笔记:Oracle SQL 高级查询简介 (1) case、层次化、扩展group by

1. 集合操作

union all 、 union、 intersect 、 minus


2、translate 函数

translate(x, str1, str2) . 在字段x 中查找str1中的字符,转化为str2中对应的字符。



select translate(x, 'abc', 'xyz') from table1 

对字段x中字符进行替换:a->x, b->y, x->z


3.DECODE() 函数

就是case 语句。

4、CASE 语句

搜索case表达式 例子:


  select  e.employee_id, 
  case when e.salary>=10000 then 'good' 
       when e.salary>5000 and e.salary < 10000 then 'middle'
       else 'poor' 
       end as salary_type
   from hr.employees  e




----------- -----------
        100 good
        101 good
        102 good
        103 middle
        104 middle
        105 poor
        106 poor
        107 poor
        108 good


简单case表达式 例子:


  select e.employee_id , 
  case e.department_id 
  when 90 then 'research'
  when 60 then 'sales'
  else 'unkown'
  end as department
  from hr.employees e




----------- ----------
        100 research
        101 research
        102 research
        103 sales
        104 sales
        105 sales
        106 sales
        107 sales
        108 unkown



使用 start with 和 connect to privor


select level , e.employee_id , e.manager_id,  e.first_name||' '|| e.last_name as full_name
  from hr.employees e 
  start with e.employee_id = 100
  connect by prior e.employee_id = e.manager_id
  order by level




---------- ----------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------
         1         100            Steven King
         2         102        100 Lex De Haan
         2         114        100 Den Raphaely
         2         120        100 Matthew Weiss
         2         121        100 Adam Fripp
         2         122        100 Payam Kaufling
         2         123        100 Shanta Vollman
         2         124        100 Kevin Mourgos
         2         145        100 John Russell
         2         146        100 Karen Partners
         2         147        100 Alberto Errazuriz
         2         148        100 Gerald Cambrault
         2         149        100 Eleni Zlotkey
         2         201        100 Michael Hartstein
         2         101        100 Neena Kochhar
         3         108        101 Nancy Greenberg
         3         200        101 Jennifer Whalen
         3         203        101 Susan Mavris
         3         204        101 Hermann Baer
         3         205        101 Shelley Higgins




select level , e.employee_id , e.manager_id,  e.first_name||' '|| e.last_name as full_name
  from hr.employees e 
  where e.last_name != 'Kochhar'
  start with e.employee_id = 100
  connect by prior e.employee_id = e.manager_id
  order by level




---------- ----------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------
         1         100            Steven King
         2         114        100 Den Raphaely
         2         120        100 Matthew Weiss
         2         121        100 Adam Fripp
         2         122        100 Payam Kaufling
         2         201        100 Michael Hartstein
         2         124        100 Kevin Mourgos
         2         145        100 John Russell
         2         146        100 Karen Partners
         2         147        100 Alberto Errazuriz
         2         148        100 Gerald Cambrault
         2         149        100 Eleni Zlotkey
         2         102        100 Lex De Haan
         2         123        100 Shanta Vollman
         3         108        101 Nancy Greenberg
         3         200        101 Jennifer Whalen
         3         203        101 Susan Mavris
         3         204        101 Hermann Baer
         3         205        101 Shelley Higgins
         3         103        102 Alexander Hunold


要一起滤除John 的下属,必须这样写


select level , e.employee_id , e.manager_id,  e.first_name||' '|| e.last_name as full_name
  from hr.employees e  
  start with e.employee_id = 100
  connect by prior e.employee_id = e.manager_id and e.last_name != 'Kochhar'
  order by level




---------- ----------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------
         1         100            Steven King
         2         114        100 Den Raphaely
         2         120        100 Matthew Weiss
         2         121        100 Adam Fripp
         2         122        100 Payam Kaufling
         2         201        100 Michael Hartstein
         2         124        100 Kevin Mourgos
         2         145        100 John Russell
         2         146        100 Karen Partners
         2         147        100 Alberto Errazuriz
         2         148        100 Gerald Cambrault
         2         149        100 Eleni Zlotkey
         2         102        100 Lex De Haan
         2         123        100 Shanta Vollman
         3         103        102 Alexander Hunold
         3         115        114 Alexander Khoo
         3         116        114 Shelli Baida
         3         117        114 Sigal Tobias
         3         118        114 Guy Himuro
         3         119        114 Karen Colmenares


