue.size();

        if (numElements == 0) {

          error = false;

          return true;           // no more data for this channel.



        // Extract the first call


        call = responseQueue.removeFirst();

        SocketChannel channel =call.connection.channel;



        // Send as much data as we can in thenon-blocking fashion


        int numBytes = server.channelWrite(channel,call.response);

        if (numBytes 0) {

          return true;


        if (!call.response.hasRemaining()) {


          if (numElements == 1) {   // last call fullyprocesses.

            done =true;            // no moredata for this channel.

          } else {

            done =false;           // morecalls pending to be sent.



        } else {


          // If we were unable to writethe entire response out, then 

          // insert in Selectorqueue. 




          if (inHandler) {

            // set theserve time when the response has to be sent later

           call.timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();




             // Wakeup the thread blocked on select, onlythen can the call 

             // to channel.register() complete.


             channel.register(writeSelector,SelectionKey.OP_WRITE, call);

            } catch(ClosedChannelException e) {

             //Its ok. channel might be closed elsewhere.

             done = true;

            } finally{





        error = false;            //everything went off well


     } finally {

       if (error&& call != null) {

         done = true;            // error. no more data for thischannel.




     return done;





publicclass ServerHandler extends Thread {

      publicvoid run(){


             ByteArrayOutputStream buf =new ByteArrayOutputStream(


             while(server.running) {

                    try {

                          final ServerCallcall = server.callQueue.take(); // pop the






                          String errorClass= null;

                          String error =null;

                          Writable value =null;



                          try {

                                  value =server.call(call.connection.protocol,




                          } catch(Throwable e) {

                                 errorClass =e.getClass().getName();

                                 error =StringUtils.stringifyException(e);



                          synchronized(call.connection.responseQueue) {

                                 //setupResponse() needs to be sync'ed together with

                                 //responder.doResponse() since setupResponse may use

                                 // SASL toencrypt response data and SASL enforces

                                 // its ownmessage ordering.


                                               (error == null) ?Status.SUCCESS : Status.ERROR,

                                               value,errorClass, error);

                                 // Discard thelarge buf and reset it back to

                                 // smaller sizeto freeup heap

                                 if (buf.size() server.maxRespSize) {

                                        buf = newByteArrayOutputStream(





                    } catch(InterruptedException e) {

                          if(server.running) { // unexpected -- log it



                    } catch(Exception e) {









posted @ 2014-05-28 08:47  lihui1625  阅读(110)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报