笔记:Oracle SQL 高级查询简介 (3) MODEL子句,PIVOT与UNPIVOT子句
一、MODEL 子句
model 子句可进行行间计算。
select prod_id, year, month_id, amount_sold from all_sales s where prod_id in (13,14) and s.cust_id = 987 model partition by (prod_id) dimension by (month_id, year) measures ( amount_sold)( amount_sold['01','2008'] = amount_sold['01','1998'], amount_sold['03','2008'] = amount_sold['01','1998'] + amount_sold['03','1998'], amount_sold['04','2008'] = amount_sold['04','1998'] *2 ) order by prod_id, year, month_id;
PROD_ID YEAR MONTH_ID AMOUNT_SOLD 1 13 1998 01 1232.16 2 13 1998 03 1232.99 3 13 2008 01 1232.16 4 13 2008 03 2465.15 5 13 2008 04 6 14 1998 04 1159.99 7 14 2008 01 8 14 2008 03 9 14 2008 04 2319.98
select prod_id, year, month_id, amount_sold from all_sales s where prod_id in (13,14) and s.cust_id = 987 model partition by (prod_id) dimension by (month_id, year) measures ( amount_sold)( amount_sold[month_id='01',year='2008'] = amount_sold[month_id='01',year='1998'], amount_sold[month_id='03',year='2008'] = amount_sold[month_id='01',year='1998'] + amount_sold[month_id='03',year='1998'], amount_sold[month_id='04',year='2008'] = amount_sold[month_id='04',year='1998'] *2 ) order by prod_id, year, month_id;
3、between and
select prod_id, year, month_id, amount_sold from all_sales s where prod_id in (13,14) and s.cust_id = 987 model partition by (prod_id) dimension by (month_id, year) measures ( amount_sold)( amount_sold[month_id='01',year='2008'] = avg(amount_sold)[month_id between 1 and 3,'1998'] ) order by prod_id, year, month_id;
4、any、is any
any 与位置标记合用,is any 与符号标记合用。
select prod_id, year, month_id, amount_sold from all_sales s where prod_id in (13,14) and s.cust_id = 987 model partition by (prod_id) dimension by (month_id, year) measures ( amount_sold)( amount_sold['01','2008'] = avg(amount_sold)[any,year is any] ) order by prod_id, year, month_id;
PROD_ID YEAR MONTH_ID AMOUNT_SOLD 1 13 1998 01 1232.16 2 13 1998 03 1232.99 3 13 2008 01 1232.575 4 14 1998 04 1159.99 5 14 2008 01 1159.99
5、currentv() 获取某个维度的当前值
select prod_id, year, month_id, amount_sold from all_sales s where prod_id in (13,14) and s.cust_id = 987 model partition by (prod_id) dimension by (month_id, year) measures ( amount_sold)( amount_sold['01','2008'] = amount_sold[currentv(),'1998'] ) order by prod_id, year, month_id;
PROD_ID YEAR MONTH_ID AMOUNT_SOLD 1 13 1998 01 1232.16 2 13 1998 03 1232.99 3 13 2008 01 1232.16 4 14 1998 04 1159.99 5 14 2008 01
6、for 循环
语法如下:for month_id from 1 to 3 increment 1
select prod_id, year, month_id, amount_sold from all_sales s where prod_id in (13,14) and s.cust_id = 987 model partition by (prod_id) dimension by (month_id, year) measures ( amount_sold)( amount_sold[for month_id from 1 to 3 increment 1,'2008'] = amount_sold[currentv(),'1998'] ) order by prod_id, year, month_id;
用 is present, 与case when 连用:
select prod_id, year, month_id, amount_sold from all_sales s where prod_id in (13,14) and s.cust_id = 987 model partition by (prod_id) dimension by (month_id, year) measures ( amount_sold)( amount_sold[for month_id from 1 to 3 increment 1,'2008'] = case when amount_sold[currentv(),'1998'] is present then amount_sold[currentv(),'1998']*2 else 0 end ) order by prod_id, year, month_id;
用presentv,相当于is present + case when
select prod_id, year, month_id, amount_sold from all_sales s where prod_id in (13,14) and s.cust_id = 987 model partition by (prod_id) dimension by (month_id, year) measures ( amount_sold)( amount_sold[for month_id from 1 to 3 increment 1,'2008'] = presentv( amount_sold[currentv(),'1998'], amount_sold[currentv(),'1998']*2, 0 ) ) order by prod_id, year, month_id;