6. 扩展的Group By子句

(1). ROLLUP子句



select e.department_id , avg(e.salary)  from hr.employees e 
where e.department_id is not null group by rollup(e.department_id) ;




------------- -------------
           10          4400
           20          9500
           30          4150
           40          6500
           50          3475.55555555
           60          5760
           70         10000
           80          8955.88235294
           90          19333.3333333
          100           8601.33333333
          110          10154
12 rows selected





select e.department_id , e.job_id, avg(e.salary)  from hr.employees e 
where e.department_id is not null and e.job_id is  not null
group by rollup(e.department_id, e.job_id) ;




------------- ---------- -------------
           10 AD_ASST             4400
           10                     4400
           20 MK_MAN             13000
           20 MK_REP              6000
           20                     9500
           30 PU_MAN             11000
           30 PU_CLERK            2780
           30                     4150
           40 HR_REP              6500
           40                     6500
           50 ST_MAN              7280
           50 SH_CLERK            3215
           50 ST_CLERK            2785
           50                      3475.55555555
           60 IT_PROG             5760
           60                     5760
           70 PR_REP             10000
           70                    10000
           80 SA_MAN             12200
           80 SA_REP              8396.55172413 
           80                     8955.88235294
           90 AD_VP              17000
           90 AD_PRES            24000
           90                    19333.3333333
          100 FI_MGR             12008
          100 FI_ACCOUNT          7920
          100                      8601.33333333
          110 AC_MGR             12008
          110 AC_ACCOUNT          8300
          110                    10154
31 rows selected







select e.department_id , e.job_id, avg(e.salary)  from hr.employees e 
where e.department_id is not null and e.job_id is  not null
group by cube(e.department_id, e.job_id) 
order by e.department_id, e.job_id;



------------- ---------- -------------
           10 AD_ASST             4400
           10                     4400
           20 MK_MAN             13000
           20 MK_REP              6000
           20                     9500
           30 PU_CLERK            2780
           30 PU_MAN             11000
           30                     4150
           40 HR_REP              6500
           40                     6500
           50 SH_CLERK            3215
           50 ST_CLERK            2785
           50 ST_MAN              7280
           50                     3475.55555555
           60 IT_PROG             5760
           60                     5760
           70 PR_REP             10000
           70                    10000
           80 SA_MAN             12200
           80 SA_REP              8396.55172413 
           80                     8955.88235294
           90 AD_PRES            24000
           90 AD_VP              17000
           90                    19333.3333333
          100 FI_ACCOUNT          7920
          100 FI_MGR             12008
          100                     8601.33333333
          110 AC_ACCOUNT          8300
          110 AC_MGR             12008
          110                    10154
              AC_ACCOUNT          8300
              AC_MGR             12008
              AD_ASST             4400
              AD_PRES            24000
              AD_VP              17000
              FI_ACCOUNT          7920
              FI_MGR             12008
              HR_REP              6500
              IT_PROG             5760
              MK_MAN             13000
              MK_REP              6000 
              PR_REP             10000
              PU_CLERK            2780
              PU_MAN             11000
              SA_MAN             12200
              SA_REP              8396.55172413
              SH_CLERK            3215
              ST_CLERK            2785
              ST_MAN              7280
50 rows selected


(3). GROUPING 函数



select grouping(e.department_id), e.department_id , avg(e.salary)  from hr.employees e 
where e.department_id is not null group by rollup(e.department_id)




------------------------- ------------- -------------
                        0            10          4400
                        0            20          9500
                        0            30          4150
                        0            40          6500
                        0            50           3475.55555555
                        0            60          5760
                        0            70         10000
                        0            80          8955.88235294
                        0            90         19333.3333333
                        0           100          8601.33333333
                        0           110         10154
                        1               6456.75471698
12 rows selected


与case when 配合:


select case when grouping(e.department_id)=0 then ''||e.department_id else 'All Departments' end as department_id  ,
case when grouping(e.job_id)=0 then e.job_id else 'All Jobs' end as job_id, avg(e.salary) 
from hr.employees e 
where e.department_id is not null and e.job_id is  not null
group by cube(e.department_id, e.job_id) 
order by e.department_id, e.job_id;