用presentnnv, 存在且不为空。
select prod_id, year, month_id, amount_sold from all_sales s where prod_id in (13,14) and s.cust_id = 987 model partition by (prod_id) dimension by (month_id, year) measures ( amount_sold)( amount_sold[for month_id from 1 to 3 increment 1,'2008'] = presentnnv( amount_sold[currentv(),'1998'], amount_sold[currentv(),'1998']*2, 0 ) ) order by prod_id, year, month_id;
用ignore nav (忽略空) 、 keep nav (保留空)
select prod_id, year, month_id, amount_sold from all_sales s where prod_id in (13,14) and s.cust_id = 987 model ignore nav partition by (prod_id) dimension by (month_id, year) measures ( amount_sold)( amount_sold[for month_id from 1 to 3 increment 1,'2008'] = amount_sold[currentv(),'1998']*2 ) order by prod_id, year, month_id;
使用 result update,指定只更新不创建
select prod_id, year, month_id, amount_sold from all_sales s where prod_id in (13,14) and s.cust_id = 987 model partition by (prod_id) dimension by (month_id, year) measures ( amount_sold) rules update ( amount_sold[for month_id from 1 to 3 increment 1,'2008'] = amount_sold[currentv(),'1998']*2 ) order by prod_id, year, month_id;
1、PIVOT 行转列
select * from ( select s.month_id , s.prod_id, s.amount_sold from all_sales s where s.year=1998 and s.prod_id in (13,14,15) ) pivot ( sum(amount_sold) for month_id in ('01' as JAN, '02' as FEB, '03' as MAR) ) order by prod_id;
PROD_ID JAN FEB MAR 1 13 125575.64 122325.21 61649.5 2 14 239773.24 278879.97 221083.56 3 15 165643.35 160732.4 22307.78
2、PIVOT FOR 转换多列
select * from ( select s.month_id , s.prod_id, s.amount_sold from all_sales s where s.year=1998 and s.prod_id in (13,14,15) ) pivot ( sum(amount_sold) for (month_id,prod_id) in (('01',13) as JAN_13, ('02',13) as FEB_13, ('03',13) as MAR_13, ('01',14) as JAN_14, ('02',14) as FEB_14, ('03',14) as MAR_14) )
JAN_13 FEB_13 MAR_13 JAN_14 FEB_14 MAR_14 1 125575.64 122325.21 61649.5 239773.24 278879.97 221083.56
select * from ( select s.month_id , s.prod_id, s.amount_sold from all_sales s where s.year=1998 and s.prod_id in (13,14,15) ) pivot ( sum(amount_sold) as totl_amt, avg(amount_sold) as avg_amt for (month_id,prod_id) in (('01',13) as JAN_13, ('02',13) as FEB_13, ('03',13) as MAR_13, ('01',14) as JAN_14, ('02',14) as FEB_14, ('03',14) as MAR_14) )
JAN_13_TOTL_AMT JAN_13_AVG_AMT FEB_13_TOTL_AMT FEB_13_AVG_AMT MAR_13_TOTL_AMT MAR_13_AVG_AMT JAN_14_TOTL_AMT JAN_14_AVG_AMT FEB_14_TOTL_AMT FEB_14_AVG_AMT MAR_14_TOTL_AMT MAR_14_AVG_AMT 1 125575.64 1231.1337254902 122325.21 1235.60818181818 61649.5 1232.99 239773.24 1217.12304568528 278879.97 1212.52160869565 221083.56 1214.74483516483
drop table pivot_sales_data; create table pivot_sales_data as select * from ( select s.month_id , s.prod_id, s.amount_sold from all_sales s where s.year=1998 and s.prod_id in (13,14,15) ) pivot ( sum(amount_sold) for (month_id) in (('01') as JAN, ('02') as FEB, ('03') as MAR) )
PROD_ID JAN FEB MAR 1 13 125575.64 122325.21 61649.5 2 14 239773.24 278879.97 221083.56 3 15 165643.35 160732.4 22307.78
select * from pivot_sales_data unpivot( amount_sold for (month_id) in (JAN ,FEB, MAR ) )结果:
PROD_ID MONTH_ID AMOUNT_SOLD 1 13 JAN 125575.64 2 13 FEB 122325.21 3 13 MAR 61649.5 4 14 JAN 239773.24 5 14 FEB 278879.97 6 14 MAR 221083.56 7 15 JAN 165643.35 8 15 FEB 160732.4 9 15 MAR 22307.78