DEPARTMENT_ID                            JOB_ID     AVG(E.SALARY)
---------------------------------------- ---------- -------------
10                                       AD_ASST             4400
10                                       All Jobs            4400
20                                       MK_MAN             13000
20                                       MK_REP              6000
20                                       All Jobs            9500
30                                       PU_CLERK            2780
30                                       PU_MAN             11000
30                                       All Jobs            4150
40                                       HR_REP              6500
40                                       All Jobs            6500
50                                       SH_CLERK            3215
50                                       ST_CLERK            2785
50                                       ST_MAN              7280
50                                       All Jobs   3475.55555555
60                                       IT_PROG             5760
60                                       All Jobs            5760
70                                       PR_REP             10000
70                                       All Jobs           10000
80                                       SA_MAN             12200
80                                       SA_REP     8396.55172413 
80                                       All Jobs   8955.88235294
90                                       AD_PRES            24000
90                                       AD_VP              17000
90                                       All Jobs   19333.3333333
100                                      FI_ACCOUNT          7920
100                                      FI_MGR             12008
100                                      All Jobs   8601.33333333
110                                      AC_ACCOUNT          8300
110                                      AC_MGR             12008
110                                      All Jobs           10154
All Departments                          AC_ACCOUNT          8300
All Departments                          AC_MGR             12008
All Departments                          AD_ASST             4400
All Departments                          AD_PRES            24000
All Departments                          AD_VP              17000
All Departments                          FI_ACCOUNT          7920
All Departments                          FI_MGR             12008
All Departments                          HR_REP              6500
All Departments                          IT_PROG             5760
All Departments                          MK_MAN             13000
All Departments                          MK_REP              6000 
All Departments                          PR_REP             10000
All Departments                          PU_CLERK            2780
All Departments                          PU_MAN             11000
All Departments                          SA_MAN             12200
All Departments                          SA_REP     8396.55172413
All Departments                          SH_CLERK            3215
All Departments                          ST_CLERK            2785
All Departments                          ST_MAN              7280
All Departments                          All Jobs   6456.75471698
50 rows selected



grouping sets 只返回小计信息。


select e.department_id , e.job_id, avg(e.salary)  from hr.employees e 
where e.department_id is not null and e.job_id is  not null
group by grouping sets(e.department_id, e.job_id) 
order by e.department_id, e.job_id;




------------- ---------- -------------
           10                     4400
           20                     9500
           30                     4150
           40                     6500
           50                     3475.55555555
           60                     5760
           70                    10000
           80                     8955.88235294
           90                    19333.3333333
          100                     8601.33333333
          110                    10154
              AC_ACCOUNT          8300
              AC_MGR             12008
              AD_ASST             4400
              AD_PRES            24000
              AD_VP              17000
              FI_ACCOUNT          7920
              FI_MGR             12008
              HR_REP              6500
              IT_PROG             5760 
              MK_MAN             13000
              MK_REP              6000
              PR_REP             10000
              PU_CLERK            2780
              PU_MAN             11000
              SA_MAN             12200
              SA_REP              8396.55172413
              SH_CLERK            3215
              ST_CLERK            2785
              ST_MAN              7280
30 rows selected





select grouping(e.department_id),  grouping(e.job_id), grouping_id(e.department_id, e.job_id) as my_grouping_id,
e.department_id , e.job_id, avg(e.salary)  from hr.employees e 
where e.department_id is not null and e.job_id is  not null
group by cube(e.department_id, e.job_id) 
order by e.department_id, e.job_id;




------------------------- ------------------ -------------- ------------- ---------- -------------
                        0                  0              0            10 AD_ASST             4400
                        0                  1              1            10                     4400
                        0                  0              0            20 MK_MAN             13000
                        0                  0              0            20 MK_REP              6000
                        0                  1              1            20                     9500
                        0                  0              0            30 PU_CLERK            2780
                        0                  0              0            30 PU_MAN             11000
                        0                  1              1            30                     4150
                        0                  0              0            40 HR_REP              6500
                        0                  1              1            40                     6500
                        0                  0              0            50 SH_CLERK            3215
                        0                  0              0            50 ST_CLERK            2785
                        0                  0              0            50 ST_MAN              7280
                        0                  1              1            50            3475.55555555
                        0                  0              0            60 IT_PROG             5760
                        0                  1              1            60                     5760
                        0                  0              0            70 PR_REP             10000
                        0                  1              1            70                    10000
                        0                  0              0            80 SA_MAN             12200
                        0                  0              0            80 SA_REP     8396.55172413 
                        0                  1              1            80            8955.88235294
                        0                  0              0            90 AD_PRES            24000
                        0                  0              0            90 AD_VP              17000
                        0                  1              1            90            19333.3333333
                        0                  0              0           100 FI_ACCOUNT          7920
                        0                  0              0           100 FI_MGR             12008
                        0                  1              1           100            8601.33333333
                        0                  0              0           110 AC_ACCOUNT          8300
                        0                  0              0           110 AC_MGR             12008
                        0                  1              1           110                    10154
                        1                  0              2               AC_ACCOUNT          8300
                        1                  0              2               AC_MGR             12008
                        1                  0              2               AD_ASST             4400
                        1                  0              2               AD_PRES            24000
                        1                  0              2               AD_VP              17000
                        1                  0              2               FI_ACCOUNT          7920
                        1                  0              2               FI_MGR             12008
                        1                  0              2               HR_REP              6500
                        1                  0              2               IT_PROG             5760
                        1                  0              2               MK_MAN             13000
                        1                  0              2               MK_REP              6000 
                        1                  0              2               PR_REP             10000
                        1                  0              2               PU_CLERK            2780
                        1                  0              2               PU_MAN             11000
                        1                  0              2               SA_MAN             12200
                        1                  0              2               SA_REP     8396.55172413
                        1                  0              2               SH_CLERK            3215
                        1                  0              2               ST_CLERK            2785
                        1                  0              2               ST_MAN              7280
                        1                  1              3                          6456.75471698
50 rows selected

GROUPING_ID 与having 联合使用,可以过滤出想需要的统计值。



在group by 中可以多次使用同一列,这样可以实现对数据的重新组织,或者按照不同的数据分组进行统计。


select e.department_id , e.job_id, avg(e.salary)  from hr.employees e 
where e.department_id is not null and e.job_id is  not null
group by e.department_id, rollup(e.department_id, e.job_id)  




------------- ---------- -------------
           10 AD_ASST             4400
           20 MK_MAN             13000
           20 MK_REP              6000
           30 PU_MAN             11000
           30 PU_CLERK            2780
           40 HR_REP              6500
           50 ST_MAN              7280
           50 SH_CLERK            3215
           50 ST_CLERK            2785
           60 IT_PROG             5760
           70 PR_REP             10000
           80 SA_MAN             12200
           80 SA_REP              8396.55172413
           90 AD_VP              17000
           90 AD_PRES            24000
          100 FI_MGR             12008
          100 FI_ACCOUNT          7920
          110 AC_MGR             12008
          110 AC_ACCOUNT          8300
           10                     4400 
           20                     9500
           30                     4150
           40                     6500
           50                     3475.55555555
           60                     5760
           70                    10000
           80                     8955.88235294
           90                    19333.3333333
          100                      8601.33333333
          110                    10154
           10                     4400
           20                     9500
           30                     4150
           40                     6500
           50                     3475.55555555
           60                     5760
           70                    10000
           80                     8955.88235294
           90                    19333.3333333
          100                     8601.33333333
          110                    10154



group_id 不接受任何参数,如果某个特定的分组出现n次,那么grouo_id返回从0到n-1之间的整数。


select e.department_id , e.job_id, group_id(), avg(e.salary)  from hr.employees e 
where e.department_id is not null and e.job_id is  not null
group by e.department_id, rollup(e.department_id, e.job_id)  




------------- ---------- ---------- -------------
           10 AD_ASST             0          4400
           20 MK_MAN              0         13000
           20 MK_REP              0          6000
           30 PU_MAN              0         11000
           30 PU_CLERK            0          2780
           40 HR_REP              0          6500
           50 ST_MAN              0          7280
           50 SH_CLERK            0          3215
           50 ST_CLERK            0          2785
           60 IT_PROG             0          5760
           70 PR_REP              0         10000
           80 SA_MAN              0         12200
           80 SA_REP              0          8396.55172413
           90 AD_VP               0         17000
           90 AD_PRES             0         24000
          100 FI_MGR              0         12008
          100 FI_ACCOUNT          0          7920
          110 AC_MGR              0         12008
          110 AC_ACCOUNT          0          8300
           10                     0          4400 
           20                     0          9500
           30                     0          4150
           40                     0          6500
           50                     0          3475.55555555
           60                     0          5760
           70                     0         10000
           80                     0          8955.88235294
           90                     0         19333.3333333
          100                     0          8601.33333333
          110                     0         10154
           10                     1          4400
           20                     1          9500
           30                     1          4150
           40                     1          6500
           50                     1          3475.55555555
           60                     1          5760
           70                     1         10000
           80                     1          8955.88235294
           90                     1         19333.3333333 
          100                     1          8601.33333333
          110                     1         10154  

与HAVING 子句联合使用,则可以消除重复的列。 



posted @ 2015-10-03 18:04  lihui1625  阅读(268)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报